Broken Bones


Before (1)
X-ray of my mum´s subcapital humerus fracture (Nov. 2017; edited with Snapseed)


Two weeks ago my mum had an accident – in order to get some winter boots down from the attic, she fell from a ladder and broke her shoulder joint (subcapital humerus fracture).

Instead of phoning for an ambulance, she phoned me – you can imagine my – well-hidden – anger. Not because I didn´t want to bring her to the hospital, but because I know that if you arrive there on your own, belief is that you´re not as unwell as you claim to be and in some cases, like in this one, it would have been far better to arrived in an ambulance.

So I brought her to the emergency room of a nearby hospital where we had to wait for about 6 hours because the guy at the reception totally miscalculated what she had. Which is no surprise, really, because he didn´t even care to properly look at her or her shoulder and obviously didn´t believe either of us.

When I went to the loo, she finally broke down in front of a nurse from all that pain she successfully had tried to conceal from me. That nurse instantly knew what my mum had, put her in a Gilchrist and managed to alert a doctor who until then had always hurried away after taking only a glance at my mum.

Finally she was x-rayed and now everybody could see what my mum and I already had guessed. And after six hours of immense pain she finally got some painkillers. By that time it was already late into the evening and they decided to keep her in the hospital where she would receive surgery two days later.

Somehow I managed to stay strong all the time during that first awful day in the hospital and only when I got home, my tears finally flowed freely from my eyes.

At this point I need to add that my mum and I are very close and always have been. To see her like this – suddenly very small like a little bird, not knowing how to position herself because of that pain and the uncertainty of what was in store for her – was simply  unbearable.


X-ray after the surgery (Nov. 2017; edited with Snapseed)


She stayed in hospital for a week, and now I´m trying to take care of her. Today the stitches will hopefully be removed and then physio therapy can start.

Now you know, why I have been so absent in these last weeks, not blogging myself and not reading all of your lovely blogs which I have missed very much. I promise to give my best to catch up, but know it will take while.

Understandably I haven´t done anything creative during this time, so I simply took some photos of my mum´s x-rays and added a splash of color to them. 😉

Hope you are all well and enjoy a wonderful (Thanksgiving) weekend!

Take care and please – if you need to step on a ladder, make sure someone else is there too, or if that isn´t possible, at least keep your phone with you!

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

111 thoughts on “Broken Bones

  1. I hope your mother is feeling a lot better! I fractured my humerus in January, have been blogging my experience. It’s not a fun experience for me, and I feel bad for my family too as I understand it puts stress and pressure on them too.

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    1. Thank you! She has better control over her arm again and can even luft and carry things but still is in quite some pain. The doctors said it would take about half a year but my guess is that this can be doubled.
      And I’m sorry to hear you also fractured your humerus. Hope the pain is not too worse and that you get better really soon!

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  2. Oh Sarah, I feel so sorry for your Mum. She had been in terribly pain, and I was very disappointed to learn that medical care in your ERs is very similar to what we are having here. So very sorry, and wishing your Mum a speedy recovery. Her surgeon has done a great job, and physiotherapy will do the rest. Love to you both! ❤

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    1. Thanks so much for your warm words, Inese! It’s been quite a trial and I’m so glad she’s on her way to recovery. The arm is already improving a bit and she manages to do little things with it which really makes a difference and helps to lighten up her mood.
      Wish you a very beautiful and peaceful and Merry Christmas my dear friend! Lots of love! ❤

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  3. I’m so sorry to read about your Mum’s terrible injury and hope she’s healing well. But I know from personal experience that this kind of injury is likely to take a year to really heal. I hope she’s being diligent about the physical therapy because that’s the key to regaining movement and flexibility. Please tell her that even when she’s feeling down about how little progress she may seem to be making, she’ll suddenly realize that things are going better and better in tiny increments. And she’s entitled to special services at airports and on planes. What a wonderful daughter you are to be by her side.

