“Give me a window and I’ll stare out it”…

This week Amy is challenging us to find and share “A Window With A View” for the Lens Artists Photo Challenge!


“Give me a window and I’ll stare out it.”

– Alan Rickman

I think this is true for all of us! I vividly remember staring out of windows during classes at school (instead of listening to my teachers), daydreaming and watching birds.

I did so less during my years at university though because there I actually wanted to soak up everything that could be taught to me. 😉

I took the following pic at a Citizen Registration Office – what looks like a moon was actually a lamp! With some editing I made it all look a much more romantic place than it actually is. 😀


window Kopie
Citizen Registration Office Berlin



“There’s a window from one heart to another heart.”

– Rumi


Sometimes windows let us see things we normally wouldn’t – like these beautiful penguins swimming effortlessly in their pool at the Berlin Zoo.

The birds always seem to be just as fascinated by their visitors as they are by the birds.

As controversial as zoos may be, I do believe that granting people to watch animals up close, especially in as unnatural a place as a city, we are sowing seeds of awareness of our duty to do everything that we can to protect nature and all its inhabitants.


Humans and penguins up close at the Berlin Zoo



“That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.” 

― Jhumpa Lahiri, The Namesake


“A children’s story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children’s story in the slightest.” 

― C.S. Lewis


And then there are times where we ignore the view from a window because we’re already traveling the world between the pages of a good book.

I always feel giddy with joy seeing people reading actual books instead of staring at the small screens of their phones these days – and I tend to take pictures of them because who knows? In a couple of decades this sight might have become as rare as the dinosaurs…


A traveller on more than one account


Hope you enjoyed my windows with a view!



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

61 thoughts on ““Give me a window and I’ll stare out it”…

  1. Great post Sarah. I love both the first and the last photos especially. And am getting very good at staring out f the windows at work these days.
    I still much prefer reading from paper than from a screen 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot Darren! 😀 Hehe, if I would start staring out of the window at work, the kids would turn the room into a battlefield in seconds! 😉 “Constant vigilance!!” 😉
      And yes, I also prefer paper books!! Have a lovely Thursday afternoon – weekend soon: yay!! 😀 x

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve had your post open for quite the while and keep getting distracted before leaving a comment. Seems to be a pattern these days. I love the window photos and especially the man reading on the train. I love real books. I did notice that after I injured my thumb, it was harder to hold the books until it healed. I’m grateful for the light weight of the tablet and the headphones that read to me but I still want my hard books. I hope they never go away. The quotes are wonderful. The one from CS Lewis is especially good and true. I never know what I’m going to find here but I always find something worthwhile. See you here again soon. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Marlene! If anyone knew how much I get distracted they would all applause me that I manage to leave any comments at all!! So don’t worry. 😉
      I’ve tried reading on an e-reader once and noticed that it simply can’t hold my concentration long enough, maybe because it’s somehow related to smartphones and we all know how those seem to make us all people with short attention spans! Also it quite strained my eyes which doesn’t happen with books on paper. But I fear that they will sooner or later disappear forever… what a horrible thought!

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      1. So we really understand each other when it comes to distraction. 😉 I understand about not liking e-readers. I have a feature where I can put a sepia color background for the book. It helps the eyes a lot. and I can tone down the background light. I tend to read more on it when I’m away from home and use it for audible the rest of the time. I want more reading time but I want more time for too many other things as well. You know what I’m talking about.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I do know what you’re talking about! 😉
        That you can change the background color to sepia and also dim the background light on your reader sounds good, I’ll definitely try that out next time! Have a wonderfilled weekend, my friend! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow! That first photo is amazingly inspiring and magical —sooo creative! Love everything about it. Also enjoyed the Lewis quote and the photo of the traveller on the train. Is it your reflection that we see in the top right corner? Beautiful shot. I agree with you —nowadays, we don’t see people reading paper books as much. Everyone seems to be reading on plasma, at least while they commute. I personnaly need to hold the book in my hands in order to immerse myself completely in the novel. This might be a age thing though. Oh my, never thought I would say this but I’m getting old!!!!!!!!! Great work Sarah. BTW I am having problems with my WordPress site at the moment and it is difficult to leave comments or reply to WP friends. I’m working on it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, dear friend!! I just had a closer look at that pic with the man reading the HP book and found my own reflection exactly between him and his book! LOL! 😀 I think I’ve been wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses though. 😀
      I share the same feelings about reading real books on paper – much better! I tried an e-reader some while back and just couldn’t loose myself as much in the story as I can when I’m holding paper in my hands. Completely weird, isn’t it? So I’m very thankful that there still are paper books!! And no, I really don’t think that it’s an age thing, I think we’re just very romantic. 😉
      Hope your problems with WP are soon solved – can’t wait for WFNC!!! Hugs&love!


  4. Windows, text and quotes make this a completely lovely post! I love everything about it. Your angles are interesting and that last photo of the grown man with a HP book – perfect.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lovely photos, Sarah. You made that light/moon look magical, and I love the photo of the man reading with its reflections and Harry Potter capturing his attention. I agree with you about zoos. People tend not to care about things they have no experience with. Have fun taking more pictures – they’re fun to look at!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Diana! 😀 I was completely smitten by the fact that the man was reading Harry Potter in public – so many seem to read these book only at home though I don’t get why – they are fabulous books!!
      Wishing you a beautiful and creative weekend! ❤

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  6. The train–yep. I took a 5-day train ride across America and spent an awful lot of time staring out the windows. They’re addictive on a train.

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  7. What a great idea to focus on windows and their unique views. I really like the Berlin office rondel (is is a rondel?) as it appears concave and convex depending on how I focus my eyes. The penguins seem surreal (Magritte would love them, don’t you think?) whereas the train traveler is in another world – I love the images of the other passengers, perhaps in a train going the other way, or maybe their image is reflected in the window as they sit on the other side of the aisle from the Potter fan. Your photography is intriguing, Sarah.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Shari!
      I think it’s called an œil-de-boeuf, or bull’s eye/ox eye window. 🙂
      Oh, I think Magritte would definitely have enjoyed the surreal penguins!! 😀
      The image of the other passengers is indeed a reflection of those sitting opposite the Harry Potter fan – you have a good eye for details! No wonder though since you’re an artist! 😀
      Hope all is well and wishing you a lovely weekend! ❤

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    1. Thanks so much, Tracy! ❤ Just in case – that’s what I thought. 😉

      Do you mean the terrible accident at New Year’s Eve? That was in Krefeld and ‘luckily’ not in Berlin. It’s just so horrible what happened to the primates there. They had to shoot the oldest living gorilla in Europe there yesterday because they were unable to get him better after the accident. 😢 Only two chimpanzees survived. Apart from the Chinese lanterns (which I also didn’t know are illegal to use in Germany), what’s to blame is that the building dated from the 70s never got a fire detector system installed – apparently there’s no law that requires buildings from that time to get updated. They’re hopefully about to change that now.

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      1. It is indeed astonishing and horribly reckless for a zoo not to have fire protection, Tracy. I still can’t believe such a thing to happen in Germany – we who are boasting around that we’re all for building regulations and rule-lovers. Shame on us!

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