Film Friday – “Perhaps – I want the old days back again and they’ll never come back, and I am haunted by the memory of them and of the world falling about my ears.”




Film Fridays is a project initiated by Darren from over at The Arty Plantsman and me.

After doing a daily music challenge for a month last year we talked about doing something similar for movies.

And the current global lockdowns give us the perfect excuse to start!
Many of us are confined to home with only the TV for company so we thought we would start ‘Film Fridays’ so that we can talk about our favourite movies and hopefully give our readers some ideas for things to watch.
We would be delighted if you would join us!
Just tag your post with #FilmFriday and do a pingback to either Darren’s or my posts so that we can can have a look at yours! You can also copy the “Film Friday” poster I came up with.

We don’t necessarily want to talk about the nerdy technical details but more about why these films speak to us as individuals, why they have a place in our hearts, and any personal memories they evoke.

So please join us each friday when we will each be talking about a different movie from our list of favourites!



Gone With the Wind – Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler (pencil on paper; April 2020)


In case you haven’t recognized either the quote in this post’s title or the amorous couple in my drawing – both of which I won’t blame you for – my favorite film for today’s Film Friday is „Gone With the Wind“, an epic historical romance starring Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O’Hara and Clark Gable as Rhett Butler.

The film has been adapted from the 1936 novel by Margaret Mitchell and was praised for its fidelity to the novel, which of course explains its unusual length (about 220 minutes).

An interesting fan fact is that the “search for Scarlett” led to 1,400 women being interviewed for the part!

It received 10 Academy Awards from 13 nominations, including wins for Best Picture, Best Director (Fleming), Best Adapted Screenplay (posthumously awarded to Sidney Howard), Best Actress (Leigh), and Best Supporting Actress (Hattie McDaniel, becoming the first African American to win an Academy Award). It set records for the total number of wins and nominations at the time.

If you have seen it, I hope you agree with me that it is one of the greatest films of all times. The music, the actors, the setting and the screenplay – all come together in the most beautiful way.

There are many iconic scenes that became legendary in cinematic history, the last one where a distraught Scarlett resolves to return to Tara, her family home, believing that one day she will get Rhett back and saying that „after all tomorrow is another day!“ is no exception, and has made a deep impression on me.

Her resolution to never give up and to keep fighting no matter what is most exemplary, and an inspiration to all of us, I think, especially these days where many of us find ourselves longing for the old days…



Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler (pencil on paper; April 2020)



And now to you – have you ever seen „Gone With the Wind“, or read the novel? Did you like it or not? Why? Let me know all about it in your comments!




Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

50 thoughts on “Film Friday – “Perhaps – I want the old days back again and they’ll never come back, and I am haunted by the memory of them and of the world falling about my ears.”

  1. There’s also a great deal of deserved controversy about the book and the film, but I won’t get into that. I saw the film when living in Hawaii when I was 11 or 12, read the novel the following year when we were in California, fell in love with both. But the best part of this post, Sarah, is seeing your gorgeous drawing of Scarlett and Rhett. Whoo hoo. My computer nearly caught fire.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww – thank you so much, Shari! I admit, I always wanted to be able to learn how to draw portraits but it’s sooo hard!! 😀 Most of the time I’m just happy when you can tell that it’s human! Never mind which sex! LOL! I’ve been trying to make one for today’s post of Antonio Banderas – epic fail! So I’ll just use some video clips instead. 😉
      I know of the controversy of both the book and film, but thought it would be better to leave it outside here since my intention for these posts is to cheer people up, or distract them from the mess that our world is at the moment.
      Still, I also fell in love with them both (and with Clark Gable, but who didn’t?). 🙂

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  2. Your drawing is incredible, Sarah! I knew what movie you were going to talk about as soon as I saw the drawing. I saw the movie 50 years ago in the base theater with my 2 year old son. He was so mesmerized and sat quietly the entire way through! I was so amazed by him, I almost didn’t pay as much attention to the movie as to watching him. We rarely had libraries available in all our travels and my time was so limited that reading anything that long was just not going to happen. I still have difficulty with really long books. It was a beautiful movie though. I’m not a fan of spoiled people in any circumstance. I didn’t like Scarlett at all.

