The Changing Seasons – October 2019


It’s time again for the wonderful challenge The Changing Seasons hosted by my dear friend Su from Zimmerbitch!



Having shared with you the artwork by my students at the end of September where we were already busy crafting things for Halloween (back then it was still unfired and unglazed), I thought I’d show you how it looks after they had some fun with glazes (more often than not putting the glaze on themselves than on their clay art):


Halloween decorations crafted by my students (glazed clay; Oct. 2019)


Doesn’t the eyeball give you the creeps? The same student crafted my favorite little ghost in the back and the little figure with big black eyes in the front too.


Some of my favorite pieces (Oct. 2019)


The devil always knows how to dress in style and is wearing a top hat.


 Little devil (Oct. 2019)


Clay pumpkins will last much longer than real ones and can be used year after year.


 Friendly ghost and pumpkin (Oct. 2019)


Wonder what happened to the owner of this hand…


Wanna shake hands? (Oct. 2019)


The kids had lots of fun crafting these pieces of art and it was a real joy watching how they tried to outdo each other with their creepy ideas.

There’s a reason why Grimm’s Fairy Tales for example are still as successful as they were hundreds of years ago. 😉


At the street market


The weather has been unusually mild and sunny this October.

So instead of hurriedly running around at the street market, trying to get a real bargain in under three seconds and hurrying back home, I took my time that day and acted like a tourist, taking pictures for you with my phone to share some impressions of one of Berlin’s most popular street markets that takes place every Tuesday and Friday at the Maybachufer in Kreuzberg.

Because most of the stalls are operated by Turkish families who have lived here in Berlin since the 70’s, the market is colloquially called “Türkenmarkt” by locals.


If you see a small opening like this you better hurry or accept that you’ll have to trot behind whoever is in front of you for the next hour or two. 😉 (Street market Maybbachufer, Berlin, Oct. 2019)



Loved these feathery capes and now wished I had bought one! Maybe next time. 🙂 (street market, Berlin, Oct. 2019)


One of many vegetable stalls – it’s best to have a look at each stall before you decide to buy something because competition is high and you can get real bargains if you have a little time at your hands. (Berlin, Oct. 2019)


Another big feature of this market are the cloth stalls. I usually go here when I need some cloth for a new project as they sell good quality at reasonable prices.


My favorite cloth stall at the market (Berlin, Oct. 2019)


Another cloth stalls that prefers to hang its products from a line for people to look at it more closely (Oct. 2019)


Sadly Berlin isn’t by the sea, so fresh seafood is hard to come by apart from a few stalls like these. I admit that most of the time I buy deep-freeze fish and prawns at the supermarket though, since it’s a lot cheaper.


Fresh seafood (Oct. 2019)


Since the market attracts more and more tourists each year, you can also shop for special gifts like these little handmade bags that caught my eye.


Lovely colorful  handbags (Oct. 2019)


Usually where there’s art there’s also a lot of kitsch to be found as well, and to my embarrassment I have to confess that I fell in love with this little bag.


Little pug bag – a little trashy but cute nonetheless, right? (Oct. 2019)


And because I asked nicely the seller at the flowers stall allowed me to take a picture of these hydrangea and decorative cabbages.


Decorative purple cabbage flowers (Oct. 2019)


After pushing and shoving your way through the masses for what feels like an eternity but might have been a mere fifteen minutes, a sight like this is very welcome and tempting.


Handmade wooden stools for kids (Oct. 2019)



Street market (Oct. 2019)


And a look behind the scenes is always interesting. I wonder if they’d notice if I try to sneak an apple or so behind their backs? 😉


Crates of vegetables and fruits (Oct. 2019)


Okay, I admit I used a little filter with the following pic, but the clouds did look as fluffy as little sheep that day.


Between the two lines of stalls (Oct 2019)


And what did I buy that day? Just some green tomatoes, fresh dates, fresh garlic and some parsley. 🙂


Autumn Leaves


Almost every year my mum and I gather some autumn leaves to turn into clay art. This is something I also do with my students and it’s always a huge hit with them as it is fairly easy to do.

This year we gathered a few leaves from a Gingko tree that stands on the school grounds.

First you flatten out your clay with a rolling pin, then you put the leaves on, and roll some more.

My mum busy pressing the leaves into the clay (Oct. 2019)


Ginko leaves firmly pressed into clay (Oct. 2019)


After that you take a knife or a thin stick and carefully trace the leaves out.


Traced out leaves (Oct. 2019)


The technique is not unlike cutting out cookies. 😉

A couple of days of drying, then I put them in the kiln.

If you’re curious on how they’ll look once glazed, stay tuned for the next post of The Changing Seasons at the end of November. 😉



If you would like to join in, here are the challenge guidelines:

The Changing Seasons Version One (photographic):

  • Each month, post 5-20 photos in a gallery that you feel represent your month
  • Don’t use photos from your archive. Only new shots.
  • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so that others can find them

The Changing Seasons Version Two (you choose the format):

  • Each month, post a photo, recipe, painting, drawing, video, whatever that you feel says something about your month
  • Don’t use archive stuff. Only new material!
  • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so others can find them.

