2nd of May – World Asthma Day


My asthma medication, May 2017


Today is World Asthma Day.

I have asthma.

But I´m not alone as it is sadly one the most common diseases worldwide.

The WHO assumes that 230 to 300 million people worldwide suffer from this disease – and that´s only the reported cases.

Although it is a serious disease it can be treated and if treated well there´s nothing to stop you from conquering the world – literally, as in: The roman emperor Augustus suffered from asthma and ruled the Roman Empire (and he wasn’t even treated!) 😉

Napoleon, Ludwig van Beethoven, Charles Dickens and Theodor Roosevelt had asthma – and look what they´ve done!

Still, it´s not funny to have asthma but you get used to it.

I have to take my sprays each and every day and if I get a cold or any other respiratory infection it takes me usually twice as long to get back in good health again as someone who doesn’t have asthma.



If you would like to join me in this challenge to post something each day of May there is a World Day, just publish your post with the tag maychallenge and pingback to my post so that we can all see and enjoy your contribution! 🙂

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

40 thoughts on “2nd of May – World Asthma Day

  1. Oh Sarah! What a great post. Although I don’t have asthma, my nephew does, and when we get bad wildfire seasons here in Washington, he really struggles. I love the connection to past historical figures who had asthma. Who knew?

    Thank you for your bright spirit, Sarah! I always enjoy your posts. I wish you good health 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Melissa!
      Your poor nephew! It must be so awful for him during the wildfire season.
      I always loved history so it came quite naturally to me to look out for some role-models there 😉
      Have a very beautiful and creative Thursday! 😄😚


  2. I am also sorry to hear that you suffer from asthma, Sarah. My mom did also, and she had an inhaler that she used at various times. I am a substitute teacher, so I also have kids in classes at times that have to leave to see the nurse for their inhalers. Medications are a good thing to help people overcome this. When I worked for the city a couple years ago, one of the things I did was to keep up with all the various designated days. I kinda miss that. I hope the spring brings you lots of fresh air to breathe and much inspiration! xo

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    1. Thank you, Lana. 🙂
      It´s interesting that the kids at your school need to see the nurse for their inhalers, here they´re allowed to keep them in class and use them whenever they need to. I´m sorry your mom had it as well, I´ve often heard it can get worse as you grow older, the medication has to be adjusted, and to be honest, I don´t really look forward to it. But then I´m just thankful that there are meds I can take!
      Maybe you could pick the designated days theme up on your blog? It would be so lovely to see what you come up with literary-wise! 🙂 Hugs! xo

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      1. Our schools are so behind Europe, I’m afraid. I had two Dutch students that told me all about school in Holland, and it sounded way more progressive. I will try and see if I can do some of the day themes…would probably serve as some great writing prompts! 😀 xo

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  3. Sorry to hear that my dear Sarah. I have to say, your positive attitude is truly an inspiration to me! I love your jovial pieces of writing, your fantastic art and affectionate nature. Sending you many hugs:-)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your beautiful words, dear Divya! It fills me with joy to know that! Having met you here is one of the best things about blogging – you shine like a star with your creativity and passion for all things beautiful on this world! Huge hugs! 😄 xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh the feeling is mutual dear Sarah! Thank you for such generous, kind words!:) When I began blogging, I had no idea, I would meet wonderful people like you. Maybe someday we will share dessert and tea away from this virtual and in the real world:-) Much love to you!

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  4. You’re certainly in illustrious company (not that you can’t hold your own there). The boy-child has very mild asthma, which I think he’s kind of in denial about. Boys …. grrr.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, boys tend to do that… They won´t acknowledge something until it bangs continuously on their heads, yells and screams at the same time 😉
      But if it is a mild form then all should be well, maybe even pass with getting older.

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    1. Haha! 🙂 Thank you, Laura! And you´re perfectly right though I didn’t even noticed it when I was making the shot! It just didn’t feel right when I was first shooting the sprays and their packings on their own, so I added my inhalator tube as well 🙂

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    1. Thanks, Sarah!
      There´s just one thing that I won´t be able to do because of the asthma and that´s scuba diving which ironically I always wanted to do. The compressed air gets simply too cold under water and that can easily lead to a fit – something you should evade under all circumstances whilst under water 😉 But apart from that I won´t be stopped! 🙂 Have a lovely day!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Snorkel is fine, and I did it a couple of times – just amazing how the world looks, feels and sounds under water, right? 🙂 And you´re right – no certificate needed! Awesome! 🙂

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      2. It is fantastic. I have looked into snuba – it’s similar to scuba, but you don’t go as deep and you don’t carry the air. I think it’s still compressed air, though, so it might not work for you. That said, because it’s shallow, maybe it would be OK because you can get to the surface quickly if you were to feel an asthma attack coming on.

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      3. One of my best friends did it on her honeymoon and loved it – like snorkeling, without as much fuss or worry. I saw when looking it up that they have it in Key West – I may pester Paul to do it next time we’re there.

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    1. Thanks, Iris. I´m lucky to live in a time and place where the asthma can be treated and the best way to cope with it, is to ignore it sometimes 😉 We all have our loads on our backs, and this is mine 🙂
      Maybe all I need is a change of scenery – I was once in a beautiful city in Spain – Cádiz – that is situated on a peninsula. The air from the sea was just wonderful and I felt like I could do without the meds if I would live there. maybe some day… 🙂
      Have a lovely day! 🙂 xoxo ❤ 🌹

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  5. I too have asthma but only periodically … when the wrong pollens are exuberantly filling the air, in the damp musty days of autumn and anywhere that is dusty. My third daughter though is like you and has to treat her asthma every day. It’s a nuisance and colds lay her very low indeed. There is nothing more I can say except that I am sorry you are afflicted and I hope one day they find a miracle cure for you and my daughter xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, so you know how it is. So many do sadly, and it feels like more and more people are destined to get it with all the pollution going on …
      A friend of mine has it the same way you do, though mostly with cats to which she is allergic.
      A miracle cure would be very welcome but I think the industry will try everything to prevent this from ever happening, think of all the billions and trillions they make selling us their drugs… 😦 xxxxxxxx

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      1. If the world collectively rounded on the pharmaceutical industry and controlled it, we would be in a much better state all round! Xxxxxxx

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