Winter Solstice 

My lovely friend Patty asked me again if I’d like to contribute to the wonderful blog “The Strix” that she’s a part of and also administrating. Although she gave me a huge head-start I hardly found the time to come up with an idea for this topic’s theme, the winter solstice, and already told her that I couldn’t make it in time. Only to have an image pop up into my head one day later – that’s how it goes sometimes. 

My drawing depicts the winter solstice as some sort of a battle, the contestants being the personifications of Summer and Winter. While Summer has to push really hard and doesn’t look as beautiful or magnificent as her usual self but rather clenches her teeth to get the job done, Winter doesn’t break a sweat and stays cool (sorry for the pun, couldn’t resist it 😉 ).

And to show that winter is not all about iciness and death, but also brimming with life if you know where to look, I added a couple of animals to this side of the picture as well. 

It will, of course, take a while until Summer comes back to us who live in the northern hemisphere but the knowledge that it will, can make even the dreariest of days look a little bit brighter, I think. 

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

36 thoughts on “Winter Solstice 

  1. I like the concept, Sarah! Winter Solstice is my favorite time of the year because Winter just started, but the days are already getting longer 🙂 Wishing you a happy and successful New Year!

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    1. Thank you so much , Inese! 😄 I like it too for the same reasons 😃 I always catch myself counting every minute the sun stays up a little bit longer with each passing day 😉 Wish you a wonderful, successful, adventurous, magical and happy New Year my friend! 😄😚

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  2. This is lovely Sarah. A really good concept, beautifully executed. It’s all kind of reversed here, with Summer melting Winter with just a withering glance. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I hope the rest of the season passes in peace and healing. Big hugs xxxx,Su.

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      1. That would be fantastic! Actually I can imagine you doing a whole seasonal change series. I love the idea of Autumn sneaking up on summer, seducing everyone with beautiful colours and a wind to blow the humidity away. Hope you had a fabulous Christmas. Mine began badly but ended peacefully, with a very long car trip in the middle. I’m already looking forward to Jan 1 and kissing goodbye to 2016!

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      2. Woo-hoo! Your words already made that picture more than visible! Can’t wait to draw autumn sneaking up and seducing summer! 😄 Just awesome idea, Su! You’re perfect! 😃
        Oh, no that doesn’t sound good 😦 Hope everything is ok with you and your family? My Christmas was surprisingly lovely (sometimes it isn’t 😉). But I know what you mean, I’m also ready for 2017! Wish you a very happy, creative and successful new Year my dear friend!! 😄😚😚😚 xxxxxxxxx

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  3. Great concept; I like the way winter is taking up most of the space, but Summer is fighting the good fight. Another beautiful work of art. You have a style that is all your own.

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