If you do a ping-back to Su’s original post, she can update hers with links to all of yours.




Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

53 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons – October 2019

  1. What an adventurous October you had, Sarah. We have only small farmer’s markets where I live but there’s a huge year-round one in LA – I hate to drive there (the traffic – ugh!) but love the market once I arrive. My favorite pic is the one with the gorgeous clouds as I’m a sucker for clouds. Keep thinking that one day I’ll start a series of paintings of clouds. As for the ginkgo leaves, now I’m really in love. They are my favorite leaves ever, their beautiful shapes, their history of endurance. Your Mum did a terrific rolling out. Do you plan to make a mobile of these? Can’t wait to see them finished.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m also a sucker for clouds!! And my mum too – she’s making daily photos of the sky during summer and sometimes in winter too, when it’s spectacular looking. 😉 I’d love to see it when you start your series of painting clouds – I’m sure you know of John Constable’s marvelous cloud paintings?
      It’s just a short ride with the tube for me to reach the street market but as the tube is always full that’s not much fun either! 😉
      A gingko leave mobile sounds fantastic! But we’re planning on making jewelry with these. 😉

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  2. Your students are very talented indeed, and I love all their creations. Impressive what they did considering their young age. Kids are so creative. I am looking forward to seeing more of the leafs project, and very tempted to give it a try too. Truly enjoyed visiting the market. I took Darren to one of our food market on his last visit in Montreal. He loved it so much —we spent about two or three hours there. Unfortunately, our market doesn’t have cloth stalls or handmade gifts. As always, it was delightful to read you, Sarah. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Dominique!! 😀 ❤
      This time the kids in my pottery class are a real joy to have – I love watching how their creativity takes wing!
      Wow! two or three hours – I'm not sure I could stand being that long on my market, I'm not one for big masses and tend to do my shopping in a hurry. 😉 Maybe there are special markets Montreal that only sell cloths and handmade gifts? We have those too, especially during Christmas season.
      Wishing you a lovely Monday, dear friend! Hugs! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Same here! We have special markets that only sell cloths and handmade gifts, especially during Christmas season and Summer. Annually at the end of November there is The Nutcracker Market –A must see! Luckily there’s also a crop of stores in Montreal that offer all year long genuinely cool souvenirs and handmade eco-friendly gifts. Two hours are not enough to see everything the Jean-Talon Market has to offer, Sarah. Fruit, vegetable and flower stalls line the walkways alongside a tasty array of specialty shops that feature spices, oils, cheeses, meats, pastries and other exquisite Québec products. Truly a delightful place to visit. Ask Darren –I saw him smiling a lot that day. Or perhaps it is because of the beer he had before we went there? 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ooh! I like the sound of The Nutcracker market! Do they play Tchaikovsky and have some ballet dancers perform there as well? 😉
        I imagine one could be slightly overwhelmed by the numbers of stalls! And I bet the beer was only partly the reason for Darren to smile. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Unfortunately, there is no ballet dancer performance. I’ll try to go this year and take a few pics. I don’t think I’ll have time to write a post about it (I’m still working on the film project), but i could put some photos on Instagram. Keep well Sarah.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. The seem to have a lot of fun, Liz! I wish I had this sort of thing too when I was at school. Music isn’t too bad an alternative though, I think, I did dancing and singing which was lots of fun too. 😀

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    1. Thank you, Gill! Me too – I’ll have to wait for some space left in the kiln though, my students are very productive and their stuff is priority of course. 😀 Have a lovely week! xxx

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Markets are such treasure troves – I find navigating crowds challenging though, which is why I cannot cope with prolonged visits.

    Love the pug bag – there are such endearing dogs and the bag is adorable!

    Can’t wait to see the clay leaves once they are fired!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too, Ju-Lyn! Usually I try to get whatever I need in under 15 minutes and make my way home! 😂 Luckily it wasn’t as crowded that day or I wouldn’t have made pictures, or only of other people’s backs. 😄

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    1. Isn’t it amazing how time flies? Can’t believe that Christmas is around the corner already!!
      All is well, thank you, Patty! Hope you are well too? Happy Autumn! Big hug! xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know, right?! This year I think my theme will be winter wonderland 🙂
        Yes, I’m ok again. Had some rough weeks, but getting back into my normal routine again. Hugs! XxX


  4. Your students’ work is wonderful Sarah. They obviously have a great teacher 😀 — and it seems like the class is more enthusiastic and committed than last year.
    The market looks like such fun. We don’t have a local outdoor market, so I hardly ever visit one. I should make the effort — if only to take photos.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Su! 😀 Yes, this class is definitely more enthusiastic and committed! makes all the difference to me really.
      It’s really a cool market, in good weather though quite full!! Sometimes you can’t even move! LOL!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I enjoyed a walk-through of your month. Those Halloween creatures are the BEST. I immediately noticed the eyeball. Hahahaha. Great work all around students!

