The Changing Seasons – December 2020

Yep, it’s that time again where I try to summarize the past month with a few pics. This time however I really took only very few, so I take my cue from my dear friend Su who chose to revisit her Changing Seasons posts from 2020.

But first, before I forget and because I promised to do so, a picture of me with my new haircut. 😉

First time in ages that I put on some lipstick as there wasn’t much point to do so when having to wear a face mask all the time. (Dezember 2020)


Winter’s a great time to take wildlife shots because there’s much less cover for them, as was the case with this cute red squirrel.

Red Squirrel


Where I tried to repair my washing machine – and failed. But I managed to take it all apart and put it all back together again which has to count for something, right?

My washing machine


Where I finally gave it a try and baked my very own croissants. It took hours to knead and fold the dough but it was so worth it! I have to admit though, that I haven’t done it again this year. 😉

Homebaked croissants


It always makes me happy to watch nature coming back full force after a long winter. The ferns are usually one of the first to make an appearance.

Unfurling fern


Trying out new recipes was one of the main things I did this year, probably because the pandemic forced us to spend much more time inside the house than outside it.

Tarte Tatin


Catching bumblebees mid-flight is always a favorite pastime in summer.

Enormous bumblebee zoning in


One of the best things to happen this year was when my friend Darren from over at The Arty Plantsman and I decided to take up a new blog challenge we invented to share our favorite films with you. It motivated me to get out of my comfort zone and start drawing portraits.

Saoirse Ronan in Grand Budapest Hotel


My absolute highlight however was watching our Panda bear cubs growing up in our zoo. I’ve developed a huge crush on Pit and Paule, and can’t wait to see them again!

Napping Panda bear baby


Also finished my biggest watercolor so far this year.

Octopus watercolor painting


This year our October really was golden.



Lots of handicraft in November, like making Christmas and greeting cards.

Gold painted ginkgo leaf


And here’s my doodle calendar for December, another lovely new creative way to express myself, inspired by my wonderful friend “A Wonderful Sheep“.

Doodle calendar of December 2020 (watercolor and micron ink on paper)

I almost don’t want to admit it, but I think I watched an awful lot of TV this month! 😂 (Can you spot the 3 movies I made tiny drawings of?)

First half of December

Apart from that I even starred in my own spy movie – at least it felt a little like that when a friend of mine came over and we swapped presents for Christmas, keeping our distance and all but threw the gifts at each other from afar.

Second half of December

I think it’s safe to say that 2020 was more than challenging on all of us, and it fills me with terrible sadness to think of all the people who have lost someone to that horrible pandemic that has come over the planet.

It would be lovely to think that we’ve seen the worst of it, but I remain cautious. There’s still a long way to go, and I can only express my hope that we will go it together and find comfort and joy in each other’s company, even if it is only a virtual one.

Wishing you all a Healthy, Creative and Happy New Year!!! Stay safe and healthy!!!

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

73 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons – December 2020

  1. What a lovely haircut, Sarah. It frames your face nicely and you got such a lovely smile 🙂 You are right there is not much point in wearing lipstick outside these days. Sometimes I wear a bit of lipstick while I am at home and lounge around at home lol…just because why not and I can look however I want at home.

    It is always lovely to look back at photos you took over the last year. Looks like overall you have been creative at home and making the most of your time indoors. 2020 was a strange year and very sad for the people who have been affected by it, be it losing a loved one or having a hard time on the work front. Hopefully as this year goes on things improve…and it will be a new era moving forwards ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your lovely comment, Mabel! 😀 I totally get that you’re wearing lipstick at home sometimes, I think I’ll try this out too – lol! Should boost up my morale. 😉 Maybe we should try dressing up as well? Like prom night, only with tv instead of friends? 😂

      Yes, it was a very strange year, and such a tragic one too for all those people who lost loved ones. Let’s hope that the vaccines will work and we can all breathe a little and relax a bit.
      Take care! ❤


      1. Yes, lipstick wearing at home is sooo fun, at least for me. Normally I feel perfectly comfortable at home in comfortable clothes, but sometimes you know, you just want to look at bit more nicer just for yourself 😘 Haha, I like your idea of prom night, dressing up at home just with TV and maybe a nice home-cooked meal and a wine or something 😋 Hope you are doing good over there. It will be spring soon for you 😊

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww – thank you so much, Kerry! And I’m so sorry for being such a sloth these days and not visiting your lovely blog more often! I’ve started on a new online course about journalistic editing and it takes up most of my time. So I have become very negligent with all my friends here. 😦 Hope you’re well, and hope to hop over to your blog soon! x

