Belated Merry Christmas! 

Actually I wanted to post this pic of my poinsettia on Christmas Sunday but due to my current problem with my internet provider I’m relying on free WiFi from the local library or a cafe at the moment, both of which were naturally closed during the hols.

I hope your holidays went great. Mine I spent with eating unbelievable amounts of good food, enjoying the company of my loved ones, laughing, watching movies and reading my book. Actually we thought we could go for a lengthy walk and feed the ducks with leftover bread as the temperatures are unusually warm but unfortunately a storm prevented us from burning the excess calories. 😉

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

45 thoughts on “Belated Merry Christmas! 

      1. I know how it is with visiting blogs and I always think it’s much nicer to visit once in a while than on a daily basis, like friends meeting after some time. 😃 So there’s no need to be sorry, I’m glad to see you visit whenever you do!
        The lack of Wi-Fi was surprisingly nice for a change though I wouldn’t recommend it for too long 😉 Have a great day!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you, Sarah! Hope your internet problems stay in 2016 🙂 I too have a Poinsettia for a Christmas tree this year, and I do love your Christmas card. Wishing you all the wonderful things! xxxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you very much, dear Inese!! I just love poinsettias, they can make a room look like Christmas in a second! 😉 And they’re much cheaper than a Christmas tree 😉
      Wish you a wonderful New Year!! 😚😚😚 xxxxxxxxxxxx

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I hope mine will live to see spring! Normally I have green fingers but poinsettias are a bit difficult. 😉 We shall see whose plant is going to be more resilient 😉
        Have a lovely day! xxxxxxxxxxxx😚❤💙

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  2. This was a pretty and artistic poinsettia greeting for us! I have been happily nor posting very often! Yay, for less comments to respond to, Sarah! I used to ONLY blog using library computer room.
    Side comment (you can delete this) Last year in May (our Mother’s Day) I had my purse stolen from sitting on floor by my feet. It was caught on surveillance tape and the guilty man was charged with 5th degree felon. Guess what? I took a day off and was going to read my victim’s statement. I had to replace my cell phone, glasses, extra contacts pair, driver’s license and four gift cards. He pleaded guilty to a lesser charge and never owed me any money. The prosecutor said I should file on my insurance. Oh well, the amount wasn’t worth paying the deductible. Thanks for listening. . .

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    1. Dear Robin, I wish you a very happy New Year full of love, sunshine and wonderful moments!!! 😄
      Thank you for liking my poinsettia pic, I recently discovered the joy of using snapseed to edit my photographs and it is amazing how good you can make look even bad pictures of you know what to do 😉
      My internet problems are finally solved and I’m happily using it at home again, thouh I have to admit it sometimes was kind of fun going to the library to use it there. Made me think more of what I really had to do instead of just roaming around… the only thing that I really missed was being able to visit all my friends blogs and I have to do a lot of catching up now!
      What happened to you at the library awfull! Sadly it’s so very common. When I started at university you left your things lying around for hours in a small library and nothing happened. But over the years that changed and I had to take all my stuff with me everytime I just went to the toilets. 😦

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      1. Thanks for catching up with my blog posts, Sarah! This is never meant to be pressure since you know I blog in spurts! I get better results if only post once in awhile. 🙂
        Thank you for sympathizing with my library experience! I use it as a cautionary tale. . . you sound like you realize to be careful. Hugs xoxo

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, dear Terry! 😄 Wish you a very happy New Year my friend! With lots of love and great adventures! Hope you had a lovely New Year’s Eve!
      Finally my internet problems are solved and I’m going to hop over to your blog as soon as I’ve replete all my messages 😄

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  3. It sounds like a nice Christmas despite the lack of wifi. Perhaps it made it a bit more special. We had the same one year at Thanksgiving and spent the time like you, reading, eating and such. It made for a very nice time. Merry Christmas! P.S. Your card arrived, thank you. I sent you a message about this on FB, but with no wifi, you may be a bit behind on this.

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