Hyacinth Macaw


Don´t ask me why, but I´m totally into painting birds these days, so expect to have some feathered friends flying your way in the coming weeks. 😉

This is a water color painting of a Hyacinth Macaw, a parrot that is native to central and eastern South America.

With a length of about 100 cm (3.5ft) it is longer than any other species of parrot. It is the largest macaw and the largest flying parrot species, only outweighed by the flightless kakapo of New Zealand.

Habitat loss and the trapping of wild birds for the pet trade have taken a heavy toll on their population in the wild, so the species is classified as Vulnerable on the International Union for Conservation of Nature‘s Red List,[1] and it is protected by its listing on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

They are very even-tempered and known as “gentle giants”.


IMG_7570-01 Kopie
Hyacinth Macaw (water color on paper; Febr. 2018)



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

83 thoughts on “Hyacinth Macaw

    1. Thanks so much, Diana! ❤
      Yes, it is terrible indeed – I will never understand the human need for keeping such glorious animals like these prisoners in their homes. It is already bad enough in zoos, but there at least they provide proper care and try to educate children and grown-ups about the necessity of preserving their environments and lives.

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  1. Your Hyacinth Macaw is so beautiful, Sarah. That is one big, gorgeous bird for sure. It is wonderful to know they are gentle. I’m so sad they are on the Endangered List. I wish we didn’t even have such a list. Maybe someday we won’t have that list. I love your art and look forward to seeing more. Much love, my friend. xoxo

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    1. Thank you so much, Lana!
      I wish the same. It´s a shame what we as a species are able to do to the planet and its inhabitants. Sadly I have a feeling these kind of lists will stay with us and get longer each day… 😦
      Thank you so much for your visit, dear friend!
      Have a beautiful week! Much love and many hugs! xoxo ❤

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  2. This is absolutely beautiful, Sarah. I have gained a new appreciation for birds and make sure our feeder and suet container are filled all the time. Suddenly, the bluebirds have arrived, and other songbirds that were away for the winter. However, they’ve been struggling through these latest late winter storms here. The bird feeder is empty by 3 every afternoon! On parrots, I’ve returned from Kauai, where one of the resorts has a collection of four gorgeous parrots. I don’t think they’re as big as yours here, but they’re big and colorful. One dances to the song “Duke of York,” (his name is Duke). As much as I feel sad about birds being kept out of their natural environment, these parrots are well taken care of and seem happy enough to talk and whistle all day long. 🙂

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    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Pam! How wonderful that you also enjoy feeding birds and make sure to keep the feeders filled at all times! Isn´t it lovely when the birds come back again?
      I´m sure the parrots and other animals are very well treated in those resorts, and would actually love to visit them. It´s more or less the private keeping of these birds I´m not so sure about, especially when the accommodations are too small. My grandmother used to have little parrot to keep her company in her old days and always let it fly around at least (the droppings situation wasn´t that lovely though! :D).
      So glad you like my painting and have you visit! Wish you a beautiful week ahead! ❤

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      1. As an aside, I just took a photo of a beautiful bluebird sitting on a snow-white branch during our newest blizzard today. I’m praying he (and his mate) eat all of my suet and survive. xo

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  3. Beautiful again, dear Sarah.
    I never understood and understand, why people keep birds in cages 😦
    So against there nature…
    My grandparents used to have a parrot, a grey one, when I was little. He always danced with my grandmother. As funny as it was, even then I felt sorry for this beautiful animal.

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  4. That’s a terrific painting! I only wish that those who felt the need to have one of these birds as a pet would be content with the painting or photo of one instead. It’s so sad that they are on the endangered list. Thanks for sharing!

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    1. Thank you very much, Ann! And I wish for the same! But there will always be people who insist on owning everything they desire, be it an object, an animal or even another human being. They don’t care what suffering they cause as long as they are happy…

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  5. Sarah, wow!! 😀This is a magnificent water colour of the macaw, such wondrous blues, tenderness in his eyes, majestic! It’s interesting to learn a bit about them and sad to see that these ‘Gentle Giants’ are now listed as vulnerable. It is always a treat to see your paintings and I can’t wait to see more of the feathered friends flying our way! Your heart and soul is evident in all your work and along with your artistic gift, this is what ensures it shines out for all to enjoy! hugs, my friend! ❤️

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    1. Thank you so much for always finding the perfect words, Annika!
      And hehe – we were visiting each other´s blog at the same time 😉
      I´ve always had a very soft spot for animals and started reading about them from a very young age. Even joined Greenpeace at some point in my teenage years, and used to dream to actively do something to protect their rights (sadly that didn´t come true though and I´m merely donating now).
      Wish you a beautiful and creative Sunday, dear friend! Hugs&Love! xoxo ❤

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      1. I know, spooky – I also saw we crossed in virtual words! 😀 How lovely that you joined Greenpeace – some of their activism can be rather dangerous, donating seems a bit safer! Your love of animals is evident in all your work. It’s Mother’s Day today, which is special. Had breakfast in bed made by my son & hubby and later family dinner with my mother as well! Happy Painting! 🎨🖌🖼

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      2. You´re right about it being safer to just donate money! 😂 But I only went to demonstrations, never chained myself to an oil platform or tanker! 😉
        Happy Mother´s Day, Annika!! Breakfast in bed sounds lovely and I wish a very happy day indeed! (In Germany it´s always at the 2nd Sunday in May, so I´ve still got some time to prepare a gift for my mum 😉 ) xoxo

