An Afternoon at the Aquarium


A couple of weeks ago I spent a lovely afternoon at the Berlin Aquarium which never fails to fascinate me.

Watching the different jellyfish floating elegantly up and down their water tanks kind of mesmerizes me. I’m aware though, that the effect would be quite different if I were to meet them in the wild. 😉

The Berlin Aquarium is one of very few places worldwide that successfully breeds jellyfish, the others are situated in Monterey Bay, California and Toba and Enochima in Japan. Biologists in Japan are concentrating on breeding the compass jellyfish among others, which is a traditional dish.


Compass jellyfish (Berlin 2018)


In Asia jellyfish are considered tasty as well as good for your health. Not surprisingly they consist mainly of water (95%) but the rest is rich in protein and also contains trace elements like potassium and magnesium.

They’re often served in a salad, cut into thin slices.

There’s one problem though – jellyfish are poisonous.

Traditionally the tentacles are removed by cutting them off by hand. Scientists are now researching methods on how to neutralize their poison in a more economical way.


Tiny Beauty
This tiny beauty would easily fit in your palm – if you were stupid enough trying to hold it. 😉 (Berlin 2019)


Due to climate change jellyfish are becoming more and more of a plague because they flourish in warm polluted water. This does not only happen in Australia and New Zealand but in Europe as well.

By fishing and eating jellyfish instead of fish, we would actually be helping our oceans and in consequence, ourselves.


Blue planet
Blue plane (Berlin 2019)


Talking of which – I think this fish is growing legs in order to try to escape us humans. 😉


A Fish with legs (1)
A fish with legs?! (Berlin 2019)


What I love about this shot, is that the person standing in front of the water tank seems to stand inside it.

It also makes me think how the oceans would benefit if we were only observers instead of invaders…


Standing under the sea
Under the sea (Berlin 2019)


To lighten up the mood, imagine me making silly cooing noises when I saw this little cutie pressed against the glass and looking directly at me! 😉


Hello! (Berlin 2019)


And shortly afterwards Dory said Hello as well! (I just love “Finding Dory” by the way. 😉 I think I might even like it more than “Finding Nemo”! )


Hello Dory
Hello Dory! (Berlin 2019)


But from all the shots I made that day, I especially love this one – an encounter between a little girl and really big fish!


Little girl, big fish
Little girl and big fish (Berlin 2019)


Hope you enjoyed this little trip to the aquarium, even if I made you cringe at the sheer  thought of eating jellyfish. 😉

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

56 thoughts on “An Afternoon at the Aquarium

  1. Love all the photos but that’s probably as close to an aquarium as I’ll be getting. Thanks for the education on jellyfish. Love to learn something new everyday. I don’t eat fish of any kind anymore. There is too much rubbish in the oceans these days.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Marlene! I didn’t know about the jellyfish before I wrote this post either but think it’s a fascinating subject – saving the planet, eat something healthy and have a full belly – all in one! 😁
      And sadly you’re so right about it being better to avoid eating fish because of all that gunk. 😯
      I’ve actually done a bit of research the last month because of this and found out that there are some fish one could eat without either getting a bad conscience or poisoning oneself, like sardines. They’re pretty low in the food chain so they’re not as polluted as bigger fish like tuna. Also they haven’t been overfished yet which is an important point as well.
      Sorry – now you’ve probably learned two new things in one day. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a thought-provoking exposition on food substitutes and sustainability, Sarah! and beautiful photos as always! The aquarium is such a wonderful place, isn’t it? I love the colours and shapes and textures that we don’t get to see on dryland usually!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Ju-Lyn! I didn’t even plan writing about eating jellyfish but came upon this doing some research about their anatomy. 😁 I was so fascinated that I simply had to share. 😊
      And you’re so right about all the wonderful colours underwater normally hidden from our sight – they’re so amazing! 😄


  3. Sound like you had a great afternoon. Lovely pictures. I’ve been stung once by jellyfish while climbing into the boat after diving. Thankfully, they were small jellyfish so it didn’t hurt that much. Such beautiful critters.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Dominique! It really was a lovely time. But I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been stung by jellyfish – I’ve been assured it hurts like hell. 😯 I once stepped on a bee when walking on the beach and my first thought was that I must have stepped on a jellyfish – it was just so painful! Spanish bees are very dark in colour and the darker they get the more they hurt. 😂


  4. What an amazing aquarium! I had no idea people could eat jellyfish, or that they are becoming a problem as our oceans become warmer and more polluted. But you’re right, it does sound like a viable solution! Thank you for these photos…they made my day!


