Two Years of Blogging and a bit of Dalí


I can´t really believe it myself, but yesterday was my second blog anniversary! I knew it was due sometime this summer but didn´t really kept an eye on the exact date and was thus taken by surprise when WordPress congratulated me.

Consequently I didn´t prepare anything fancy in advance – shame on me, really. But then I´m not even celebrating my birthdays very much, I wink at them as they silently pass by from a distance, not having any effect on how old I actually feel compared to that hideous date of birth in my passport (the one that reaches back into the Middle Ages). 😉

But there are things that I appreciate very much when it comes to blogging and that are actually worth celebrating.


It´s the fact that I have made so many wonderful friends here  – a thing that I didn´t even anticipate when I started on this expedition!

It´s the fact that I actually managed to blog about all of my more or less art related projects for two years now, which truthfully I never would have guessed in the beginning, having started with a couple of paintings that I did back then and no idea what to blog about once they were all presented – which was approximately after two months. 😉

It´s the fact that by blogging about a thing I love – making art – I got even more creative than I ever thought possible.

It´s the fact that I learn almost daily new things by simply reading other people´s blogs.


Dalí formed from clay, fired and glazed with “Baroque” glaze


I admit that at times I struggle with blogging. As you all know it´s a very time-consuming hobby 😉 But I never regretted doing it, not once and not in the slightest.

As you might or might not know – my art is something that´s not very known to or appreciated by my “real” friends in the analogue world. And by reading other people´s blogs, I´ve learned that I´m not alone in this.

I often wonder why though, why the sides of us that we all here on WordPress consider important enough to blog about, are (willingly?) ignored by people who know us personally. So far I failed to come up with a convincing explanation for this phenomenon.

But what I know is that I´m very, very grateful for all the support and encouragement I receive by my friends here!

If it were not for you, I might not even have pursued my art expedition after the first couple of months of blogging.

But there´s at least one person in the real world outside WP who I have to thank most for inspiring to make art, and that is my mom. Being an artist herself, she always encourages me to just follow my heart.

And it´s her that has created this lovely little portrait of the famous Spanish surrealist Salvador Dalí with his striking moustache which is now lying on my desk, next to my laptop, inspiring me to create art every day, even if it´s only a little doodle.

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

85 thoughts on “Two Years of Blogging and a bit of Dalí

  1. Where shall I start Sarah! Sorry I’ve been away for a bit! Now catching on your wonderful articles!
    Congratulations my friend…I wish you many, many years of blogging and art! I’m so grateful I got to meet you here and read your amazing articles:-) Much love and luck to you:) XOXO
    I’m with you….I don’t really share the many sides of me that I so readily share here, with my “real world”! No idea why though…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your friendship and constant support, dear Divya! 😀

      It´s a strange thing, right? This sharing parts of you in one place but not in the other. I feel always a little bit reminded of those Russian matryoshka dolls… hiding differently colored dolls inside each other.

      And don´t worry about catching up with my blog – it´s always lovely to “see” you! 🙂 Hope you are well and enjoyed some wonderful summer time! Much love and many hugs to you! Have a lovely week! xoxoxoxo ❤

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  2. Dear Sarah,
    congratulations on your second blog-anniversary. Like you, I have made wonderful connections via WP and you are one of those Beautiful Souls. Proud and honored to know you, to work with you together every now and then ( The Strix) , but most of all…I love our virtual conversations and I hope to meet you someday in the future in ‘real life’ and in addition… to sit down in your eat-art- cafe 😉
    Big hug sweet lady, XxX

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I just looked it up at Google maps; we live 6-hours-drive-by-car away from each other. That is a long drive, maybe we can meet somewhere half-way. Or, by plane it’s a hour (without traveling to and from airports). That is doable, right? Let’s agree to make it happen someday! 🙂

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  3. Your piece of art of the great artist is really well crafted, Sarah. So glad that you have enjoyed blogging and congratulations… wishing you many more years to come! Thanks for this blogger friendship and for all your interesting posts, keep writing and inspiring us. Have a lovely week ahead and all the very best to you and your wonderful mother! ❤ 🌺 🌻 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Iris! 😀
      It´s people like you who make this community the lovely place it is – full of friendship and inspiration! Reading all those beautiful blogs I often feel like a little bumblebee happily gathering some lovely honey from all those wonderful minds. 😀
      Wish you a beautiful week too! Take care! Much love! 🙂 ❤ 🌺

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  4. Happy 2-yr bloggiversary!
    More importantly, happy 2 years of creating your (he)art freely!
    And last, but not least: tip of the hat to your Ma, who is your staunchest supporter…
    ps-I love your ‘Dali’…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations. I am so glad you have persevered with your blog, even though I know it is very time-consuming. I enjoy so much our online friendship, and love seeing your creativity shine. Your Dali is wonderful; a perfect representation of his artistic self. Happy weekend my dear friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Su! 🙂
      I too enjoy our friendship so very much and always appreciate your wonderful comments and insights – it´s one of the best things happened to me here in the blogosphere! 😀 It might sound crazy because we haven´t met in person (yet) but you are one the persons that inspire me to always try to get better at what I´m doing and for that I want to thank you!
      Much love! xxxxxxx


