The Changing Seasons – September 2020

It’s time again for the wonderful challenge The Changing Seasons hosted by my dear friend Su from Zimmerbitch!

You might have noticed that I’ve skipped the Changing Seasons challenge last month.

It wasn’t actually for the lack of suitable photos to represent my month but more a case of feeling a bit under the weather.

Before I start with my September however, here come a couple of shots from what I have been up to in August:

After months of dedicated knitting I finished a new pair of socks!

And on a walk in a park I discovered this fabulously built lean-to:

So much for August.

In September I was determined to finally do my very own doodle calendar after months of admiring the ones made by my lovely friend A Wonderful Sheep! Please check out her awesome blog/YouTube channel and IG!

It was a lot of fun to decide at the end of each day what little picture to draw to represent my day.

Sometimes it was fairly easy, like when a dove crash landed on my balcony and I had to catch it to bring it to a veterinarian. (It was fine, just under shock and afterwards I released it in a park.)

Or when I had a huge row with one of my colleagues (look out for the little skull!).

Most of the time it was just the usual however: making art or music, cooking, baking, or just reading a good book.

This month I also managed to finish a watercolor that I have started ages ago – at least I could hold my promise to do so before Christmas!

On the other hand I also managed to somehow wreck my current work in progress! Now it sports a big fat hole and I still haven’t found the time to pay my canvas dealer a visit in order to fix the problem!

You can probably imagine how devastated I was, and to prove it I haven’t worked on my painting ever since, even though I could just work around the hole.

Luckily my passiflora beautifully compensated me with one of its magnificent flowers to cheer me up:

And this was it! Hope you enjoyed this post, and I look forward to reading yours!

If you would like to join in, here are the challenge guidelines:

The Changing Seasons Version One (photographic):

Each month, post 5-20 photos in a gallery that you feel represent your month
Don’t use photos from your archive. Only new shots.
Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so that others can find them
The Changing Seasons Version Two (you choose the format):

Each month, post a photo, recipe, painting, drawing, video, whatever that you feel says something about your month
Don’t use archive stuff. Only new material!
Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so others can find them.
If you do a ping-back to Su’s original post, she can update hers with links to all of yours.

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

65 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons – September 2020

  1. Sarah, those socks look so cuddly and cute – too bad we can’t wear socks only, skip the shoes. Love the octopus, inventively painted. September’s Doodle Diary is fun to look at – are you making a 12 month book of them? So very sorry about the torn canvas, but i bet you could find a You Tube video to show you how to repair it yourself. Anyone with the artistic and mechanical skills you have could master the skill easily.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your lovely comment, Shari!
      I haven’t repaired my canvas yet but watched the videos and am confident that I can make it work. 😉 If not, then I can still say that it looks just like it’s supposed to look. 😉

      Haha! You’re so right about the socks! We would need cleaner streets in order to wear them without shoes though. 😀

      12 months of doodle calendar are an awesome idea! Too bad I’m skipping November for lack of interesting things to draw! maybe once covid is behind us, I can concentrate on that.

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  2. Oh my gosh that’s an unusual and stunning flower! Love the socks. It’s so cold here these days, I could almost wear them now 😛 Again, love the calendar. You girls are so talented. I liked the skull, but sorry about the fight. Grrrrr. Noticed the Buffy marathon. Confession, I’ve YET to watch it. I know, right???

    I’m on book 4 of the sisters series. 😛 We must compare notes after I’m finished! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Lani! 😀 I bet our cold is much colder than yours. 😉 Winter is coming and all that. 😉
      WHAT?! A Buffy novice? You better hurry and watch it, girl!! 😉 Really, it’s an awesome series and I bet you’ll love even if vampires are not your thing. The dialogue’s superb, the romance is so lovely and one can’t help falling in love with the whole cast. I’m currently at season 3 so you might catch up if you start now. 😉
      And that’s so cool that you’re already at book 4! That’s the Pearl Sister, right? I think that one was my favorite. 😀 Definitely must compare notes! 😀 xoxo


  3. Aw thank you for the shout out Sarah! I’ve already gushed on IG about how much I love your doodle calendar, but also wanted to say I enjoyed seeing the more literal/real interpretations of your calendar. So much fun guessing what each day could mean. Aha, the skull was for a row with your colleague. I’m sorry you had that conflict, and sorry that you were feeling unwell last month! Hope you are better now? Hopefully October will bring much health, creativity and a repaired canvas for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My pleasure! And thank you for inspiring me! ❤
      Yeah, I thought a skull would represent my anger quite well. 😉
      So far October brought lots of creativity with it, not alone because of Inktober of course! 😉 Wishing you a wonderful and creative month as well!