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I loved this retrospective so much Sarah. I think the best part was that I remembered many of the photos and memories you shared (the washing machine! the animals and the octopus illustration!) It made me realize we must have been blogger friends for over a year now, and that makes me happy. Also really happy to see your doodle calendar. Finally you look so great! I hope I can take a photo of myself too after a visit to the hairdresser. (Please let it be safe again to go soon!) Wishing you a happy new year! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, hi!! So lovely to see you here again! 😀 I guess you’re pretty busy with Youtube these days? 😉
      Thanks so much for your lovely comment! Yes! We’ve been blogger friends for well over a year now, isn’t that awesome? 😀 I guess, my Christmas card to you never made it this, that is last year, right?
      Believe it or not: my mum cut my hair!! Hehe! I wanted a change, but didn’t want to risk a visit to the hairdresser’s so I told her to have a go at it. She was very hesitant at first! But since I assured her it would grow back and since I could always wear a hat since it’s winter, if it went wrong, she got to have fun doing it after a while.
      Hope all is well with you and yours? This is going to be a long lockdown winter here, numbers are still bad and our vaccination program doesn’t make much progress because we don’t have enough of the stuff. Just over a million people vaccined by now – and we have over 80 millions in Germany!! So it might well be next winter until we’re all through…
      How’s the situation in South Korea? Thinking of you a lot! Take care and Happy New Year! ❤


      1. Your card came today! I was so happy to receive it! As you know I still can’t send a lot of intl mail but when I can again, get ready for all the cards from me!♡ I’m really sorry to hear the outlook isn’t looking great over there. We’re slowly recovering from the latest wave and institutions like the library are reopening this week. Let’s just hope everyone can stay healthy and safe!♡


  3. Sorry I am late to this Sarah.
    I like the new haircut!
    I enjoyed looking back on your year. I can’t believe you washing machine issues were nearly a year ago!
    And as you say – what a year it was. Thank you for your constant friendship throughout 2020 Sarah.

    Oh – and what a chubby squirrel!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Sarah! I absolutely love this post. It’s a year in review through photos. You captured the best of the best. Thank you! Stay safe and stay well. Happy New Year to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You look cute with your lipstick and new haircut.

    You have an impressive collection of photos and projects for 2020. I like the things you chose to photograph–the close-ups of ferns, a squirrel and a bee. You’ve inspired me to look for similar opportunities. And your croissants look perfectly beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Nicki! 😀 And how lovely that my photos inspire you to look for similar opportunities – I used to be all for the grand pictures of landscapes and architecture, but with this pandemic my eyes have started to focus on the beauty right in front of me, like with delicate beauty of a fern. 🙂
      Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. You have had an impressive and creative year in spite of this horror of virus. There is so much versatility to your creativity. Pandas and squirrels always make us smile. I like how you brought it all together. We are all hoping for a better year ahead. Happy New Year, Sarah.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Marlene! I freely admit that Pandas and squirrels are making me smile all the time, just look at those cute faces and tufted ears! Always make me happy. 😀
      Wishing you and your family a healthy, happy and creative New Year too!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  7. As I said back in August… “The PANDAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW!” That sucker is so so cute. Your octopus is amazing, and your portrait is even more incredible. You are a stupendous artist! Also, love the new look! Nice that you updated your avatar with it. I don’t want to think about how old my avatar is….

    Liked by 1 person

  8. You managed to find joy in a year that was filled with difficulties and darkness, and that’s an accomplishment in and of itself! I love your new haircut, too. I wish you and yours a very happy New Year! We are moving ahead, slowly but surely.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww – thank you, Ann! I admit I feel the same now that I did that post – I got more done than I actually thought! And that’s something to be grateful for.
      Wishing you and your family a healthy and happy New Year! Take care!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Your hair looks great. Isn’t it nice to give it a good chop? It makes you look younger, not that you need it. 😛

    I liked that you decided to do a recap as well of the year. It’s a great way to look back and remember, and such lovely photos too. I did spot your 3 movies. I’m in TV series land so no movies for me so far. Are you and Darren going to cont with the Friday Films? If so I’ll probably participate on and off as usual, but I do enjoy it!

    Hope all is well in Germany. Take good care and see you around the interweb 😛 xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! Thank you, Lani! I’ve never had my hair cut so short before but it felt kind of liberating and good. Also as you said, it makes me look younger – a guy told me he thought I was 25!! Yay! 😉

      I’ll definitely watching more series I think as soon as I have Netflix. 😉 Darren and I were also thinking of making a blog challenge related to tv series – interested to join? 😉 Maybe a “Series Sunday”. 😀

      Lots of new infections in Germany, this pandemic is nowhere near finished with us it seems, and the holidays didn’t help. 😦 Hope it’s better in Thailand? Take care! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes to Series Sunday!!! I’m in 😀
        Yes to looking younger 😛

