Finding “Fairy”


Butterfly-winged fairy, November 2016 (micron ink on paper, on construction paper and glittery shamrocks)


About two weeks ago my dear friend Patty asked me if I would like to contribute to a blog post about fairies that was going to show up on her new blog The Strix

Being very partial to fairies I was determined to give it a try, even with my eye not being fully healed yet.

Like always, I began with doing a sketch in pencil, as it´s much easier to erase if something´s wrong.


Step 1:

Butterfly-winged Fairy, Nov. 2016 (pencil on paper)


As you can see, the lines are not very rich in contrast, which is why I used my micron ink pen to draw it again.


Step 2:

Butterfly-winged Fairy, Nov. 2016 (micron ink on paper)


At this stage I still wasn´t sure what exactly it is the fairy is throwing into the air, and I was thinking of stars, rainbows and other things like it.

Then I remembered having once bought tiny little glittery shamrocks which you can put on your nail polish if you like that kind of thing 😉

I tried it, but it wouldn´t stick as my nails are kind of too arched for that. So, there they were, lying around, and not being good for anything really.

That´s when I thought, that maybe I could add them to this little project…especially since fairies are by nature irish of course 😉

And like a fairy I threw them on the paper 😉

Step 3:

Butterfly-winged Fairy, Nov. 2016 (micron ink on paper with glittery shamrocks)


I already liked the picture as it was on step 3, but thought I could maybe try to make it a bit more “magical”. So I cut the fairy out with really tiny scissors and stuck it to some black construction paper. Then I again threw out my glittery shamrocks.

Et voilá… the picture was complete! 🙂


Step 4:



Butterfly-winged fairy, November 2016 (micron ink on paper, on construction paper and glittery shamrocks)


Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

47 thoughts on “Finding “Fairy”

  1. Hi miss G
    Enjoyed the process with you
    At first I thought this was digital art, but now see how it all unfolded –
    And like how you use stuff around – like the nail polish!
    So creative and repurposing –
    Also – hope your eye is 100% soon

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Yvette! So lovely to hear from you again! 🙂 And thank you so much for your wonderful comment, I hoped folks would like to know the whole process, especially when it´s done non-digital 😉 (although that´s not entirely true as I had to take a photograph and uploaded it 😉 )
      I always admire people who try to make everything useful and recycle things, make even art out of it.
      And thank you too for your good wishes, my dear friend! 😀 Wish you a lovely day, a wonderful weekend and an amazing pre-Christmas time! 🙂 Hugs&Kisses! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi miss G
        Well let me tell u even more about why I liked the explanation
        Because first
        I wondered – really – when I saw the black I thought digital
        And then smiled with the recycle
        And side note – I was queen of helping schools recycle -land make art – to where I burned out with it at one point
        Because I have been away from art classes for a while now (needed breaks) and because I do not follow a lot of artists –
        Coming here and scrolling the whole post was a delight
        A taste of art for my soul
        And left with a smile!
        Enough from moi

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh, thank you so much for your very lovely comment, dear Yvette!! 🙂 It´s so wonderful to read what people think when confronted with art and everybody has his or her own point of view that makes it even more special! What you did for the schools sounds so impressive and wonderful, but I´m sad that it took such a heavy toll 😦 Burn out is such a cruel thing…
        And I feel so honoured to be one of the few artists you follow!! Makes me feel so special and happy! 😀
        Wish you a very beautiful weekend, my dear friend! Hugs! xxxxxxx

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Well not burned out in that bad of a way – not at all – more burned out with the way I did it – if that makes sense – and also had just had enough and I need to change gears more than most folks – well sometimes – but pure joy teaching art to all ages….
        Ok – got that covered (wink)
        And sending you well wishes for your eye!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Ah, then I´m relieved! I feared it was the bad kind of way, too many people are cursed with it nowadays… But I get what you mean with being burned out with the way you did it, that´s a good thing of you that you noticed it before it could get worse. You listened to your gut and that´s the best thing we can do…
        And thank you for your healing wishes, I appreciate them and you very much!! 🙂 ❤ xxxxxx

        Liked by 1 person

  2. How great to read the process you followed to get to the end result, which is again; marvelous !!!
    Although I agree with you, step 3 was already beautiful too 🙂 I talked with John (AlpeJohn) about it one time, that we artist are perfectionists and that can get in our own way at times, haha

    Just a correction about The Strix, I am the administrator, but it’s not mine only 😉

    Enjoy your evening and if we don’t talk again; a super lovely weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, dear Patty!! 🙂
      Yes, I can only agree with you and John on this matter 😉
      Oh, my fault! Of course I know that´s not yours alone! Sorry!
      Wish you also a lovely evening – I´m going to make some nice home-made pizza now for dinner;) – and have a wonderful week, too! xxxxxx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It was such a beautiful fairy right from the beginning, Sarah. You gave her more depth and brought her to Life as you went through the steps and so nice to see the final sweet art piece. Perfection, dear! xoxo hugs

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you sooo much for your very lovely words, Robin!! 🙂 You make me glow with joy and I´m so happy you like my little fairy! Hope it will sprinkle you with lucky shamrocks! Have a very beautiful weekend, my dear friend! Hugs&Kisses! xxxxxxxxxxxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The idea of us all reaching for the lucky shamrocks floating away from the fairy’s hands. You are so kind and generous. Plus, a talented artist! Such a beautiful blog post, Sarah. Rest your eyes and keep deeply, dear. My your creative dreams come true. ❤ xo

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Chris! 🙂
      Yeah, it took me about half a day to figure it all out (plus the night before when I got the idea – most ideas really come at night in my case 😉 ).
      Wish you a very great week! Cheers! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This is lovely Sarah; and I enjoyed reading about your work process. I’m going to reach up and catch a little handful,of lucky shamrocks when they float past me. Hope you’re having a great week. xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Su! 🙂 I really enjoyed the whole process very much and thought it would be nice for a change to share it with you 😉
      That´s exactly what I had in mind: you all catching those lucky shamrocks! 😀 Wish you also a wonderful week! Around here it´s really awfull weather, lots of icy rain and then the sole of one of my boots broke up and I had to run around with a wet and sub zero foot for about an hour before I could go home! Brrr! 😉
      xxxxxxxxxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 😕 I hate when footwear breaks at the worst possible time — and it always does. Hopefully the weather has improved a bit (though I guess it is almost winter). It is rainy and windy here and much worse down south where they really don’t need bad weather to add to all the other problems.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Too true! I once went jogging when I noticed this flapping sound every other step…the sole of my shoe came of right until the tip! It was quite embarrasing, especially when all the other joggers noticed and grinned! I went right back home!
        Nah, the weather wont improve around here, I fear. Although it´s relatively warm now, but winds and rain really make it hard to go outside.
        Hope your weather will get better soon, especially in the south! They really could use a bit of luck…

        Liked by 1 person

      3. It seems to be epidemic ´cause my mom told me yesterday that her boots are broken down as well! I can´t help but think that industry always uses cheaper materials so we have to buy new stuff every couple of years 😦 No, wait, I don´t think so, I know so!
        Glad you noticed it before you wenn in the bush! 🙂


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