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    1. Thank you so much for your warm words, Sharon. I already suspected that the healing will take much longer than what the doctors say, which was 3 to 6 months. I actually always double the time they announce 😉 And this confirms my suspicion.
      Unfortunately she´s caught the flu now, and the coughing doesn’t help much with the pain.
      But she has already realized small improvements in the last two weeks, like she can now make her hair on her own (she´s very fastidious when it comes to her hair and claims I did an awful job at it! LOL!).
      It´s these small things that can mean so much, can´t they?
      Wish you and your family a very lovely holiday time! ❤

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  4. I’m so sorry to hear about your mother’s fall and broken bones. Having recently been there myself, I can imagine how hard this must have been for you too. I’m glad she’s healing and about to start physio. Please give her my regards. I broke my leg quite badly and you end up feeling at a real loss. The love and patience of family members really help.

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    1. Thank you very much for your lovely comment, Cynthia! And I’m so sorry that you had to go through the same pain and trial. Do you still experience a lot of pain or did it wear off already? I hope you enjoy a beautiful holiday season! Best wishes! 😊

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  5. I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. I’ve somehow miss this post. Otherwise, I would of comment sooner. Hope your mother will get better soon. Sending you good vibes Sarah. Please take good care of yourself. -Dominique (P.S. Loved chapter 19 of your Slightly Different Count Dracula. I thought the writing was what kept you busy.)

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Sarah, your story is… “tellement inspirante”. Beautiful, simply beautiful. It is a true pleasure to read you! Bonne semaine mon amie (so happy to be able to say this to you). xoxo

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  6. oh I am so sorry for this trial – and how nice your mom has the support system in you!
    also- kind of a side note – but I have a student who is doing some research on concussions and she can only find studies on sports concussions and we were talking how some people “fall off ladders and can get a concussion” and it led to a discussion on ladders and also other ways accidents happen. And so reading your post is another reminder that “falls from ladders” can really have some impacts – and hope your momma heals 100% and does so very soon.

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    1. Thank you, Yvette!
      Yes, falling off ladders is very common and so dangerous. Luckily my mum didn´t bump her head on something (I asked her about this about a hundred times to make sure she didn´t have a concussion) but stopped her fall with her shoulder. As soon there´s time we´re going to buy her a new, hopefully safer ladder that doesn’t collapse so easily.
      Have a lovely Sunday! xoxo

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  7. Oh, I am so sorry, Sarah. I well remember that strange mix of worry and anger when my mum didn’t call the doctor when she needed to. Your mum is very lucky to have such a caring daughter and I hope she is feeling much better now. i wondered where you were, my friend. ❤️

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    1. Thank you so much, Kerry! Yes, it really was a strange mix of emotions and I´m so sorry that you had to experience this too.
      My mum´s still in a lot of pain but that is only to be expected after such a big surgery. At least she can sleep now more than 3 hours in a piece which shows me that the pain is slowly ebbing up.
      And I´m so sorry for not checking in on you as often as I would love to! It seems I´m quite bad at blogging these days but promise to catch up soon! In the meantime I hope you and your husband are well, that the lovely armadillos have returned and fill your nights with their sweet chirping sounds! Much love! ❤

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      1. Don’t worry about blogging or keeping in touch, your mum needs you!! We are well, Teddy is setting off for Frankfurt, Prague and Aberdeen tomorrow. Our little armadillos have disappeared temporarily but Katniss is around 2 times a day now that the temperature has dropped. Give my regards to your mum. I am the worst nurse in the world – no patience! 😍👩‍⚕️

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      2. I’m not so great a nurse either! 😂 I keep thinking that lots of food and sleep will do the trick! Which is why she doesn’t get much of the latter because I can’t stop offering her the first! 😂
        So glad Katniss visits you regularly! Have a lovely weekend my friend! ❤


  8. Oh your poor mum Sarah, I hope she is on the mend. Our mums are strong women and not wanting to hurt their children, even when they are in pain themselves, they hide their pain. I hope you are ok too my friend. it must have been a shock, but glad she is recovering. Lots of love and best wishes xxxx