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    1. Thank you so much, Marlene!
      Aww – what a very sweet memory! I would have done the same I think, watch my mesmerized son watching Gone With the Wind – priceless! 🙂
      With this film especially I think that it’s actually much better than the book, Marlene, as the actors were all so brilliantly cast. Spoiled people are not my type as well, but Vivien Leigh played it so marvelously, and looked just so beautiful, it was a delight to watch it. Now that I think of it, I do think I still have the film on VHS and a rewatch would be wonderful for the weekend! 😀

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  3. Your drawing is great — and instantly recognisable. I haven’t seen the movie or read the book. I did start to watch it once, it one a very small TV and it just didn’t work for me! Perhaps it’s time I tried again 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, Su! 😀 It’s definitely time you try it again!! Okay, admittedly a small screen isn’t perfect but better than none. 😀 Also, I’ve never watched it on a really big screen and was carried away anyway. 😉

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  4. I have read the book once and seen the full movie at the cinema at a repeat screening many years ago -it is definitely one for the wide screen. Like Liz I would have read the book in one sitting if I could have. I was staying with my aunt and it was her copy I read. She said pretty much the same thing about wanting to stay up all night to read the book. A truly epic melodrama. I also read a Mitchell biography where they were talking about her writing a sequel, which never got off the ground. When you read about what it took to even get GWTW into print it’s a miracle we got the one book.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Leonie! Yes, it’s a miracle indeed we got the one book in the end!! 😀 I truly wish I had seen it at least once on a big screen, it must be so wonderful! That’s maybe why I keep trying to imitate the experience by repeated exposure on my home screen – lol! I admit it took me quite a while to finish the book but I enjoyed every second of it. 😀 Did you read Alexandra Ripley’s “Scarlett” as well?


  5. I think your drawing is great, Sarah! I knew who it was at first glance. Personally, I liked the movie, but couldn’t get into the book. Although it’s been years since I tried to read it, so I might very well have a different opinion now.

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    1. Thank you very much, Ann!
      And I don’t blame you for not getting into the book because personally I think the movie is even better (a rare thing for me to say!).

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  6. I’ve seen the movie several times and read the book. I tried to read the book in one sitting, believe it or not. I finally had to give it up at 4:00 AM. What I recall is that Scarlett did not come off well in the book. My favorite scene in the movie is of her with that carrot: “As God is my witness, I will never go hungry again!”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. WoW! Kudos to you for even trying to read the book in one sitting, Liz!! And yes, she didn’t come off well in the book, and even though it’s a very rare thing for me to say, I admit that I preferred the movies with this one. I think Vivienne Leigh’s performance was simply divine and the movie would probably not have been as successful as it was without her.

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  7. I love the drawing Sarah. I confess I have never seen this all the way through, nor read the book. I should do something about that really! Your post is really interesting and has piqued my curiosity😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Darren! Now’s the perfect time for watching it!! And it’s a rare thing for me to say, but with this one I actually preferred the movie so you can easily skip reading the book. 😉


  8. That’s a fabulous quote. I’ve seen the movie, not read the book. I don’t remember being blown away by it, but I was, like, 19 at the time. As an adult I’ve really fallen in love with It Happened One Night–also Clark Gable. Have you seen that one?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No, I haven’t, but I’d love to now!! 😀 I think I was still a kid when I watched GWTW the first time – and already fell in love with Rhett, lol! What an actor, right? Also adore Humphrey Bogart. 😀


  9. Hi Sarah, your sketch is fantastic and what a classic movie, one of my favorites too. I’ve never read the book, now that I think of it, so it’s about time I do. Hope you’ve been well. I’m back to blogging as of a week ago after a very long break. And what a time to return! Stay safe, Lauren ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG! Lauren! You’re back!! 😀
      How lovely to “see” you again! How have you been??
      Yes, what a time to return, but maybe it’s the perfect time too, what with having to stay at home most of the time? Anyway, so happy you’ve returned and said hello! Going to pop over to your blog soon! Happy weekend! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m happy to see you, too! I’m fine and so is my family, just plugging along like everyone else, and thankfully, staying safe so far. It does seem like a good time to return. I’ve missed you and all my friends and am glad to reconnect. See you on my site and Happy Weekend also. Hugs!

