Creep – 30 Days 30 Songs

Day 12 of my new blog challenge –

Share Your Music! 30 Days 30 Songs!

If you’d like to join me, you can do this on any day you want, or also every day.

A pingback to my posts would be lovely, so that I can keep track of your favorite songs as well.


I think it’s getting clearer by the day during this challenge, that I’m a huge fan of British Bands, and Radiohead is one hell of an English rock band!

This song, their debut single actually, became a worldwide hit, and no wonder really because who doesn’t feel sometimes that they don’t belong here – wherever “here” happens to be.


Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

34 thoughts on “Creep – 30 Days 30 Songs

  1. I love British bands, but I have never heard this song. Quite a song musically…even without the video. Sometimes, I get distracted watching a video when I hear a song for the first time. Often, it is better if I just hear the song first, and then see a video later. Just a thought…I do not know what anyone else feels about that.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Glad to have introduced you to this song, Linda! 😀
      I understand about the videos, I just include them because I wouldn’t be able to play the songs here without them. Personally I don’t mind them, sometimes they can even add another layer to a song. And if the video isn’t good, I simply look the other way and keep listening. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m familiar with the song and always loved the surface simplicity contrasted with the deep angst it expresses. This is the anthem for so many people, especially when we’re young and can’t find ourselves, don’t know who we are or if our lives are worthwhile. Seeing the video, first time for me, layered it with a whole other dimension, especially as Johnny Depp’s performance is understated and heartfelt. (In fact, I much prefer this performance to his over the top stuff in the pirate films.) The sense of hope at the end is a message to those whose souls are in turmoil: the best way to prove your own value is to reach out and see yourself in their grateful eyes. When Depp smiles at the girl (also a very good actress, but I can’t identify her) she sees herself differently. You can tell by the way she walks down the stairway, still alone, but so much more confidently than when she first listened to the song on the headphones. The power of a song – great choice, Sarah. (Boy do I miss those wonderful listening stations in music stores, but then I also miss CDs and records and music stores. What have we done to ourselves?)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Indeed – what have we done to ourselves? I remember those music stations too, and loved them! It was brilliant to have a listen before you decided if you wanted to buy an album. I also miss CDs although I still borrow them from the library I haven’t bought one in ages. And cassette tapes! I used to make mix tapes for my friends at school and we would swap tapes. Ah well, can’t turn the wheels of time backwards.
      I totally agree – this song really is like an anthem for so many and like you I love the subtlety of the actors’ play in this clip. The actress is Charlotte Gainsbourgh, I think.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh yes, definitely! I also like Videotape by them too. I can’t listen their music for too long though as it gets me in a melancholic mood. I had to check the one Darren has suggested. Good one as well.


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