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    1. Thank you so much for your warm and kind words, Gill! It really was a shock but now we´re both recovering and finding our way slowly back to normal. Not sure if we´re going to celebrate much this Christmas though, and think we will simply postpone it when she´s feeling her old self again.
      Wish you a lovely weekend my friend! Lots of love! xxxxx ❤

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  9. I feel so sorry for your mom – and for you. You almost want to stand in the center of the ER and shout: I’M MAD AS HELL AND I WON’T TAKE IT ANYMORE ….AND NEITHER WILL MY MOM! A number of years ago my husband cut off part of his finger, Yes, his finger. He thought he just had a deep cut and held a towel to stop the bleeding. I’m the one who found the tip of his finger on the floor. Yikes! He refused an ambulance, being the macho man he is. So, brilliant me, I put the tip of the finger in a plastic container. And I drove us to the ER. And when we walked up to the admitting desk, I opened up the container and placed it in front of the receptionist. My guy was in with a doctor within 3 minutes. 🙂

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    1. I’m so sorry for my late reply to your wonderful one – somehow it has landed in my spam folder! You perfectly summed up what I would have loved to shout in the ER! 😄
      And your poor husband, he’s so lucky you took such good care for him and bagged his fingertip! I would have loved to see the face of the receptionist! 😂 Maybe I should have undressed my mum in front of them – they would have seen that the shoulder was somewhere it never should have been!

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      1. I know- you need to shock the ER staff, and they’ve seen enough to almost be unshockable! ;-0 Thanks for finding me in Spam. Last week WP put all of my comments into Spam, but they fixed it up now. o

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  10. Dearest Sarah, I have been wondering how you are and also about your mother and understood you must be very busy. Bless you, I wish I could have been with you in the hospital to comfort you…it is terrifying when a loved one is hurt. I totally comprehend that you collapsed in tears once home – knowing you no longer needed to be strong for the moment. Your loving close relationship with your mother seems to echo mine with my mother – we are the closest of friends, intuitive about each other, often ringing each other just at the same time etc.

    Sarah, I am glad your mother is healing well and will soon be able to do physio…you’ve had a huge shock – part of that is seeing your mother wounded and not the usual strong person. She will be okay and so will you…just take some time to relax, enjoy your art, writing if you have more time now. hugs my friend and warmest wishes to your mother. xx❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dearest Annika, thank you so much for your beautiful and kind words, they brought tears to my eyes and I am so very grateful for your friendship! ❤
      I can also say that my mum and I are the closest of friends, bound together not only by relation and love but also by our shared interest in art and creativity. I often think I would have befriended her if we weren't related and I had met her somewhere else. 😀
      I am so happy that you too enjoy such a close relationship with your dear mother.

      I´m slowly recovering from the shock, as is she. It´s weird how things like this need time to sink in first, and then even more to leave you again…

      Hope you´ve had a lovely week and enjoy a beautiful and creative weekend! Much love my friend! xxxxx ❤

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  11. Thank you for sharing with us this intimate post. I feel very privileged that you chose to allow us into your emotional world!

    Parents are not always the easiest or most logical in the face of their crisis. For us Asians, it is “not wanting to be a burden” or “not wanting to trouble anyone”. From the account of your experience, these are sentiments which cross over cultures.

    Having recently been in the position to require help and care, I am now more sympathetic to how difficult it is to ask for help. And now that I have been on the receiving end of being cared for, I can truly affirm that you are a dedicated and loving daughter, and your mother is so very fortunate to have you there for her!

    Meanwhile, don’t forget to take care of you! The physiotherapy and recuperation will take a while and it is easy to lose yourself in taking care of what needs to be done.

    Sending you hugs and positive energy as you nurture your mother back to complete health!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment!
      It’s funny: I kept thinking that my mum must somehow be part Asian throughout that day! Your words confirmed that prejudice of mine 😁 But maybe it really is more a parent thing than a cultural one, although I could actually never imagine my father to have acted selflessly. So maybe it’s not a parent but a mother thing 😉

      Asking for help is never easy but especially when it comes to physical help we need, I think. We all want to be as independent as possible.

