A Pair of Cardinals


a pair of cardinals Kopie
A pair of cardinals (watercolor on paper; July 2018)


July is the official World Watercolor month, founded by my awesome friend Charlie from over at Doodlewash!

Anyone can join in and celebrate art by simply tagging any art that uses watercolor (or gouache) with #WorldWatercolorMonth.

31 days artists from all over the world come together to paint the world with beautiful watercolors and also help raise awareness for arts education to get art supplies for kids who need them via The Dreaming Zebra Foundation.


I´ll try to participate as often as I can and start today with a painting of a pair of cardinals to which I have been inspired by my wonderful friend Jill who also loves hummingbirds of which she´s sharing beautiful pictures on her blog.

When I first heard of these birds, I have to admit having envisioned them more or less looking similar to the clerical kind of cardinals I´m more used to here in Europe, since the birds are not native around here. 😉 That is to say – like old men with huge glasses, wearing impressive red robes and a silly looking hat. 😉

But of course, they look much more beautiful than these leaders of the Catholic Church, who are also referred to as Princes of the Church. The blood-like red of their robes symbolizes a cardinal´s willingness to die for his faith by the way, a notion with which I´m quite uncomfortable to be honest, especially since so many fanatics seem to consider this kind of action the right thing to do – which of course it´s not and never can be.

No bird or animals would do something alike, they are far too busy living their life, bringing up their offspring and actually fight for their survival.

Why can´t human beings be more like them? Why do we have to fight each other for things as abstract as belief systems?

It´s called live and let live for a reason, and not kill or get killed.





Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

57 thoughts on “A Pair of Cardinals

    1. Thanks so much, Dominique!
      Imagining a world where kids don´t paint or draw is like imagining a world without a sun – impossible, and therefore we must do everything we can to provide possibilites for children to be creative. So glad you loved this post. 🙂
      Have an amazing weekend and a fabulous holiday!!! 🙂 xxx

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      1. I love your art and the message that comes along with it. That you took time for this cause does not surprise me one bit as I know you have a big heart. It is one of many reasons why I truly like you Sarah. xoxo

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      2. Aww – now you´ve made me all teary, but in a good way!! And I think it takes one to recognize one. 😉 Have a fabulous day, dear friend! Hugs&love! ❤ xoxo

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      3. As you know I am about to leave to Mexico… If I can have my luggage closed. I’ve got to much stuff. Picture me sitting on it, trying to do so! (This is actually Roda’s photo idea for my blog.) After the teary moment I thought it would be nice to make you smile. Happy Monday dear friend. 💗

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Hehehe! Thanks for making me smile and laugh, dear friend! And I have the exact same problem when packing!! 😉 Happy Tuesday and Happy Holidays! 🙂 ❤

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    1. It is a great cause, isn’t it? It’s so important for kids to have the opportunity to express themselves via this medium and they always do so brilliantly! 😄💖

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  1. You put a lot of thought into this post, Sarah. The painting is gorgeous. I love the pair of birds sitting so close together on their branch. Their crests and the lovely hues of their feathers – they are just as beautiful to us as they are to each other.

    To me, even more distasteful than dying for one’s faith, is killing for one’s faith, though I recognize one’s right to defend. Someplace between all that might be something that is sacred. I’m not sure where.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Shari!
      I was surprised by myself where my thoughts were going when I wrote this post. Normally I avoid adressing anything political or religious on my blog as they’re so often the cause for trouble and disagreements. But with this I simply couldn’t bring myself to be silent about it, it had to go out of my head and on the (digital) page.

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  2. Great job on the cardinals! We had several living in a huge flame bush just outside our dining room window, and when the bush died I was afraid that was the last we would see of the cardinals. But they just moved to the back of our yard, and I still see them regularly. They really are beautiful birds.
    As for live and let live…yes! The weird thing is, that is the basis of most religions, although humans tend to overlook that part. I guess it’s easier to hate than love, and to get stuck in the little details that separate us. But just because something is easy doesn’t make it right!

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    1. Thanks so much, Ann! I´m so glad your cardinals stayed with you after that bush died so you can still enjoy their beauty. 🙂 I wonder, do they sing? And if so maybe as beautiful as they look?
      And you´re spot on with religion – it´s really weird how people tend to overlook this simple fact and only respect those components of their belief system they feel most comfortable with. And the easy thing is hardly ever the right thing, especially when it includes humans and their tendency to shift their responsibilities any way they like.

