Sepia Spell – Old National Gallery


Old National Gallery, Berlin (Sept- 2016)


After having shared with you my vision of the stairway to heaven, I´m showing you today a view of “heaven” itself 😉 – the Old National Gallery in Berlin!

If you ever get the chance to visit Berlin, make sure to drop by this wonderful building too!

Wish you all a beautiful weekend!


P.S. I´m sorry for not having dropped by all your wonderful blogs the past week! As it is, I´m having a bit of trouble with my eyes, a corneal erosion, which makes especially reading very painful 😦 But I hope to do so after it has healed (which seems to take much more time than anticipated). Please make sure to take very good care of your eyes!! We only realise what we take for granted if every blink hurts… 😦



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

38 thoughts on “Sepia Spell – Old National Gallery

  1. Oh dear, Sarah… so sorry to hear of your eye injury! Hugs and hope for your speedy (non-surgical) recovery ❤ Did you know the computer can read highlighted text to you? If you have an Apple computer, they have "accessibility" settings for this. PC's can read highlighted text too, but I'd need to ask my hubby how he got that to work. 💜 Jackie@KWH

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely words and hugs, dear Jackie! 🙂
      And I didn´t know that about computers, thank you! That sounds great and would help a lot!
      Hope everything a fine with you, and just let me say how sorry I am for not having visited you and your lovely blog in a while now! I miss so much being able to hop from blog to blog and see all the wonderful things my friends are doing…
      Wish you a very beautiful weekend, my dear friend! Hugs&Kisses! xxxxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your hearty words, dear Sarah ❤ Please don't worry about keeping up with blogful visitation—just rest/relax/recouperate! The computer's voice is a bit of an adjustment with some words. But once you're used to it, it'll help minimize eye-strain. Hope you're enjoying a lovely day! Sending smiles, hugs 'n kisses to you 🙂 💜 Jackie@KWH


  2. My Grandma was born in Germany and came to America with her mother. Not sure if I ever told you I wrote her love story on my blog awhile ago. She met my Grandpa whose parents were Swedish immigrants, on a street corner in NY City. I hope to see Germany one day. . .
    Hope your eye heals and everything is much better with your sight! xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, how lovely! So you´re part german! Do you happen to speak it a bit? How wonderful to know how and when your grandparents met! Can you point me to that blog post of yours? Would love to read it! 🙂
      And it would be so lovely to meet you when you find your way to Germany one day! Make sure to come to Berlin, too! 🙂 I´ll show you around then 😀
      My eye´s still making a bit of trouble sadly… 😦 The scar tissue ripped open twice again last week and I still need to take an antibiotic creme to prevent an infection. I really hope it will stay closed now…
      Have a lovely week! xxxxx


  3. You rally show s much of berlin’s beauty!
    And sending you healing and get well wishes!

    If you can get your hands on “sovereign silver” I know many folks who have healed/repaired eye damage by using it in their eyes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Yvette, for both the lovely compliment and the recommendation! I’ll see if I can geh my hands on it as it sounds very promising 😃 Wish you a splendid autumn weekend my dear friend!! 😄😚🍁

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  4. Oh Sarah, I’m so sorry to hear about your eye. Please rest and take care of yourself my friend. Lovely photo too btw — a magnificent-looking building and I can imagine the treasures within. Healing thoughts and Kiwi hugs to you xxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Su! I will!
      Next time I go there I’ll make sure to take some pics from the treasury for you 😉
      Your healing thoughts and Kiwi hugs are already helping! 😄 Thank you! Have a very lovely sunday evening and a beautiful week ahead dear Su! xxxxx 😄

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m so glad your eye is feeling better. I did my glass workshop yesterday and am buzzing. Can hardly wait until the end of the week to see the results! I’m now sitting in my hotel in the wonderfully unexpected position of having a totally free day. I’m looking at the map and wondering where to go. My idea of bliss (well, one of them). I hope to find coffee very soon. I hope you continue to heal well and have a really good week. More hugs xxxx

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hi Su, I know exactly how it feels 😉 Apart from being creative itself that’s the thing I like most of the whole process 😄 How long did the course take and what did you create?
        Hope you spent your free day satisfyingly! 😃 What did you do?
        I tried to paint the other day but had to stop after 15min ’cause my eye hurt to much 😓 Really miss doing it or at least doing anything at all except to listening to audio books… Well, I guess I have to be patient. Have a lovely week too! Hugging you right back 😉😘 xxxxx

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Sarah, I have sent a prayer up for your eyes!
    How old are you, if I may ask? 🙂 Hope corneal erosion may be corrected or healed.
    I have had narrow eye glaucoma and laser surgery for this on both eyes. Now, later this month am facing cataract surgery. It is considered routine so I won’t worry too much about myself.
    Hugs to you, dear. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, dear Robin! 😄
      I’m 35 years old but the erosion is not age related. I got a small plastic object into my eye a couple of weeks ago and the new tissue that grew over the wound has been ripped open again by merely opening my eye too fast one night. 😯 This is very likely to happen everytime I do that now but I can try to prevent it by constantly using creme and drops to keep the surface smooth. If it doesn’t help there’s also the possibility of surgery where the first layer of the cornea will be completely removed so that it can grow back without scar tissue. To be honest I’m not enthusiastic about this approach although I’ve also been told it’s routine 😉 I really hope the surgery will help you Robin! I’ll be thinking of you and sending you healing thoughts and hugs!! 😄 Take care my friend! xxx

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Haha! Thank you for lifting my spirits, Robin! 🙂 I have to admit, I often feel much younger than my true age and often wonder if it´s the same for everbody else. But then I guess it always depends how one´s feeling healthwise and so on.
        Have a very beautiful day, my dear friend! 🙂 xxxxx


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