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  4. The doodle calendar is fab! As is your octopus! And the socks look so cosy too.
    Sorry that you have had a rought time recently my friend and I hope that things improve and that you can get your canvas fixed too. Sending a big hug! X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Darren! It’s the holidays next week and I hope I can get the tear fixed then, just need to buy some fine linen and wood glue. Hugs always appreciated- sending one right back to you! X


  5. You are such a talented painter! I love your doodle calendar, but I’m sorry about the tear in the canvas of your latest project. Did you say that can be fixed without damaging your painting?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I haven’t heard of that film before but will look out for it! Yes, octopuses are extremely smart! As soon as I learned about that (sometime in my teens) I stopped eating calamari (fried octopus rings) for that very reason. It just felt wrong.

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      1. Hehe! 😉

        P.S. Your fabric card arrived!!!!! I’m totally thrilled!!! Thank you so, so much!!!! It’s just absolutely perfect and beautiful and I love it!!!! Will write you an email when times allows at the weekend! Until then – stay safe and healthy! Sending you an enormous HUG and much LOVE! xxx

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I was thinking about that this morning and there it is! I’m glad it made it. Mug rugs are a big thing here and one that delivers a message was something I had to take part in. I’m glad you like it. The one I sent to NZ for Pauline never made it. No rush on the email. Thanks for letting me know.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m so sorry to hear about the hole in the canvas! 😦 That has to hurt your heart a bit. I LOVE the socks!! Nothing like knit socks to keep the toes warm. How kind of you to get the bird to the vet before some other creature could take advantage of it. Sept was the month from hell except for having another birthday. I’m glad I didn’t have to doodle that month. I’m hoping the rest of the year looks better.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Marlene! I’ve watched quite a few videos on YouTube regarding how to repair a teared canvas and am confident to get the job done. I just need to find the time to buy some linen, luckily the autumn holidays start next week! 😀
      I admit that I’m normally not very fond of your normal street dove – they’re called flying rats for a reason! – but it’s very difficult to see a harmed being and not act in order to help, I’m actually I find it impossible. The vet was quite surprised though. 😁
      If you would do a doodle for September there wouldn’t be much to see probably, what with all the smoke. 🙁 I hope the aq has improved since and that you get to enjoy a lovely Autumn!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We will start to get good AQ Saturday with more rain coming in. Smoke from California fires makes it’s way here and then I have to stay in again. We get the double whammy with covid and fires to lock us in. ;(

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  7. I love your octopus. His movable shape really lends itself to artistry. We had a octopus in the aquarium in Seattle that was a big attraction, but recently it found a small pipe and escaped.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much!
      Ha! What a clever octopus!! But then that’s no surprise, they really are quite intelligent which is why I stopped eating octopus when I found out! Just felt so wrong. Better to draw and paint them anyway, don’t you agree?

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  8. There’s always so much to comment on, Sarah. I love hand-knitted socks and almost never where mine for fear of holes. Lol. And the doodle calendar – what a wonderful idea! And beautiful octopus and flower. Mother nature is wondrous. I hope October brings you much creativity and beauty and a repaired canvas. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Diana! 😀
      Hehe! I have the same fear about my socks! LOL! I only wear them for special occasions. 😀
      Wishing you a beautiful and creative October too, dear friend! Stay safe! ❤

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  9. I’m so sorry about your canvas; I hope you can get it repaired soon. Your calendar is wonderful; you’ve managed to capture so much in those little watercolours. I like that there’s some music-making in there 🙂

    I love your socks and the octopus, and I’m glad that you finished it. I know how good completion feels.

    Wishing you a happy, safe and creative October (and looking forward to seeing your next calendar) xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Su! I’ll try and see if I can get some repair canvas this week, but first I’ll have to surprise visit my dentist. 😦

      Yep, real nice to finish something for a change! LOL! 😀

      Wishing you a beautiful, safe and creative October too! Maybe you’ll join the doodle calendar group? 😉 xxx

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  10. Sarah, I love your doodle calendar! What a brilliant idea! I’ve tried to push myself to do more drawing but it keeps failing; the doodle calendar looks like a great way to get going on a daily basis! I love the octopus sketch and your pair of socks are wonderful. Happy Sunday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much, Ashley! And you’re right about the calendar, it’s perfect for get going on a daily basis as it needs only 5 minutes max each day. Most days I don’t find the time to work on my bigger projects I at least get these done – very rewarding. 😄 Happy weekend! 💕

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    1. Thank you, Liz! I promise my octopus is well behaved. 😉
      I’m in awe every time I see a passiflora, they’re incredibly complex. 😀


  11. What a month you had, Sarah! I really like your doodle calendar–I might have to make one for myself. Not a fan of octopus, but that is one lovely painting. I hope October treats you well. ❤

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  12. Oh my, Sarah. That is some fantastic artwork there. I am super impressed. I’m also saying a prayer for the mouse, the prayer being that no more mice show up. Houses are for people, not mice.
    Did I mention how much I love your artwork? Fabulous. The flower is amazing, the colleague is not.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww – thanks so much, Tracy! And that prayer is much appreciated. 😉 I jump up the nearest stool when I see a mouse running around my place – like a cartoon cliche! 😂 I was quite happy when the trap did its job.

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