    Ahhhh, outdoor markets. Yours looks so clean and cool and fresh. Jealous! 😛

    Also, the ginko leaves…when I saw you all pressing them into clay, I thought, What? And then the cutouts. Clever, clever! Looking forward to the final product, xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you enjoyed this post, Lani! That eyeball is quite something, right? 😉 And the girl that made it looks like an angel with long blonde hair and blue eyes! How looks can be deceiving. 😉
      I think the camera made that market look cleaner than it actually is – lol! 😉
      The gingko leaves came out nice of the kiln and I’m going to glaze them soon! 😀
      have a lovely week! xo

      Liked by 1 person

  6. What ages do you teach? Is it a full-time thing or in addition to something else. I love painting ceramics when I was in my early teens and seeing how it changed coming out of the kiln. I’m trying to do the mother-daughter art thing with my daughter too. My mother did sew so amazingly well but I had to learn on my own. She had no patience for letting me learn. I like teaching things to younger people. Each of the pieces was so unique and fun. Thanks for sharing them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I teach ages 10-12, Marlene, and only part-time. I wish it could be a full-time job but finances are always a problem in public schools. 😦
      Actually I don’t really enjoy painting with glazes! LOL! The results are always so unpredictable! But I do like that feeling of opening the kiln and looking inside to see how it turned out. Most of the time I need to double or even triple glaze my pieces though.
      That’s funny, my mum who’s an artist too and even painted for the Royal Porcelain Academy here in Berlin isn’t much of a teacher herself when it comes to drawing. We tried several times to do it together so that she can show me some tricks, but most of the times she was drawing and painting so fast that I didn’t learn a thing! 😀 So I mostly taught myself to draw and paint, got some feedback from her on what to change, did that, got more feedback… well, you know the cycle. 😉 But we do have a lot of fun making pottery together! Does your daughter also have a knack for sewing? I bet she can learn a lot from you!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. My daughter can sew but she’s not really interested in it. Just recently found she loves watercolor. I’m happy she found at least one thing she loves. My mother was quite the seamstress but would not let me near her machine or teach me anything. Like you, I had to learn on my own. I did teach my daughter and help whenever she is inclined to sew. Schools are the same everywhere. The miss the point. Art and music and not frivolous, they are necessary to a balanced life and education.

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  7. It’s amazing how good your students’ pieces look. I bet they’re so proud of them. And loved the pictures of the street fair. I haven’t been to one in such a long time. You remind me why I enjoyed them.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Jacqui! I’m really proud of my students – their creativity seems endless! 😄 Street markets are lovely places – as long as it’s not too cold! Winter’s here already and I’m not one who likes to stand and walk in the cold for too long. 😄

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  8. Loved the trip to the market with you Sarah. What do you use the cloths for? And how fun you can craft with your mother–an artistic mother-daughter duo! Can’t wait to see how the gingko project turns out😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you enjoyed this trip to the market! 😄 My mum’s an incredible artist and I’m learning a lot from her. Working together like with this little project is always lots of fun. 😊
      I always look out for some nice fabrics because I sometimes like to sew things, like bags, pillow cases or even clothes. Haven’t done it in a while but winter might change that. 😉


    1. They are indeed, Tracy! And a real joy to work with. 😄 Most of the time I’m amazed by their creativity and I can’t help gushing – which I think they enjoy. 😄

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  9. Wonderfully creative art, Sarah! I can imagine the delight of your students creating these wonders… 🙂 Loved the trip to the market–thanks for sharing the view. Our October in Maine, USA was lovely too. November is here and snowflakes will be fluttering before our eyes any day. ❤ xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed the students’ art, Bette! They’re a fun and creative bunch this year and a joy to work with. 😄 Wishing you a lovely November! xoxo ❤

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  10. Hmm, none of those little things are not scary or creepy to me 🙂 I think they quite cute, all of them as the matter of fact.

    Love to walk along seeing different items on the street. I like to see these and people that come to visit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad that you enjoyed my students art and that none of them gave you the shivers! 😄
      It’s really fun watching the people visiting these markets, and the things on offer. 😊

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  11. Such cute clay Halloween decorations. I love the little pumpkin and the happy, whirling blue ghost. Browsing outdoor markets is one of my favorite pastimes, but there aren’t any nearby my town. What a pleasure to stroll and shop on a sunny October day. I hope your November is just as glorious, Sarah. Enjoy the coming season. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Diana! I’m really in love with all the art pieces by my students! They’re a fun an creative bunch this year. 😊 Soon it’s going to be too cold for street markets at least for me! 😁 Have a lovely Sunday! ❤

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    1. Hehe! It’s really quite scary, isn’t it? 😉 Imagine face when I first saw it. 😁 Trying to look calm and composed is something I need to practice more. 😄
      Glad you enjoyed the little trip to the market. Happy weekend! ❤

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