Ghostly Image: Girl Reading

Girl reading
Girl Reading


Most days that´s exactly what I look like;)

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

16 thoughts on “Ghostly Image: Girl Reading

    1. Hi Chris! Sorry for the late reply – I´ve still got problems with my notebook:(
      Thank you very much for your lovely comment! Actually it´s acrylic paint on canvased paper, but I think it would be nice to try it your way too:) Wish you also a wonderful weekend! Cheers, Sarah:)

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      1. Hi Sarah:
        Well the problem with my way of doing it is that it could be erased at the end of the day. You get to keep yours forever, if you wish. I hope that you are also having a wonderful weekend.
        Cheers, Chris

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      2. Yes, you´re right and I´m glad to keep my paintings, but I´m also fascinated by tibetan sandpaintings which are so delicate and a wonderful teaching method for the impermanence of all things. I only saw them done in a documentary and was devastated nonetheless to see them getting destroyed after they were finished. That´s true devotion I think. Cheers, Sarah:)

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      3. Hi Sarah
        I’ve heard of but not seen the sand paintings. I would struggle with something that impermanent but then again life itself is impermanent. Still, I’m glad you can keep your nice drawing. Cheers. Chris

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      4. Hi Chris – I couldn´t agree more with you! Life is not only a daily challenge but a daily change as well.
        I´m sure though that there are some buddhist monks who take pictures of their sandpaintings;) Cheers, Sarah

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