A Kind Of Changing Sides – 30 Songs 30 Days


On the 4th day of my new blog challenge –

Share Your Music! 30 Days 30 Songs

– I’m going to share with you a song, that caused me to actually steer away from a once clear path. 😉

It’s a question as old as time – or well, as old as these two bands anyway – whether you are a Beatles fan or a Stones fan?

I always thought I could answer this with a clear and loud “I’m a Beatles fan!” – and don’t get me wrong, I so absolutely am.

But when I heard this song for the first time – which was when I watched “Interview With The Vampire” starring Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Kirsten Dunst and Christian Slater – I was stupefied!



(I have to add that I absolutely loved this movie and could actually almost quote it line for line at one point, this is how often I’ve watched it 😉 )

Because this song was really so cool, even though it was written by “the Enemy” aka The Rolling Stones! 😉

In the movie they actually use the cover version by Guns N’ Roses which was pretty awesome too, but here I’m going to share with you the original version.

Hope you enjoy it!


Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

73 thoughts on “A Kind Of Changing Sides – 30 Songs 30 Days

  1. Definitely Beatles for me too. Though Paint it Black by the Stones is a big favourite. As Su says – the two bands are really too different to compare.

    Dominique introduced me to True Blood and I introduced her to Penny Dreadful! I have never seen ‘Interview with the Vampire’ but found the book rather slow.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! Another Beatles fan! 😀
      I have to say, the more I listen to the Stones lately, the better they seem to get! I will end up a convert if I don’t pay attention. 😉

      True Blood’s so cool and the music they chose really amazing! I still need to watch Penny Dreadful though. It’s with Eva Green, isn’t it? What a brilliant actress!


      1. The first season of Penny Dreadful is especially good. It really goes to town with the gore though. Yes – Eva Green is amazing. Timothy Dalton is in it too and is mesmerising.
        I need to start watching True Blood again. I stopped about half way through season 4.

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      2. The gore is actually fine with me – I’ve just watched 3 seasons of ‘Preacher’ and totally loved it!! It’s so dark and funny, I think you’d enjoy it very much. 😉
        Can I join you watching True Blood again? I’ll bring some crisps. 😉


      3. Awesome! 😀 Ready salted or salt&vinegar? 😉 Let me know when you find time to watch Preacher – we could exchange favourite scenes and characters and so on. 😉

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      1. It has been said that this novel and film changed the narrative for other vampire stories forever. I must say that Bram Stoker’s Dracula is one of my favourite vampire movies, but I can’t resist a glamorous and gory vampire! Lol. Have you seen the series True Blood? I really enjoyed it as well.

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      2. Love Bram Stoker’s Dracula of course! And True Blood was awesome!! Did you read the books as well? They we’re a bit different than the series, a bit more funny, less sexy but very enjoyable all the same. 😀 And the soundtrack is also fab!

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      3. No, I have not read the books. I like vampire movies but I don’t like reading this kind of stories. Two reasons: 1) I often read one hour before going to bed. And 2) I usually get absorbed into the characters. I read mostly murder-mystery novels.

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      4. I really like Dennis Lehane. Shutter Island was a fantastic novel. Marisha Pessl, author of Night Film, is among my favourites too. Her books are more the thriller kind though. And oh let’s not forget Kathy Reichs (Dejà Dead, Bones Forever) -I am a huge fan of this forensic anthropologist and author, which I met a few years ago at the Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de medecine legale in Montreal. I was interviewing a professor and colleague of hers and because they share the same laboratory she was right next to me while I conducted the interview. We talked a little after and she was just amazing and kind. To this day it is one of my favourite interviews ever. Come to think of it, I should translate this article in English and share it on my blog. Hey, thanks for the inspiration Sarah.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. You should definitely translate the article into English!!! I love Kathy Reichs! Her novels are simply marvelous! Oh, how I envy you that you actually met her! 😉 Though I have to admit that I haven’t watched the series based on her books (“Bones” I think) yet. What a brilliant mind she is!
        What I watched and didn’t read though, is Shutter Island – what a fabulous film!! I didn’t know there were more books by the author – definitely going to hunt them all down now!!
        Marisha Pessl is new to me, but I’m going to put her on my TBR list now! Thank you! 😀
        When it comes to murder mysteries I love the works by Donna Leon (her books are set in Venice!!), Elizabeth George and Simon Beckett – and probably a few hundered more that don’t come to mind at the moment! 😀 😉

