Please Hold The Line


This week Tina asked us to share some of the leading lines we’ve captured for the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge!

Those of you who’ve been here around for some time, know that I’m a sucker for long views in photography, up to a point where I begin to ask myself if my pics don’t start to blur into each other, being quite interchangeable as the show more or less the same thing if in a different setting.

So I’m asking you to hold the line 😉 , because I made a particular effort to rummage through my archives and come up with two shots that definitely show leading lines but don’t go off into the distance.

The last two however show exactly that – sorry! 😂



Old National Gallery in Berlin



„The most fatal illusion is the settled point of view. Since life is growth and motion, a fixed point of view kills anybody who has one.“

– Brooks Atkinson


Schloss Charlottenburg Berlin



„If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is – infinite.“

– William Blake


Underground train station Mehringdamm, Berlin



„Distance lends enchantment to the view.“

– Mark Twain



Cemetery Luisenstadt Berlin Kreuzberg



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

56 thoughts on “Please Hold The Line

  1. Sarah, your long views suggest both future, as someplace to strive to be, and past, as memories of places you once were. I especially love the shot of the cemetery with the ghostly building in the background and the lone figure walking along the path. So many stories reside in this photo – I’d love to hear them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Shari! That day I went to the cemetery in order to take some pics of the graves as they are very old and quite beautiful, then I saw the lone woman walking in the distance and was gifted with the opportunity to make this shot. I wonder if someone made one of me taking a pic of her!! Wouldn’t that be fun?

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  2. I love each of the photos. The sepia tones and black and white have a timeless feel. I do love all the quotes though. I’ve been saving them in a file. They are perfect. I especially liked Brooks Atkinson.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Marlene! And that’s the quote I think I like best too!! So happy that you enjoyed this post and saved the quotes in a file – that’s exactly what I always do too. 😉

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  3. Saw them indeed before, still find them beautiful. No wonder, made by the amazing creative artist you are.
    Sending a hug again and wishing you a fantastic week. XxX

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    1. Thank you so much, Lisa! It’s a wonderful gallery, I’m sure you’d love it! Should you ever come and visit Berlin let me know, we’ll put it on the must-see list. 😉💕


  4. So lovely. I’m particularly fond of the last one since that’s a place I’d like to walk. And the first is a wonderful perspective that intrigues the eye. I can tell you’re having fun, Sarah. Keep it up! ❤

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