    1. Warm, polluted water causes an increase in algae, which is one of the things jellyfish eat, Jacqui. The others being small fish and sometimes even other jellyfish.


  5. What a wonderful trip to the aquarium. I am always enamoured by the beauty and grace of the jellyfish. Our oceans hold so many wonders. I often wonder if our oceans hold cures as well. I would be cooing at all the glorious creatures, too! 💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I wonder about the same thing, Lisa, and am sure that the oceans as well as the rain forests hold many cures. 😊 We just need to find a way to gather them without inflicting them and destroy these sensitiv ecosystems.
      Have a lovely Sunday! 😄💕

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Sarah, thank you for taking me to the Berlin Aquarium – what a magical place. I think I’ll remain a jellyfish observer, not an eater. I painted a jellyfish for the letter J on my grandson’s alphabet chart – came out decently. Love your statement: if we were only observers instead of invaders…True of so many situations. I remember well what my parents used to tell me: Touch with your eyes. Keep your hands to yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome, Shari! And I can completely understand that you want to remain an observer when it comes to jellyfish.😉 I haven’t tried any yet but think I’d love to if I find a restaurant serving it.
      I still have that photo of your lovely alphabet charge for your grandson and will have another look at it later – I know I’ll love your jellyfish! 😄
      Your parents were very wise which does not surprise me at all. I think it’s a lost virtue nowadays, this self-restrain when it comes to putting your nose, or hands, in things they don’t have a business being in.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I can safely say I have not eaten jellyfish. Loved the photographs and aquariums are so enjoyable as it doesn’t feel like they are “captive” as much as some animals in zoos. I love that the children can sit there and get such a great view!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe! Maybe you’ll try it one day, Suzanne! 😉
      Thank you so much! And I totally agree about it being easier on the mind to watch fish in an aquarium than animals in a zoo. It’s really a great place this aquarium and I plan to go there soon again to watch the feeding of the big fish – should make for some interesting photos I hope. 😊


  8. You must have had a lovely afternoon, Sarah. The jellyfish are so hypnotic.

    I’ve had jellyfish twice. Eaten them, that is. It was nicest the first time. A huge plate of it. Kind of pickled. I think I would prefer just a tiny bit added to a plate of salad.

    I love he photo of the little girl and the big fish. They are so fascinated with one another. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was indeed a great afternoon, Tracy. 😊
      And yay for having tried jellyfish even twice! Many people are somewhat opposed to the texture I think, especially here in Europe. I haven’t come across it in any restaurants yet, and think European regulations might be to blame. But I’ll definitely try it when I get the chance!
      I kept thinking that the fish were a little bit too fascinated by the little girl when I took the photo, and very thankful to the glass pane that kept them at bay. 😉


  9. A fascinating post on the nature of the jellyfish with little known facts about their nutritional value. Magnesium and potassium, that’s what I would need against my cramps. The photos are equally amazing. Great post, Sarah!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Peter! I was equally astonished to learn about their nutritional value when I did the research for this post. There’s always something to learn from ancient Asian practices and traditions, I think. Have a lovely weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. You have reminded me how long it has been since I visited an aquarium. Your photos are lovely — especially the jellyfish which I also find mesmerising. And I love the girl and the big fish; it captures so much of the openness with which children experience the world.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Su! I often think the world would be a better place if we’d find a way of preserving that openness with which children experience the world. Xxxxx


  11. I think I remember some beautiful trips to the aquarium a year ago or so. Jellyfish was such wondrous creatures, so alien in appearance and utterly graceful. Thanks for sharing your amazing photos, Sarah. I can imagine you cooing at a fish. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Diana! 😊❤
      It’s amazing and fascinating how graceful and at the same time sometimes deadly jellyfish can be, isn’t it? And they are wondrous indeed – no brain, no heart, no blood!
      And if it’s cute, I coo at anything. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  12. The pictures are amazing. It’s good you had a lovely day at the the Berlin Aquarium. Thanks for sharing, I’ve learned new and fantastic stuff from your post as I’ve never been to an Aquarium before. Have a blessed week and please keep sharing your fantastic adventures.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much for your lovely comment, Matilde! 😄
      I’m so happy that you could enjoy this little trip to the aquarium with me – isn’t blogging just great? We get to visit places we normally never get to see. 😄
      Have a lovely week!


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