      Thank you so much for sending hugs and positive energy! I can feel them already! 😄😚

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  12. I’m so sorry to hear about your mom and I do know about the slow reception if you don’t come in an ambulance. I’m older now too and my children don’t want me on a ladder either. I’m careful but just a little stubborn. We still want to know we can do things and be viable. I broke an ankle many years ago and as painful as it was, I kept the pain to myself. Some of us just are that way. I’m glad she is on the road to recovery. It’s hard to be the child of an aging parent. The fact that you care so much speaks volumes. You have a long road ahead. Take it gently.

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    1. Thank you very much for your wonderful words, Marlene.
      I can only imagine too well how one wants to be as independent for as long as possible. And yes, some people are just stubborn and my mum is definitely one of them 😉 Like with so many things it has its good and its bad sides.
      I´m glad your ankle healed and hope you take good care of yourself – if not for you then for your kids´ sake 😉 That´s what I try to make my mum realize now.
      It is hard to watch our parents age but that´s the way of life – they take care of us when we are little and we should help them as much as possible when they get old. At least that´s how I see it. Modern society seems to disagree with me there, but I don´t care. I do what my heart tells me to do 🙂
      Thanks again for your lovely words, my friend. I wish you a beautiful and creative week ahead! ❤

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  13. I’m so sorry your mom was injured, and even more sorry that she was treated so badly at the emergency room. There’s really no excuse for that. Please take all the time you need to care for her (and yourself) and know your blogging friends will be here when you are ready. Meanwhile, I hope your mother heals quickly and that the pain killers give her the relief she needs. Take care…..

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    1. Thank you so much, Ann. I´sure you can imagine my impatience and anger during our stay in the ER, and how hard it was to keep it all to myself so the staff wouldn’t treat my mum badly as payback. If someone we love suffers we want it to end the pain immediately, don´t we?
      The pain killers help only so much, but at least she gets a few hours of rest when she takes them and that´s often the best thing.
      Wish you a lovely week and take care too! ❤

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  14. Hi Sarah, even though I knew about your mom’s accident, seeing the x-rays definitely make it more effective where pain is concerned. 😦 It’s also horrible that you had to wait 6 hours in ER, but I’ve been there so I understand. I also empathize with how difficult it was for you to see her in pain. It’s tough watching loved ones suffer…but I hope she is doing better, and I wish her a speedy recovery. Big hugs to you, and like I said before, she is lucky to have you! xoxo

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    1. Thank you so much, Lauren. Yes, seeing the ones we love suffer is one of the toughest things there are. You can imagine how impatient and angry I was, but I had to swallow it all so she would not been treated badly because of my behavior.
      Wish you a beautiful week with lots of joy and creativity! Big hugs! xoxo 🙂 ❤

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  15. OK now I totally understand why you’ve been away from blogging – you certainly have good reason! Your mom is lucky to have you – and I’m thankful for your friendship 🙂 ❤ I hope she gets better soon and that you get some rest too.

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  16. Hi Sarah
    Sending you & your mom many hugs! I completely understand your anxiety & worry & I’m so proud of you for staying so brave! Tasks care dear friend & I hope her recovery will be speedy:) Meanwhile, take care of yourself too.
    Much love to you Sarah❤️😘😘😘

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    1. Hi Divya! Thanks so much for your lovely words! With all those good wishes sent to my mother from you and the other wonderful friends here she can’t help but getting better soon! 😄
      Hope you are well and enjoy a lovely season with lots of hot tea to keep you and your husband warm and healthy! Much love and many hugs to you too! xxxxxx 💕

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  17. Oh Sarah, I am so sorry to hear about your mother’s accident. I truly understand how you felt because I helped my mother for many years. It is truly different when we step back one day and our mothers seem small and fragile like you mentioned, and it does take us aback. I am also sorry to hear about her ordeal at the emergency room. It is much like that here in America. I hope she recovers well, and I am so glad that she has a daughter as wonderful as you are to help care for her. I know she appreciates and loves you so much. I hope you had a spectacular Thanksgiving, I will be thinking of you. Sending hugs and love your way….blessings dear Sarah. xoxo