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  6. Your painting is beautiful Sarah, and i’m glad you provided the commentary too. It’s really important to spread the word about how vulnerable these birds, and so many other soecies, have become because of humanity’s greed and stupidity. I know you don’t need a lecture my friend; I just need to vent. I am looking forward to seeing more of these wonderful paintings.
    Hope you have a great weekend. xxx 😀😁

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    1. Thanks so much, Su! I´m glad you liked the commentary too – I wasn´t sure wether or not I should include it but felt it was important to emphasize this point. I wish more people would care more about these things… I get nightmares just thinking about all the illegal exotic animal traffic worldwide. Many animals die on their journeys, and even if they make it, sometimes are not properly taken care of by their new “owner”. Our animal shelters are full with them….
      Hope you have a great weekend too! xxxxx 🙂

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      1. I know what you mean. I’m avoiding “news” at the moment because I get so anxious and distressed by much of it. I know that burying my head in the sand isn’t the answer, but it feels good to have a little respite from all the horrible things happening in the world. xxxxx 🙂

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      2. I know the feeling well and have done the same thing from time to time. I think you do exactly what you need to do at the moment. Take good care of you! Sending you hugs and love! xxxxxxxx 🙂

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    1. Thank you so much, Chris! Yeah, I doubt it will be a Macaw too 😉 But then you never know – maybe Jack Reacher takes a fancy to them and will carry one around on his shoulder when he stops by for a coffee near your place 😉
      Have a lovely weekend! Cheers!

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  7. You did a wonderful job on this. They are beautiful birds but humans seen to buy and sell whatever they want to make a living. Frustrates me to no end. One day those painting will be all we have of those wonderful birds.

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    1. Thank you so much, Marlene!
      And I´m with you about the endless frustration – humans, well, maybe not all of them but enough anyway, seem to do whatever they like and not give a sh… or care about the animals they´re kidnapping and selling. They say that one day the animals kept in Zoos will be all that is left of nature´s wonders, but I think you might be more in the right still, that one day all that´s left are paintings… what a devastating thought… 😦

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    1. Thank you very much, Kerry! And I share your feelings about pet parrots, well, any pet to be honest although my guess is, as long as you provide everything necessary and give the animal as much freedom as possible, then some pets seem to handle “imprisonment” better than others. But when it comes to birds my heart just hurts to see them in enclosed spaces. As you say, they belong in the jungle or whichever habitat they like. To have wings and not to be able to fly (away?) is just heartbreaking and I could never do it. I love the wild songbirds I´m feeding on my windowsills and that is quite enough. To see them fly home – and better yet – come back again ;), is something wonderful.
      Have a lovely weekend, dear friend! xxx

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      1. I was just watching 15 year old Toffee sitting at the top of her cat condo watching the critters in the garden. She was born in a garden and loved ours (with a cat fence) until she and her mum developed severe allergies to our unique heavy tree pollen. I had a pang when I looked at her but she is a geriatric in cat years and I think she is very happy. She had a mad half hour last week which surprised me! K x

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      2. Oh, poor Toffee! That must have been so bad for her and her mum. Allergies sucks! I´ve got some myself and know how it can ruin everything. And I know she has the best possible home with you, Kerry! Have a lovely Sunday! xxx

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    1. Thank you very much, Balroop! These kind of parrots are very friendly and I’m fascinated by their beauty and by their kindness. I’m so glad you like it! Have a wonderful weekend dear friend! 😊❤

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  8. Sarah another stunning watercolour! Love the shades of azure… you’ve brought a beautiful bird to life through your brushes:) And I can’t wait to see more of our feathered friends through your art.
    Keep shining Sarah, you’re so immensely talented! Love and many hugs xoxo

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  9. This is stunning. I am transported back to the 18th/19th century with the great explorers trudging through uncharted lands sketching and painting the flora and fauna. Just glorious my Dora the Explorer dear friend xxxxxxxxxxx

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    1. Thank you so much, Fiona! How did you know that I’m a fan of the 18th and 19th century explorers? 😉 I feel so honored that my painting reminded you of the stunning artwork from those times. Wishing you a gloriously beautiful weekend dear friend! “Dora” 😉 xxxxxxxxxxx

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      1. Just a hunch …. it seems to fit and it makes me very happy because I am in that fan club too but not able to even begin to replicate their astonishing work 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxx

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      2. Yay! High five and all that! 😀 So cool to know I´m not alone with that interest in long gone explorers of the wild. And I just want to add that even if you might not be able to draw like them (not that I can, and anyway, I still need proof to see that you can´t 😉 ), your excellent weapon of choice is your quill (or more likely your Mac, but I think you know what I mean 😉 ) and I´m sure you could write just as good – no, forget that – BETTER! than any of them and thus draw worlds in space and times far better than any brush and paint! Much love! xxxxxxxxx


  10. Amazing artwork, Sarah! My sister has always loved parrots. She used to have 5 at one time, big parrots. Now she’s down to 3. So in her family room you’ll find huge bird cages that are meant for kings. 🙂 They’re definitely beautiful with their vibrant colors. One talks, repeating what he hears and his voice echoes the voice he’s repeating. It’s hilarious! Anyway, wonderful job, my friend. Wishing you a lovely weekend, too. 💕🦆🦉🦅🐥🐦😊

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    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Lauren! Wow! 5/3big parrots! That’s quite a lot of work too. Their ability to “speak” is really amazing.
      Wishing you a beautiful weekend too! 😊💕🐦🌈

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      1. She’s always had cats, dogs, and fish, too. She never stopped at one type of pet. 🙂 But they all have had a good home. 🙂 Have a good weekend, too, Sarah! 💗🌼

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