        OH, and I finished The Seven Sisters. Which ones were your favorites? I was surprised to like the ‘difficult ones’ like CeCe and Electra. Star’s story was also fun. Overall, I enjoyed them all in their ways… my least favorite part was the Spanish history/background of Tiggy ~ just wasn’t feeling it. I actually liked Tiggy’s modern day story better, but I also read that Lucinda was quite sick when she wrote that book so maybe it effected her. But Maia started it off… just took a peek and it looks like the 7th book – the missing sister – is coming out in May 😀

        Take good care, Sarah! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Awesome!!! 😀 Start making a list then. 😉

        And it was absolutely the same for me with The Seven Sisters – the “difficult” ones were the most fascinating – I’d never have thought I’d like Electra!! Haha! And CeCe was of course awesome because she’s a painter – I know, obvious choice, but what can I do? 😉
        And totally agree about Tiggy – very disappointing. I didn’t know that Lucinda was sick when she wrote it but that could definitely explain it. Now I feel kind of bad for having to admit, that I actually didn’t finish reading this one – which is something I almost never do. But it just didn’t click with me, and I felt so frustrated with me for not liking what one of my favorite writers did, so I just quit and tried to forget it.
        And yay for the seventh sister coming out soon!!! Can’t wait!!!
        Still so happy that you like this series as much as I do! 😀 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Yes, and isn’t that interesting that we both felt the same way about Tiggy’s Spanish story. On the one hand, I suppose she took a risk by having her grandmother, the famous dancer, not be likable. She redeems herself in the end, but she was hard to get behind or care about at times. I liked Tiggy’s story better and somehow pushed through…

        I’ve got my series list started 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Sarah, seeing your lovely smile always makes me happy, as does the panda magic. What a year it has been but your photos have shown some bright moments. Once again your calendar is fab, but I would like the plunger story please. 🙂 All the best to you and your family, Sarah. Keep well please.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww – thank you, Tracy! ❤ The pandas always make me happy too, I really long to see them again, they grow so fast! I'm really grateful for the opportunity to review the past year in my pictures, it showed me that there was still lots of good things in it even if we felt oppressed by anxiety and fear.
      The plunger? My bath tub was clogged! 😉
      All the best for you and your family too! Take care!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Clearing clogged bathroom drains, painting, sculptures, you can do it all! I really love your resilience, Sarah. I do think anxiety, if we don’t let it get the better of us, can help keep us safe. You are doing such a brilliant job there. Hugs.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Diana! Yes, lots to be thankful for and it was good to review the past year as it showed me that there was still lots of good things in it.
      Wishing you a beautiful and creative New Year 2021! Take care! ❤

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    1. Thank you, Rosaliene! 😀 It’s the same here actually, numbers are still high even though we’re finally in a real lockdown. The holidays didn’t help because people travelled to see their loved ones. Let’s just hope that soon it will be summer, the numbers should get down again then. Take care!

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  11. Your new haircut is fantastic my friend. I love seeing your year through this images (especially the pandas). I hope that 2021 brings more freedom and less anxiety — but lots of creative time too. Happy New Year

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Su! 😀 I enjoyed doing this post as it gave me opportunity to browse through my archive and decide which pictures to choose. In hindsight it wasn’t all bad, was it? Even though fear and anxiety played a huge role in that year. But let’s look forward and hope for a better one!! xxx

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  12. Ahh, Sarah, it is lovely to see you here, you put me to shame as you’ve done so much through the year. Your artwork is amazing and your website so encouraging. I’ve just started my January ‘doodle’ calendar and shortly I will begin illustrating some of my poems. Whether I put my poems and illustrations online I’ll decide later. In the meantime have a happy healthy and wonder-filled new year. See you again soon 🤗😘🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww – thanks so much, Ashley! And I can assure you it didn’t feel like much while I was doing all that stuff – on the contrary: I was thinking that I didn’t get anything done this year. 😁 Which is why it’s so nice to do this challenge I think, if only to realise that we’re not quite as useless as we might think we are. 😄 Looking forward to your January doodle! And hope you’ll share your poems and accompanying illustrations. Wishing you a very beautiful and creative New Year too! 😘

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    1. Hehe! It does have that, doesn’t it? 😂 Maybe I should have asked it for its barber’s name and adress? 😉
      Ugh! The plunger! 😂 Had to use it because the drain from the tub was blocked! 😁

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  13. Sarah, you created so much happiness during a sad and stressful year. Your photos, art, and baking show how beautiful this planet can be, and reveal the optimism that allows you (us) to wake each morning. AND – I love your new look: same lovely smile, fresh new -do.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Aww – thank you, Shari! ❤ In hindsight I’m amazed at how much I did manage to do, it sure didn’t feel like that while I was doing it. 😄
      P.S. Going to reply to your lovely email soon

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  14. Hey Sarah, you are very talented as a painter, and a baker 🙂

    I spotted 2 films, “Ghostbusters” and “Breakfast at Tiffany’s … I hope the New Year will be better than 2020 … for all of us !!

    Liked by 2 people

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