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    1. Thank you so much for your warm and heartfelt words, dear Lana!
      I know those changes from strong to getting weaker as we grow older are natural and to be expected but as you said it does take us aback no matter how much we think we know. I’m just glad that I can help her even it’s not as much as I would love to.
      I’ve heard for years that the American healthcare system also lefts much to wish for, and I wish things would be better everywhere. But I try to be thankful that mum did receive what she needed even if the circumstances could have been better. In the end we are lucky to live here in Germany which I never forget. Hope you had a lovely thanksgiving with your loved ones and wish you a beautiful and peaceful Sunday! Much love and many hugs to you! xoxo 💕

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  18. Well bless your heart. What a trial you and your mom have been through. I truly hope recovery comes quickly for your mother. I truly hope your Thanksgiving was a good one. Both of you, your mother and yourself, definitely have much to be thankful for! 🙂

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  19. Oh my dear friend, even though we’ve been talking a bit during this, I had no idea how much pain and anxiety both your and your mum had to go through to get treated at the hospital. No wonder you were so glad to have her home. Sending you both much love and healing Kiwi hugs (probably an air hug for your mum — I’d hate to make her shoulder worse) xxxxxx😃

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    1. I want you to know that our talking has helped me very very much during that time! And my mum and I are thankful for your lovely kiwi hugs – you made her smile when I told her about it. 😄 I can only give her an awkward half hug, always fearing to come too near her shoulder and causing her more pain. She’s so amazed at all the good wishes coming from all my friends here on WordPress.😄
      Have a lovely weekend dearest Su! xxxxxxxxx

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  20. Oh yikes! Your poor mom. It’s good that you were there for her. I wonder how much longer you would’ve waited had your mom not broken down. My mom has a lot of health issues and ends up in the ER frequently. She always calls an ambulance, because she knows she’ll be in the waiting room for way too long. Unfortunately, she has experience with this all too often and knows to call an ambulance.

    I hope things are settling down now and that your mom’s recovery goes smoothly and quickly. Don’t forget to take care of yourself along the way. Blessings to you both.

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    1. Thank you so much for your lovely words, Lori! And you’re right in wondering how much longer I would have tolerated the way she was treated, or more accurately not treated. I was huming with anger all the time but trying desperately to keep my cool so the staff wouldn’t pay back by giving my mum a bad time.
      And I’m so sorry to hear about your mum’s health issues and all the trips to the ER she has to made but I’m glad she knows how to handle the situation effectively by calling always for an ambulance which is absolutely the best thing to do.
      I’m sending you both love and lots of strength.
      Have a very lovely weekend, my friend!

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  21. Sarah, what tough situations for your mother and you. She wanting to preserve her pride and make no fuss and you worried out of your mind.
    I am so glad the hospital took so good care in the end.
    Now you can both have a little laugh and be glad for the love between you.


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    1. Thank you so much for your lovely words, Miriam! we’re both determined let the whole episode behind us now and to concentrate on her recovery. It will take a while but love, time and a bit of laughter will get us there. 😊
      Wish you a beautiful weekend my friend!

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  22. It’s always a difficult and even shocking thing to have to care for an injured or otherwise unwell parent. You and your mother are lucky to have one another. I wish her a quick recovery.

