Sepia Spell – Light and Dark

Kopie von IMG_0860


Do you remember the Grotto I was showing you pictures of a couple of weeks ago?

Here you can see the hidden back entrance. 😉


Also, you might have noticed the slight change of my Sepia related post from “Sepia Sunday” to “Sepia Spell”. That´s because I´m not sure if I´m going to be able to post my photographs on sundays only from now on. Otherwise the topic hasn´t changed, it´s still going to be about Berlin in Sepia 🙂


Wish you all a beautiful weekend!

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

24 thoughts on “Sepia Spell – Light and Dark

  1. Sorry I have been remiss with your wonderful blog and sepia Sunday, unfortunately work has been all consuming and I haven’t looked at nearly anything, and I have just been reposting old stuff myself. Wonderful as always.

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    1. No excuses are required, Alan! We all have lives outside WordPress 🙂 But I´m glad you´re back again 😉 I´m also cutting back a little here as well, as I need some extra time for creating more art 😉 Wish you a great week! 🙂

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