  6. Woohoo, a big celebration is in order for your second anniversary, Miss G!! I love exploring here and finding your creative art. I do hope your friends in “real” life (outside of the blog world) appreciate more of your artwork soon. Let’s dish out the cake now, shall we?!! 🙂 ❤

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    1. Thanks so much, Christy! 😀 I´m so glad to have met you here! 😀
      And I´m sure as soon as I´m ridiculously famous and rich those friends will come running 😉
      And as you know: I never say no to a good cake 😉 Would you care for a slice of my Matcha cheesecake later in the afternoon? 😉
      Have a lovely Sunday! 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I would join you for cheesecake, dear friend, if you allow me to add two candles to commemorate the occasion and also cups of tea at the side 🙂 I hope your week is going well! ❤

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  7. Congratulations on your two-year blog anniversary! That’s a huge accomplishment, especially when you are blogging about something as personal and creative as your art. As for the support we get from other bloggers, I’ve found that to be true as well, even though my blog is centered on writing. I have good friends who rarely, if ever, read what I’ve written, but people I’ve met through the blog read every post and let me know they like the way I write. The also share ideas in the comment section that give me new ways to think about the subject of my original post. Like you, I have no idea why that is, but I just accept it and am grateful for the support of my blogging friends. Thanks for being one of those people!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Ann! It´s an amazing feeling to have such welcoming and supporting friends like you and it makes more than up for the lack of acknowledgment in the so called real word outside blogging.
      Apart from the obvious trolls and people who only gain to confirm themselves via Social Media, I´ve come to learn that people who gather here on WP have several things in common like for example curiosity and an open mind. It´s wonderful to connect to these people, to learn from them and their stories and art. I´m thankful we’ve met here, Ann, and I´m glad to call you my friend!
      Have a ver lovely Sunday! 🙂

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  8. What a lovely anniversary post … full of heart and love which is how I always view you. You have a wonderful mum and I would like to say to her … she has produced a truly special daughter. One to be so proud of (which I know she is) and one to cherish (which I know she does). YOur mum is also extremely gifted. That little Dali is magnifique. I adore it. Have an adorable sunshine filled weekend, dear Sarah – I am so delighted and thrilled to call you my friend xxxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww – thank you so, so much, dear Osyth, for your wonderful words! You truly bring me close to tears! I will make sure to pass on your lovely words and praise to my mum later on at lunch – and I know already she will be perfectly thrilled that you adore her little Dalí! 😀
      I´m so very thankful for our friendship!
      Wish you a perfect Sunday and hope you´ve not to suffer under the current heatwave too much! Much love and many hugs! xxxxxxxxxxx


  9. Congratulations on two years! Your Dali is bold and should act as your muse! May you continue to create and enjoy blogging. Those who know you personally and don’t follow are missing out! I have experienced the same non-interest.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for your wonderful words, Jo! 😀 They truly make me smile 🙂
      Wish it were different with those knowing us personally but we can count ourselves lucky to have had the courage and the means to go out there (i.e. the internet 😉 ) and find people who do appreciate what we´re doing 😀
      Wish you a wonderful weekend!


  10. Happy two-year blog anniversary, Sarah! WordPress is such an amazing community, and like you, I’ve learned so much from reading other people’s blogs. It is interesting, as you said, that those who know us best might not know much about our creative work. In my case, I rarely tell people that I write. It was only upon the publication of my first children’s story that really even my family knew, lol. I guess I’m afraid if I tell people, then they will read my work and think it is terrible. One thing about blogging is that it has made me write instead of finding an excuse not to do so. It has also made me go outside of my norms and experiment. I love your art and am so glad that you share it. I also am admiring that fabulous Dali portrait. Your mom sounds amazing! Birthdays, ugh, you don’t even know yet, ha ha…I have one coming up that I shall be winking at for sure. Happy weekend again! xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Lana! 😀
      How wonderful that blogging made you write instead of finding excuses not to do so! I think it´s the same for me 🙂 By starting to put one´s work out there, we feel somehow committed to continue with it – quite a clever trick from our subconsciousness to overcome possible dreads of failure if you ask me 😉
      But it must have been hard to keep your writing a secret from your family and I´m glad that now they know what an amazing writer you are! And I understand why not telling sometimes seems the lesser of two evils – although in your case I am 1000% sure that no one reading your work could ever say they find it terrible!!!
      Have a happy and inspiring Sunday my friend! Much love! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I do agree that by putting our work out there sort of gives us the responsibility to continue. The amazing support that we also get from our outstanding blogging friends (wink, wink) is also a big boost. Isn’t it interesting how people can see things in your work that maybe you, yourself missed? It is truly a wonderful experience. Happy Sunday and much love to you, Sarah! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Sarah! 🙂
      Yes, it really is amazing and wonderful! I would never have thought it possible and am so grateful for this lovely community!
      The internet can have many scary and dark aspects too, but luckily it´s also possible to connect to like-minded people and share common interests and inspire each other.
      Have a lovely weekend! 🙂