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  23. Oh Sarah, dear Sarah – how I wish I had known what you were going through. I noticed your absence like the absence of warm sunshine and beautiful woodlands but I didn’t know. I wish I had. Please please send my love to your mum for a good recovery. I know how precious she is to you and actually therefore, even though we never met, to me. She is the reason you are who you are by her nurturing hand and her encouragement that you should be you. I send you all my love and strength to support her and I challenge you to have her hail and hearty for Christmas 🎄 ❤️ 💕 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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    1. I’m so sorry I didn’t let you know earlier, Fiona. I was in a weird place of mind, I kind of distanced myself from everything around me and only concentrated on my mum and to get her out of hospital as fast as possible because it really was nightmarish there. Nearl every patient suffered from post surgery pneumonia and I was terrified my mum could contrapt it too. Luckily she didn’t!
      Thank you so much for your lovely and heartfelt words – they mean so much to me and my mum. I really wish I had told you earlier, as I missed you very much too! But I think I might be more like my mum than I know – I don’t want to bother people in general and dear friends in particular. Makes me wonder sometimes if there aren’t any British ancestors in my family tree after all although I know there aren’t 😉 There are French hugenotts and Russians instead.
      I hope you and your family are well and spent a lovely thanksgiving together! Much, much love to you dearest friend! 😚💕 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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      1. Don’t be sorry …. you did what was right and I absolutely understand the going to ground and not reaching out thing (I am English when all’s said and done) …. I’m just so sorry that you have had such a scary, worrying, draining time. By the way, my house in Marcolès (of which I am writing at this very moment) is on la Rance …. there are two so this is the little one in le Cantal – the name Rance is Huguenot … it was my previous married name and I am proud of it and was rather amazed when I realized we had bought a house whose nearest river is the Rance. I will research further when I am more settled and I am sure that there must have been a strong Huguenot influence in the area. It would make total sense. Much, much love to you and worry not about a thing except your mum getting better and you staying well xxxxxxx

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      2. Thank you for understanding me, Fiona. Your words always feel like the loveliest warm and cozy blanket that I wrap around my soul especially when I feel like curling up and hide – hope that makes any sense 😉
        I love how you’re determined to research the history of your surroundings, the craving for knowledge can be so very strong, can’t it? I’m fascinated by the Huguenots and hope you will share the results of your research one day with me.
        Wish you a beautiful and peaceful Sunday my wonderful friend! Much love to you!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx 💕

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      3. I will not only share my research but I will share the place. Many mountains to climb before it is done but I am determined that you will come and stay when it is and I would be delighted if you brought your Mum with you, really delighted xxxxxxxxxxxx

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      4. Aww, Fiona – bless you! Like I said before: your words are the coziest of blankets for my soul and I am endlessly thankful for you friendship!! My mum ´s face lighted up like a candle when I told her – thank you for making her smile and me too! I look so forward to see you beautiful home one day! Have a beautiful and creative week, my dear friend! Much much love! xxxxxxxxxxxx ❤

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      5. I’m very flattered to be a cozy soul blanket. And delighted to make your mum’s face light up. This shall come to pass – just you see and it will be the greatest of delights xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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  24. Ah, finally…the stitches out, the healing process can start probably. Sending healing energy towards your mother, keeping my fingers crossed and will be in my thoughts with your mum and you. Considering the circumstances, I hope you a wonderful weekend too!
    Big hugs, XxX

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      1. Hi Sarah,
        The pain is less, but unfortunately in two weeks 16 teeth need to be extracted and I will get a temporary ‘prothese’. Till then, I hope to get the infections in my mouth and jaw reduced as much a possible.
        Enjoy your Sunday, XxX

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      2. I’m so sorry to hear that even though I know that that was already the plan. Try to gain as much strength as you can before the surgery!
        I know that you love natural remedies and was thinking of you’ve probably heard of Turmeric or yellow ginger as it is also called (Kurkurma in german)? It has many positive properties and is supposed to help against inflammation and infections. Best to use the fresh root though. You can make a broth from it and drink it or simply gargle.
        Glad the pain is reduced somewhat!
        Big hugs! xxx

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      3. Thank you sweetie 🙂 Yes, Kurkuma I use daily in a cup of tea together with black pepper, ginger and honey. In addition a mouth-water to gargle with ‘salbei’ and just started today to drink tea of ‘Brennessel’.
        If that doesn’t do the trick, well… 😉
        Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and a fabulous new week! XxX

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      4. I´ve read that a bit of fat, like a drop of milk in your tea helps to absorb it even better. And salbei is great too, of course. I see that you already do everything in your power and send you healing wishes and strength!
        Have a wonderful new week ahead, Patty! xxx

        Liked by 2 people

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