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      6. You’re right, I’ll work on a translation. I never watched the series Bones either. I don’t watch t.v. much. But I’ve got Netflix now and this could be dangerous. I have so much catching up to do. I can see myself in front of the screen (with a bag of chips of course) for an entire week! Dennis Lehan wrote at least 10 books, but only read three so far. Thanks for introducing me to Donna Leon, Elizabeth George and Simon Beckett. I will look them up. xoxo

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      7. Haha! I’ve heard about the dangers of Netflix. 😉 Which is why I’m still resisting – it might end catastrophically with me being a couch potato!!! LOL! 😀 xoxo

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    1. You’re very welcome, Ann! Nowadays it’s actually quite impossible for me to choose between these two amazing bands, I’ve learned to love the Stones and wouldn’t want to miss their songs either. 🙂

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  2. Great song though–don’t ban me from your site–I’m not either a Beatles or Stones fan. More along the classical music lines. I do enjoy the culture in both of those groups, though.

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    1. No worries, Jacqui. I wouldn’t dream of banning you from my site. 😉
      I love classical music too and will share at least one of my favourite pieces during this challenge. 😊

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  3. Love this song!! I know it’s a “thing” to be either a Beatles or a Stones fan, but I always thought they were so different it was like saying you have to like only apples or oranges. I like both.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hehe! I like you comparing this debate to apples and oranges – I like them both as well! 😊 And I’ve come to really like the Stones too, it was only in my early teen years that I was a bit one-sided. 😉

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      1. I think we are all a bit tribal in our teens — it’s a way of asserting ourselves. I absolutely hated disco in my teens when most of my friends were totally into it. I was listening to Pink Floyd and Black Sabbath.

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    1. I feel so ignorant that I didn’t know about this before, Liz. I’ve just looked it up – what a horrible thing to happen at a concert. Calling it the end of innocence makes perfect sense to me. I’m so sorry to have reminded you of this tragedy with my song choice. 😯

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  4. Beatles, Stones, nearly everything from that era – this is my generation. Stones were always a little darker and more suggestive than the Beatles. My favorite Stones song is Salt of the Earth, almost never played on the radio but we have it on CD. Though I read the book, I never saw the film so didn’t know about the music connection. Can’t wait to see what you post tomorrow.

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    1. It was the perfect time for music, lucky generation you and my mum belong to! Did you go to any of their concerts? My mum wanted to go see the Stones when they were at the Berliner Waldbuehne which is one of the best open air sites around here. She was furious with her father for forbidding her to go. But in the end she might have been lucky after all because it was nearly destroyed thanks to some ‘fans’. They always blamed the band for it afterwards. 😂

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      1. Oh my! That sounds awful! Better to stay home and listen to the vinyl records then! I’ve seen the documentaries on television – what went on in American stadiums was just crazy – the Beatles couldn’t even hear themselves sing and it was all a madhouse like you said.
        I’m not much one for crowds anyway and have only been to three rock concerts in my life, all open air because that’s the only way I can halfway stay relaxed. 🙂

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  5. I was a Beatles fan first but came to love the Rolling Stones later. This is a darn good song. I did not see Interview with a Vampire but I have read the book which was an interesting experience.

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      1. It was really quite good actually, much better than I’d anticipated and very entertaining! And I learned quite a lot of things I didn’t know before which is always a bonus. 😊

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