        Liked by 1 person

  10. I think I watched that movie 50 years ago, and there are still scenes that I remember, particularly of the war. I also remember thinking that the characters were annoyingly melodramatic. Lol. 🙂
    Lovely drawing, Sarah. I recognized the characters immediately before I even read the post. You’re so talented!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww – thanks so much, Diana! 😀
      Hehe! Yes, the character were annoyingly melodramatic at times, but I loved them for it. But then I quite enjoy opera too, and there’s lots of drama too! 😀
      The war scenes had a haunting effect, but what stayed with me the most were probably all those swishing dresses, and how practical they would be today what with ensuring that people keep their distance at least as far as your skirt swings! LOL!
      Have a lovely weekend! ❤

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  11. “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn!” Ahhhhhh, I really could watch it now …. trouble is that every time I’ve started to watch it, it’s been after lunch and I always, without fail, fall asleep if I sit down after lunch. However I’ve seen the beginning many times. And I’ve always wanted someone to look after me like the lovely lady in it … ‘Mamie??’ I cant remember her name! Katie x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe! I’d love to watch it now again too! 😀 Maybe you could start watching it after breakfast instead of after lunch? Or start after your nap. 😉 My mum has the same thing: if she’s having a great meal, she’s asleep 30 minutes after it. 😀
      “Mammy” was played by Hattie McDaniel. 🙂
      Wishing you a lovely weekend, Katie! x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes! Hattie McDaniel! I’ve always secretly wanted her to look after me and keep me on the straight and narrow! And yes, I think breakfast viewing would be a good trick … indeed, why get up at all for breakfast? I could just watch it in bed 😃. Oooh that would be such a treat and of course if I did fall asleep, it simply wouldn’t matter 😂

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      2. Watch it in bed and eat breakfast at the same time – quite decadent but now’s the time I think! 😀 Let me know how it worked out for you. 😉

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  12. Sarah, I knew I was right to bate my breath last week! That sketch is absolutely beautiful. I’m instantly in the moment in the film which IS one of my favourites. In fact my second daughter has two middle names (they all do) and one is Tara …. xxxx

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  13. Seen it 3 or 4 times. 🙂 My sister and I used to flounce around the house going, “Frankly X, I don’t give a damn.” We thought it was funny. I’m not sure my mother did after the 100th time. 🙂
    My suggestion for you is the Indian film, The Lunch Box.

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  14. Your drawing of Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler is fantastic, Sarah! I love Gone With the Wind. I remember seeing it for the first time as a teenager. It was the first movie I ever saw at the theater that had an intermission. Since that day, I’ve probably watched it at least 25-30 times. I love the book too, but have only read it twice. One of my favorite scenes in the movie is when Scarlett sees Rhett for the first time. She’s going up the stairs with her sister and Rhett is at the bottom watching her. Scarlett asks who the man is as Rhett has this devious grin. Then she says, “He looks like he knows what I look like without my shimmy!” LOL! It’s classic. Oh gosh, now I want to watch it again. Enjoy your weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Jill!! 😀 Oh, how I wished I had seen Gone With the Wind at the cinema too! They sometimes repeat old movies at cinemas but never this one, maybe because it’s so lengthy? Anyway, I’ve also watched endless times, and definitely feel like rewatching it again, especially with the shelter at home in place. 😉 Oh yes! That scene you’ve mentioned is a classic, and so funny too!
      I admit I’ve read the book only once, but I did read Alexandra Ripley’s “Scarlett”, didn’t like the film adaption however. Have you read that one too? Have a lovely weekend! ❤


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