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  11. Congratulations, Sarah!
    As to why we get more validation here on WordPress than in the “real” world, I think it’s because the people here, for the most part, are creatives, so we understand and appreciate the process. Our families and friends don’t dabble in the creative arts–at least, mine don’t. I have one sister (out of 5 siblings) who reads all my writing, and that’s it. I think we bore them. 😑
    Have a wonderful weekend!! 😊💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Cathy! 😀
      I think that´s exactly the reason too. Apart from my mom no one in my family dabbles in the creative arts – well not that I know of 😉 It´s really sad that most of your siblings don´t show any interest in our wonderful writings. I don´t have any but I know I would be quite devastated if they wouldn’t since as a single child I´m filled with (probably unrealistic) fantasies of having that wonderful connectedness with siblings.
      You might also be right with the assumption that we possibly bore them – it seems so harsh a word but sadly has the ring of truth in it. What a depressing thought though… 😔
      All the more reason to cherish those who care, like your sister, my mom and our WP friends!!
      Have a beautiful and creative weekend too! 🙂 ❤

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    1. Thank you very much, Dolly! 😀 I´m sure my mum had only Dalí in mind when she did the portrait though as she´s a great fan of his art (as am I). But you´re right it also resembles Henry IV too 😉
      Have a great weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. He´s been one of a kind for certain and I can imagine you going to that museum so well! There´s a wonderful little permanent exhibition here in Berlin to that shows many of his drawings – make sure to go there if you ever come to Germany 😀

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  12. Happy anniversary. 🙂 We’re all the richer for seeing your creative side. We all have friends who fail to appreciate our artistic expressions…or maybe they are just frightened or confused by them because they haven’t (yet) reached a place where they are comfortable with their own creative impulses. We are very lucky.
    The Dali portrait is fantastic. The glaze makes it. I’m sure the man himself would approve. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Óglach! 🙂
      I think you might be right with our friends being just frightened or confused by our artistic expressions, especially those who don´t follow their creative impulses. We are very lucky indeed to have the courage to live our dreams in this perspective even if they might appear small to others.
      Wish you a wonderful weekend and hope you´ll soon post a story again 😉

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  13. Congratulations on the blog anniversary. Writing about anything for 2 years is a big deal. Art is always a perspective thing and rarely as important to others as to the creator. So many don’t get it’s value. I often think it’s in the creation that we are most truly alive. Keeping on creating.

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    1. Thank you so much, Marlene!
      I couldn’t agree more about art being a perspective thing. And I also share you believe that we who are creative feel most alive when pursuing our art. It´s one of the things that makes me feel my true self so to speak.
      Hope your computer problems have been solved by now?
      Wish you a wonderful – and creative! 🙂 – weekend! 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much, dear Rose!! 😀
      I haven´t done Raku yet but am eager to learn it someday! It´s bound to be more magical firing the ceramics in a real fire instead of a lovely modern electric kiln 😉
      Have a beautiful weekend my wonderful friend! 💕😘

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I look forward to seeing your Raku pottery someday! I own a couple of pieces which I love very much.

        I had a marvelous weekend! Thank you, Sarah! Have a fabulous week, 💓 💗 💖

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  14. Congratulations!!! I’m still a novice here but I really like your art. It’s inspiring and shows hard work in it!
    I also believe that blogging can sometimes be struggling but for most of the time it’s a most rewarding experience.

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  15. Congratulations on 2 years Sarah, I for one am glad I found you and your blog. You inspire me with your creativity and insight. Yes, the keeping up with blogging can be difficult at times, but finding the time to read and visit other blogs can be rewarding. I look forward to my continued visiting to your site dear Sarah, you are a wonderful person to call friend. Happy Weekend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so very much for your wonderful words, dear Terry!! 🙂 I am truly blessed with a friend like you and I´m so glad that you find the things I do inspiring – that means so much to me!
      Wish you a beautiful and happy weekend my wonderful and inspiring friend! You´ve made me very happy with your comment 😀
      Many gentle hugs and lovely sunshine to you and Gary! ❤

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  16. Congratulations to your anniversary, dear Sarah 🙂 Your piece of art is wonderful, I like your creative style. Make sure you stay a happy blogger. I find it a balancing challenge, it’s time consuming and my own creativity needs room too. 😉
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Dina & co

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    1. Thank you very much, dear Dina!!! 🙂
      I knew you would understand this! It´s a challenge for all artists I think, apart maybe from those who don´t engage in Social Media (or who have drones doing it for them 😉 ).
      Have an amazing and inspiring weekend too! Love! 🙂 xxx

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