The Wise Age


I´m very proud to present another collaboration that combines the wonderful words of my dear friend and writer Syeda with one of my drawings! 🙂



The Wise Age

Standing in the alley

I watch them play around

Little kids whom I saw

Puking in their mother’s arms.

I watch the little hands

That held mine and learnt to walk

Today cross their ways past me hastily

Avoiding me, unwilling to acknowledge.

These old wrinkly hands and face

Are not something I would want to lose

They have come to be, after all

The wars and struggles I’ve fought.

They are the marks of my victory

Of having emerged out of the abyss.

                                                           -by Syeda Faiza Rasheed





Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

41 thoughts on “The Wise Age

    1. Thank you so much, Inese! 🙂
      Sadly my eye hasn´t much improved yet, the wound has opened twice again in the last week 😦 but I won´t lose hope that it will be better someday…
      Have a lovely week, my dear friend! xxxxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sarah, so happy my comments made you happy, dear. ❤
        I had cataract surgery on my right eye yesterday and am up at my Mom's senior living apt, recuperating. 🙂 It was rather normal procedure, but had my blood pressure plummet to 72/35.
        They panicked and I could feel myself "fainting" on the table.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hi Robin, I´ve been thinking of you and am so glad everything went well with your surgery (apart from your blood pressure plummeting – I always have the same when I´m visiting the dentist 😉 they´ve gotten quite used to me nearly fainting after getting the anesthetic 😉 ).
        Does the cataract also affect your left eye? Hope you´re recuperating well and fast and have a lovely time with your Mom 🙂
        Wish you a wonderful week! xxxxx


  1. The poem and the picture go well together. The part about the wrinkles not being something he’d want to lose reminds me of my mother. She often says, “I’ve earned every grey hair. I’ve earned every wrinkle.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Bun!!! 🙂
      I love that your mother thinks like that! Too many people seem to be obsessed by staying young forever. I always think that it´s staying young inside is so much more important than looking young. Getting old is a privilege and we should all feel as proud of the signs of it as your mother does – she seems so be a very wise lady indeed!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Melissa!!! 🙂
      Hope everything is fine with you and wish you a very lovely week! Enjoy the crisp autumn leaves and make a sketch or two of them for me 😀 Love, Sarah xxxxx


  2. Reblogged this on This is my life! and commented:
    Just when I feel, I’m running out of thoughts, my dearest friend Sarah comes and wakes me from my slumber. Here’s what I wrote for the wonderful drawing she shared with me!!
    Hope you’ll like it!

    Lots of love and best wishes. . .

    Liked by 2 people

      1. It is always wonderful to join you my dear friend. Very happy I could do something of this for you! But worried too, please do take care of yourself. 🙂


    1. Thank you soooo much!!! You really made my day! 😀 Wish you a very beautiful week!
      P.S. So sorry for not having visited your blog in a while, I still got problems with my sight which makes it difficult to read… but I promise to come and visit as soon as I can!!

      Liked by 1 person

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