A Dragon Is Born


Those of you following me on Instagram might already have seen it, but I thought I would share it with you here on my blog as well:

My little baby dragon, freshly hatched from its egg!!


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Baby Dragon (Clay, 2019)


I formed it with white clay and then applied a glaze that gives it this amazing metallic shimmer!

As you can see, my little one is quite hungry, begging for seconds all the time. 😉

Dragons are usually carnivores, but so far he’s happy lapping up some mango juice and gobbling down the occasional egg. 😉


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Baby Dragon (Clay, 2019)


I’ve always been a huge dragon fan, reading every story I could get my hands on, like my all-time favorite “The Hobbit” by J.R.R. Tolkien (even thought Smaug is quite the Bad Boy really), the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling, the wonderful novels by Christopher Paolini (“Eragon” being the first in the series), “The Neverending Story” by Michael Ende, “Firelight” by Sophie Jordan, “Dragon Keeper” by Carole Wilkinson and last but not least “A Song of Ice and Fire” by George R.R. Martin.


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Baby Dragon (Clay, 2019)


Most of the books I’ve just mentioned have also been adapted for the screen, showing us all kinds of dragons – magnificently fierce and wild ones like in “Harry Potter” and “Game of Thrones”, the light Chinese ones that don’t even need wings in order to fly because they weigh less than a cloud, or really cute ones like in “How to train your dragon”.

I for one love dragons with lots of shiny scales, fabulous wings, impressive claws and teeth!


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Baby Dragon (Clay, 2019)


Which kind of dragons do you like?

And would you like helping me to name this one? I only know that it’s a male, though don’t ask me how, I just know. 😀



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

64 thoughts on “A Dragon Is Born



  1. He’s gorgeous! And I love dragons too, their various appearances in the fantasy genre are all so cool! From The Hobbit to Harry Potter to GoT.
    I would name the little dragon, Erylch (pronounced as Erilish. Origin: Erilist means “Special’ in Estonian. And this little guy is special so a ‘dragonish’ variation to Erilist would be Erylch). This is just a suggestion!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much! Your name suggestion sounds so lovely and special, perfect for any dragon really! Do you know if there are any dragon myths in Estonia by chance? I only know of them in British, especially welsh sagas, as well as in German ones of course.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My pleasure! Thank you for your lovely response. Hehe, Eastern Europe has quite a few dragon myths and for Estonia in particular, I know of 2. Although Welsh dragon myths are more popular as you said!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Liz! And I think you’re right – he does love his own iridescence. 😉 Can you imagine what he will look like when he’s all grown up? 😀
      If it weren’t for a former classmate of mine who was called Dagmar – and whom I disliked! – I would say, why not! 😀

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  2. Such a beautiful little dragon. Wonderful detail that brought a smile to my face. I love dragons, I love their magic. I can see Hagrid hatching a cutie like this in his cottage and naming him Tanner as he cannot control his flame yet 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Lisa! I’m so glad he made you smile! 😀 I have to admit it’s quite difficult not to tickle him under his little up-lifted chin every time I pass him. 😉
      I bet Hagrid would complain about him being so tiny! LOL! 😀 Like the idea of naming him Tanner! So many wonderful suggestions all around, it’s quite difficult to decide! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I guess you are also a GoT fan 🙂 The first thing that came to mind when I see your cute baby dragon here is the dragons in GoT when they were young. Yes, I “Love” dragons too (just in the movie though – a real one would be too dangerous to be around). By the way, I really Deanery’s dragon brooch (I think that what it is) on here top chest. The GoT costume designers are so good at coming up such little things like these.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Guilty as charged. 😉 I really love what they did with the dragons in GoT – fresh from the egg to their magnificent adult form. 😀 So realistic and beautiful, if just a tiny tad scary. 😉 I always wanted my own dragon and never really gave a thought to them being possibly dangerous to have around though! 😀 I guess, they wouldn’t be if you bring them up yourself. 😉
      That brooch is really lovely, as is all the design of the series! It’s details like this, that make it all so believable, isn’t it?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. From the ones that you’ve mentioned, I’ve only read the Hobbit & some Harry Potter books. I’m going to go with Harry Potter. One of the scenes that I loved was the Hagrid’s contraband dragon egg 😊

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much, Chris! It was a long fight for him to get out of that egg! 😉 He was so hungry, he already ate the top half of it! 😀
      Have a wonderful weekend! Cheers!

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    1. Thank you, Diana! Ooh! I like the sound of Gottfried! Very German and strong! 😀 Should give him a good head start to grow likewise. 😉
      Oh, yes, they’re definitely metaphors for spirit! And I just love the one you’ve painted and use as your gravatar! ❤

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      1. Hehe! When I read your sentence: “Dragons make wonderful muses” I first read “Dragons make wonderful mess”!! 😀 Which of course would also make perfect sense! 😉 Luckily clay dragons are very well behaved that way. 😀 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha! Just wrote about Harry reminding me of Harry Potter! Great minds think alike, right? 😉
        But I do like the sound of Harold! Very traditional and even a bit regal. 😀


    1. Devon is much more original than my first suggestion! 🙂 I think Harry Potter is forever stuck in my brain…we have the whole collection of books as two of my four children read them over and over…and watched all the movies over and over as well.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I like the sound of Devon too! 🙂 How wonderful that your children read the Harry Potter books over and over! I did just the same! 😀 So much inspiration to be found there. 🙂


    2. I know you are, Jill! 😉 Maybe hummingbirds are descendants from dragons? Would explain their magical beauty and perfect flying skills! 😀
      And I like the sound of Devon! ❤

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  4. I was wondering when this adorable little guy would show up here in all his glory as I did get a glimpse on IG – glad to meet him formally, he seems quite advanced for his age. It must be the gleam of his scales.

    Goodge Wynder Fraiche – don’t ask me why and I won’t be the least offended if you bypass this one. Someone else will suggest a more perfect name.

    Seriously now, you gave him such detail and charm, from his egg cradle to his egg-spression. How can I be anything but in love?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe! Love the “egg-spression”! 😉
      Thank you so much for you lovely comment, Shari! How wonderful that you already glimpsed him on IG. 🙂
      And I really love your name suggestion!! It has such a lovely sound to it, also reminds me very much of Welsh which would be perfect since there are a lot of dragons in Wales – at least in my imagination. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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