A Pair of Puffins



A Pair of Puffins (acrylic on canvas; 30×24 cm; August 2016)


Thanks to cutting back a little from blogging, I managed to finish my latest painting – A Pair of Puffins – that I started a couple of months ago! (Usually it takes a month per painting.)

Puffins are one of my very, v e r y favourite birds and I´ve always been – and always will be – in love with them (luckily my boyfriend doesn´t mind 😉 ).

The striking colourful beaks are partly shed off after breeding season and appear much smaller and duller in comparison. As you can see, my puffins are still in full swing 😉 They are also known to form long-time pair bonds or relationships.

If you want to know more about these fabulous birds, you could go to Wikipedia of course, or – and that´s a special recommendation 😉 – visit this wonderful blog by my friend Inese! She´s written some very beautiful blog posts about these lovely birds and made lots of terrific shots that I can´t keep from gazing at 🙂

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

76 thoughts on “A Pair of Puffins

  1. Really lovely – looks almost like a woodcut. Here in Los Angeles, there’s a yahoo group called awesomeartists that lists calls for all types of artists – I got several showings from it. Perhaps you have something like that where you live?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for your lovely comment!! 🙂
      I haven´t heard of it yet, but I´m sure there will be something similar here in Berlin! Will look out for it! Thank you!! 🙂 Have a great weekend! xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. OMGz. I am in love with those puffins. I suppose puffins always make me think of books, on account of the cute little guy on the PUFFIN BOOKS label. I also like the name. PUFFIN. It’s adorable, yet a little majestic. (Oh, hold on. I just looked it up on Wikipedia. It’s not very nice at all.) Never mind!
    The painting is still majestic, though.
    ❤ C.M.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww – thank you so very much for your wonderful comment, C.M.!!! 🙂 I´m also thinking of the books everytime I hear someone say “Puffin” 😉 In german their name is a bit different “Papageientaucher” which means “parrot diver”. I think they´re one of the cutest animals on this whole planet 😉 Wish you a beautiful sunday, my dear friend!!! Sarah 🙂 xxxxx

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      1. Awwww! That makes me feel warm and fuzzy. But you know, I owe a bit of my recent work to you — you once told me that “anyone can doodle a bit,” even if they can’t draw very well, so I made my own lil’kid illustrations for my middle grade novel. I might not have tried it, if you hadn’t encouraged me that time. Thanks, Sarah! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh wow! That´s wonderful news, C.M.!!! I´m so happy that I encouraged you to do that! Did you already publish your drawing and can you link me to it??? I would soooooo love to see it 😀 Aww – this is exactly what I so love here on wordpress – everyone giving inspiration and encouragement to each other!! 🙂 Wish you a very beautiful weekend, my dear friend! 🙂 xxxxxx ❤

        Liked by 2 people

      3. I hope you have a good weekend, too. I didn’t actually publish the drawings yet, but if I post a sample, I’ll send you the link. Thanks for being the “artistic angel on my shoulder” 🙂

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    1. Thank you soooo much, dear Monica!!! 🙂 I´m glad you like them 😀
      I´m sure, if my boyfriend had a problem with that little “affair” of mine, he no longer would be my boyfriend 😉 Hehe 😉
      Have a lovely weekend my friend! xxx ❤

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  3. I love puffins and you seem to have really captured their peculir look. They make me smile whenever I see them. Your painting makes me envious. But I’ll stick with my camera.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Those are beautifully done. Funnily enough, as soon as I saw the puffins, I remembered Inese’s recent posts — and then you went on to mention them! It spans the entire globe, but sometimes the blogging world seems very cosy too. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you very much, L.T.!!! 🙂
      Puffins are just wonderful to study.
      Aww – cardinals! They are sooo lovely! How wonderful it must be to see them everyday! They are not common here in Germany sadly, but I always enjoy hearing about them or seeing pictures here on wordpress 🙂 Does your pair stay over winter?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It is an awesome feeling! Although part of me thinks that it´s good when they keep their distance, for their own safety. But maybe with time yours can be persuaded to hop one day one your finger 😉 Have a lovely weekend! xxx

        Liked by 2 people

  5. I love your puffins!!! Personally, I think there is something wrong with anyone who doesn’t like puffins. There is a blog I follow called “traveling rockhopper” which features posts from all over the world, and her most recent posts have featured puffins in their native habitat. You may want to check it out!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Lion!!! 🙂
      It must have been lovely to see them there! Always wanted to go to Scotland someday – watching puffins, strolling through the ferns and drinking whisky afterwards 😉 (these are just a couple of things I´m planning on doing when finally there 😉 )
      Have a great day! xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh Sarah, how wonderful! You are very talented. Where do you exhibit your work? It would certainly be fun to do a post of your work as an exhibit, a bit like L’Art Cache I follow here. 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Merci beaucoup, Léa!!! 🙂
      Haha! I haven´t exhibited my work so far, only here on my blog 🙂 I´m not sure if anyone would like to exhibit my art, since I haven´t studied art. It´s a tough business as far as I know… But of course I would love to have my own exhibition someday! 😀 Just hopping over to your blog and have a look at L`Art Cache 😉 Bisous! xxxxxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Do you know anyone with space? Someone who owns a restaurant or Coffee house? A small business? Someone with space an after hours opening with a bit of wine and cheese on opening night? Photo it, write it up and I’ll reblog it! You can do it and I wish i could be there to see it! 🙂 xxx

        Liked by 2 people

      2. That sounds like a terrific idea! Thank you! Unfortunately I don´t know any one like that in person, but maybe I can bring my portfolio next time I go out and just ask the proprietors! If is going to happen I would of course write about it!! Thank you so much for supporting me always, Léa! xxxxxxxxxxxxx ❤

        Liked by 3 people

      3. Exactly but also talk to friends, people from work, family… whatever it takes. Around here there is always a place to exhibit. Ah Sarah, I’m always behind you! I think you are more fabulous than you have even begun to realise! 🙂 xxxxxx<3

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      4. Thank you for your great advice, will do that!!! 🙂 And thank you very much for saying that, Léa, you make me quite teary and speechless now with your kind words… 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ❤

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      5. When I believe in someone’s work, I say so. I wish more people would. Back to work, I want to know all about that upcoming exhibit! 🙂 xxx ❤

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