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  3. I enjoyed your commentary, Sarah, as well as the watercolor. Pretty birds. I usually say that the world would be a better place if we were all a little more like our dogs. But that goes for birds too… all animals, I suppose. I’m looking forward to more of your watercolors this month. ❤

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    1. Thanks a lot, Diana! And you´re totally right – the world would be a very better place if we were more like dogs!! They are the perfect example! ❤

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  4. Your painting is beautiful Sarah. I totally share your sentiments too, and had no idea of the meaning of the red robes. Faith is fine, but religion can be so scary when taken to extremes. 😀

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    1. Thanks so much, Su! There’s astonishingly much meaning behind every piece of cloth worn by clerics. With a longstanding institution like the Roman Catholic church it’s no surprise really I think.

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      1. Very true. I remember someone telling me a long time ago that even the stoles priests’ wear are often embroidered to tell complex stories, and that they have different stoles for different occasions. 🙂

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  5. Another beautiful paint, dear Sarah. And what an inspiring cause, that foundation.
    Let’s also be realistic, those birds will kill for their survival too 😉 But yes, not for ridiculous reasons a difference of opinion/belief/religion.
    Is it also so hot in Berlin as it is here near to Kerpen? Jeeeeeeeez, I love sunshine, but these kind of temperatures not so much.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot, Patty!
      It certainly is quite hot but still bearable. The temperatures are going to rise though to which I’m also not looking forward it’s just too hot in a city. Try to spend time in the shade and drink lots of fluids! 😄 xxx

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    1. Thanks a lot, Lisa! Isn’t watercolour just awesome? I used to paint mainly in acrylics in the last years but seem to have developed a little love affair with watercolours at the moment. 😉💞

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    1. Thank you very much, Lauren! I had such fun mixing the two different painting styles – details for the heads and wet technique for the rest. As to the message it comes straight from my heart and I’m so glad you love it, my friend! Have a beautiful day! Xoxo 😄💕

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  6. I have cardinals in the garden here. We have several pairs and they have bred once already this year and some will be brooding another clutch because that, apparently is what they do. The vivid red of the males is so vibrant that when I first saw one (back in 2013) I couldn’t quite believe it was real. But the ladies are so pretty too and you have captured both beautifully. We call our ladies Claudia (Cardinale) and the boys variously Cardinal Sin, Cardinal Rule, Cardinal Richlieu etc etc. Thank you so much for sharing this …. it is just wonderful xxxxxxxxxx

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    1. Thanks so much, Fiona! I really hope to see these birds in real life too one day, the colours as you said are so very striking.
      And I love that you give your birds name – Claudia Cardinale, wow! 😉 But I would be careful to call them Cardinale Richelieu – names can be very powerful and you wouldn’t want to risk having history repeat itself in your garden. 😉😂

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    1. Thanks so much, Jacqui! Coming from an oil lover such as yourself that compliment means even more to me! 😄
      Have a wonderful day, my friend!


  7. What a nice surprise, Sarah! I’m honored to be mentioned on your lovely blog along with your beautiful water color. You did a wonderful job capturing the beauty of the cardinals. Speaking of, we’ve had a lot of new baby cardinals visiting our porch lately. I lay out sunflower seeds and the male brings the babies to eat. The other day, I discovered a nest, just off of the porch with two eggs. As of yesterday, one has hatched. This morning the mother was in the nest waiting for the other baby to come into the world. I’ll keep you posted. 🙂 I hope your mother is doing well. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Jill, and I’m thrilled by the news of baby cardinals visiting your porch!! How exciting it must be to watch them hatch and grow! I’ve had a lovely pair of blue titmouse this spring that visited me with their cute offspring – such joy! 😄
      Please do keep me posted!
      My mom is doing well, thanks so much for asking my friend! Have a lovely day! ❤🐣

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      1. It is exciting, Sarah. Oh, I love the titmouse, too! They always visit with their friends, the Black-capped chickadee. So sweet! I’m happy to hear your mother is doing well. ❤

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