The Changing Seasons – February 2021

Not only am I very late to The Changing Seasons party but I also find myself in the embarrassing situation that I don’t have much to share this months in terms of photography.

Which is funny since February was quite a busy month for me!

So what did I do, you might wonder?

Doodle calendar February 2021

Well, back in December 2020 I enrolled in an online course about journalistic editing. The course is going to take at least 6 months, and if I’m doing well I might get another 6 months on top.

It took me some time to get used to the fact that I’m kind of back to uni, but now I’m in the flow! So studying is taking a big part of my daily routine now, and I’m having tests about every 2 weeks.

First part of February

In order to compensate for my sedentary lifestyle I also got in the habit to practice yoga on an almost daily basis as well.

Nevertheless the joy of watching Netflix hasn’t abated yet, and I was busy watching the last two seasons of “The Crown” (watching the last episode on the 3rd). I also started watching “The Kominsky Method” with Michael Douglas and “The Sinner” with Bill Pullman – these shows couldn’t be more different from each other even if they tried! LOL!

Second part of February

I’ve also caught up with a friend of mine who lives on Okinawa/Japan and started on a new artsy project which is mainly me trying to paint a portrait. (It’s not finished yet but I hope to share it soon.)

And as it has been the case every time I went to the zoo last year, visiting our panda bears was probably the very highlight of this month. Here’s either Pit or Paule for you (I still can’t tell them apart!):

A true bearliner… eh, Berliner! 😀

And this was it!

Hope you had a lovely February and wish you a wonderful March!

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

49 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons – February 2021

  1. It is lovely to hear about February eventhough you are late to the party. Again such a colourful doodles for each day. That is amazing you are studying an online course about journalistic editing! I hope it is going well and you are enjoying it 😊 I remember learning about journalism in university so many years ago and it gave me great insight about how journalists structure their writing. Hope you had a good catch up with a friend, and I am guessing it was an online catch-up! Guess this is the normal way to catch up with people these days 😄

    I really like the Snoopy you drew. Snoopy is great 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your lovely comment, Mabel, and I’m sorry for the late reply (I’m currently on a Social Media break – cheating obviously at the moment 😉 ).
      Yes, all catching up with friends is online these days but that’s better than nothing, right?
      Love Snoopy – he always makes me smile. 🙂
      The course is going well, so fascinating to learn all these things, different writing techniques and such, and as you said: very insightful too!
      Hope you’re well! Take care! xoxo


      1. Awwww! So lovely of you to come on here and talk to us! You could always just come back when your break is over 😄 Always good catching up online even if it’s like a brief chat or like how we do here in the blog world with blog friends 😉 Keep up with your course and soon you will finish it. You take care too ❤

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    1. Hi Marlene! So sorry to have worried you! All’s well, I’m just taking an unannounced social media break. It somehow grew all over my head and I needed a time-out. Hope you’re okay? We can still email if you feel like it. 😉 Thinking of you! x

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I bet your glad to be back at uni Sarah? Good luck with your tests. I watched the Sinner and loved it, what did you think? Have a fab weekend and a wonderful March too 🙂 xx


  3. It looks to me like you have accomplished quite a lot in one month and who says we have to fill every minute with productivity. I love your little bearliner. 😉 Great pun. February was another one of those months we should all be hibernating. It was not that much fun. I would be the last person to harsh your mellow. 😉


  4. Ok, I’ll say it too …. I love your doodle calendars! It is so much fun to figure out the more cryptic ones. I hope your toe recovered quickly. Good for you doing yoga; I got as far as looking at online classes :-/ I’m glad your course is going well xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe! Thank you, Su! 😉 ❤
      My yoga started with watching videos too. 😉 There's this one teacher I really like, her channel on Youtube is called "Yoga with Adriene". She's really cool and not too demanding on her students which is very crucial to me because I'm so not good at all that stretching. LOL! Maybe you should have a peek?
      Wishing you a lovely week and happy Women's Day! xxx


  5. Dear Sarah, I really love your daily doodles, so bright and colourful, we get a glimpse of your life, which enriches us, your readers. I hope your big toe is mended although I see some ice skates so I assume you recovered quickly from the ‘accident’ (?). We have been trying to avoid newspapers and TV except for Covid restriction updates. Mostly the media is driven by consumerism and should be avoided!. I would love to do yoga, is that online or something you have always done? I have to exercise daily to keep my back mobile and have often thought that the physiotherapy routine is actually very like yoga! I have not done any ‘art’ work this month but have written a few seasonal verses to celebrate the spring. I’m looking forward to seeing the portrait! Enjoy your weekend.😘🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Ashley! Yes, the big toe is all healed now, I actually bang my toes every other day or so but that one was a real bummer – lol! Hehe! The ice skating was merely watching a bio pic about the ice figure skater Tonya Harding in the 90’s – it’s been ages since I went on the skates myself. Also I think our rinks are still closed because of the pandemic.
      I also try not to watch too much news – it’s just so depressing. I’ve heard from many friends living in the UK that they’ve already got their vaccines – do you have yours already too? Around here most are still waiting for it.
      A friend of mine gave me the tip about watching yoga on Youtube. There’s one teacher that I particular like because she’s not too demanding on her students. Her name’s Adriene and you can either google “Yoga with Adriene” if you like or follow this link to her complete beginners course:

      (If the link doesn’t work, just copy and paste it into your browser, that should do the trick. 😉 )

      How wonderful that the change of seasons inspires you to write a few new verses and to celebrate spring this way! I think Mother Nature would love to know that. 😀
      Wishing you a lovely new week ahead! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks, Sarah! I’ll check that link to the yoga. Yes, we’ve had the first of our vaccinations and are due to have another at the beginning of April. My wife and I are now both 70+, just! 😢 I keep a sort of journal, where I jot ideas down for poems I might write. I have four of these books, one for each of the seasons and I try to write only spring verses in the spring, summer verses in the summer and so on. This helps me to follow Mother Earth’s routines rather than man-made ones. Wishing you a wonderful week too! 💌🙏


  6. I understand! I’ve been busy with an online class too, on top of everything else, but mine is not long running like yours. But so many questions ~ why is Snoopy there or the buffalo/ox? I want more explanations, dang it. 😛

    As always, love your doodle calendar and looking forward to this portrait reveal! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe! Thank you, Lani! That’s all easily explained – and far less adventurous than it may seem: I took a photo of my snoopy amigurumi having fun in the snow that day and shared it in my Insta story. And the buffalo? I bought yogurt made from buffalo milk!! LOL!
      Have a wonderful week ahead and happy Women’s Day! ❤

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    1. Thank you, Tracy! Yes, my studies are still fun but quite time-consuming. Will see if I can speed up a little so finish the class earlier than anticipated. 😀
      Take care!

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  7. Hope your toe is all better …. I hate stubbing my toe – takes forever to heal!
    I’m intrigued by Snoopy on Feb 8: any clues?

    Hope class is going well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Ju-Lyn! Yes, my toe’s much better now. 😀
      The Snoopy? Well, that was me taking a picture of my Snoopy amigurumi having fun in the snow. I should have included the pic here but forgot because I already did so on my Instagram story.
      My class is going well, lots of work but still fun. 😀 W
      Wishing you a happy international Women’s Day today! 😀


      1. Ah! Haven’t checked IG in a well … I’m off there to take a peek.

        Glad to hear your toe is better …. these stubs take so long to heal!!!

        Be safe and well …. enjoy the class!


  8. I love your doodle calendars. They’re better than a journal. They make the days and months seem so special. I haven’t been to the zoo in a long time. I wish we had pandas. Baby pandas would be even better.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww – thank you very much! I agree that doodling my journal somehow makes the days seem more special – although I can assure you they’re not! Hehe. 😉
      Our panda bear babies are almost as big as their mom now but still very cuddly and playful. 😀

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  9. All in all, I’d say you had a very good February! (Although it looks like you stubbed your toe on something on the first.) I look forward to the first share of your artsy project. Take good care, and have a good March!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe! I did stubb my toe. 😉 Actually I do that more than once a month. 😂
      Take good care too and I look forward to catch up with you soon! Have a wonderful March!

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  10. I had fun looking through you calendar, Sarah. So much fun to see your month in your artwork. I wondered about the Blue S, and the frog. LOL. Have a lovely, creative March. And good luck with your class!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Diana! The blue as stands for a Skype call with friends, the frog was a yoga pose. 😁 Hope all’s well with you and yours and promise to catch up soon! Have a wonderful March! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Brian! I guess it looks more mysterious than it actually was, like the buffalo? I merely bought yoghurt made from buffalo milk! 😂 Or the frog- that was a yoga pose! 😂
      I apologise for not having caught up with you in quite some time now, I promise to do so soon. xx

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      1. You can’t ruin my fantasy of what a fabulous and world of wonder you move about in Sarah 🙂 🙂
        Yes time for a lovely catch up would be good xx

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    1. Thanks so much, Chris! I’m glad my little drawings bring a smile to you. 😀
      All’s relatively good here, still need to be very careful though, our numbers are rising again even though we’ve been in lockdown. Now we’re slowly opening up again- makes no sense to me but most people seem to be out of patience and our government reacts accordingly.

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    1. Thank you, Rosaliene! I have to admit I slightly underestimated the amount of time my studies would occupy. 😁 But it’s a great and interesting course so that’s okay.
      Hope you’re well? Stay safe and creative!

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  11. I loved The Kominsky Method! It is supposed to be back for a 3rd season, but I am still waiting…. ‘Eat, Pray, Love”…good book, great movie. You have been productive, Sarah! I always look forward to your calendars, and you never disappoint. Happy March!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww – thank you, Lois! 😍 A 3rd season would be great, I’m almost done with season 2. 😁 I still have to watch the movie of Eat,pray, love – I thought it would be better to read the book first but never found the time until now. 😁 Hope the movie will be just as good as the book, I like Julia Roberts so that should be a given. 😉
      Wishing you a happy March too! Stay safe!

      Liked by 1 person

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