Happy Mother´s Day!


It´s a simple truth: I love my Mama and she´s the best! 🙂


My Mama and I having fun at the potter´s wheel (July 2016)
My Mama working at the potter´s wheel (July 2016)
My Mama laughing because she´s just accidentally destroyed her creation (July 2016) 
My Mama proudly presenting her Art Nouveau vase (July 2016)
My mum´s Art Nouveau vase (unfired, unglazed; July 2016)
Another of my editing experiments in the hopes to create a somewhat gloomy, victorian atmosphere … (May 2017)


Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

61 thoughts on “Happy Mother´s Day!

  1. Wow! Sarah, now we know why you’re so talented!! Amazing genes. What a sweet post, and you’re so adorable in your photo. Amazing mom, as well. That art nouveau vase is out of this world!!❤️💋

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, Rose! Thank you so much for your lovely words! 🙂 ❤ You´re so sweet!
      My mom was perfectly thrilled when I told her about your awesome compliment!! 🙂
      Wish you a perfect Sunday, dear friend! 🙂 ❤ xxxxx


  2. Your mama’s an artist too! So nice to see you both Sarah:-) Wishing her a very happy mother’s day(I know, very belated)!
    I love her creation….it is full of beauty.
    It’s so nice to see a mum-daughter duo that share similar interests.
    Much love to both of you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. She is! And thank you so much for your lovely words! I make sure to tell her! I always make a point of showing her your wonderful creations as well – and she loves it all! 🙂
      Sorry for the late reply, you know why 😉
      Much love! Hugs! 🙂 ❤

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  3. So now I see from whom you received your creative mind and positive outlook. Your mother is incredibly talented. The vase is nothing short of incredible. With the first two or three pics, I thought, hmmm, I don’t know. Then voila, there it was, a miracle.

    AND, I’ve just finished the first fourteen chapters of Count Harecula. Miss Gentileschi, you are a writer. I loved it. You’ve created a remarkable character. I really enjoyed the story line and the relationships are so well drawn. I like your attention to detail and the drawings are perfect. I know I sound overly effusive, but seriously you have a winner here. Keep going with it and work hard. I’m so impressed.

    I look forward to reading more!

    Oh, I hope Mother’s Day was as successful as it looked. I’m sure it was. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for your wonderful words, Paul! I will pass them on to my mom – she will be perfectly thrilled! 🙂
      AND, thank you very, very much for reading – and even liking! – my story and for calling me a writer! You don´t know what it means to me, especially from someone like you!! I feel I should print this comment out, frame it and hang it on the wall, so that I can have a look at it whenever I sit at my desk and fail to come up with something Count Harecula-related 🙂 And never worry about sounding overly effusive – I can take it 😉
      I have a couple of more story ideas, that I work on from time to time, but so far Count Harecula is the one project I try to regularly work on. It really helps to post it on my blog, so I can´t be lazy… 😉
      Wish you a perfect day! And thank you again so very, very much, Paul! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. These are lovely, happy photos Sarah. Your mum looks like she loves life and is lots of fun. And I love her creation!!!! Nice final shot too; the Victorian Gothic vibe works well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Su! So sorry for the late reply – my arms were hugely swollen and hurt and still do…
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment! 😀 It was a very lovely day we spent together in the workshop and I´m so glad I made some pictures with the timer and captured it 🙂
      I will pass your compliments on 🙂 Have a lovely week! 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxx

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      1. Hi Sarah; no problem. I’ve just got back from Wellington and am trying to catch up with my blogging comments, etc. I’m so sorry that you are still in pain and the swelling hasn’t completely gone down. Take care my friend, and I hope you have a good week. xxxxxx 🙂

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      1. Silence from the daughters because British Mother’s Day was in March but I got a lovely message from my Stepson which made me very happy indeed xxxx

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      2. In my mind, every day should be Mother’s Day! Or nearly 😉 Glad your stepson wrote to you! What a thoughtful person! Wish I could give you some lovely flowers! Virtual ones will have to do the trick for now… 🌷🌸🌹🌺🌼🌻❤ xxxxxx

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      3. Oh, thank you, Osyth! Your rose eminds me of one of my favorite books – The Little Prince by Saint-Exupéry, do you know it? So sorry for the late reply – my tender tendons are giving me a hard time, had to forgo computers, mobile etc for a week now, and am feeling I should turn it off right now… 😦 Another week will hopefully help. Have a very lovely Sunday and week, full of sunshine and summer scents! xxxxxxx

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      4. Never EVER apologise … it is always lovely to ‘see’ you when you are ready or able. And in this case, you really must take care of those pesky tendons. Dreadfully painful and you must give yourself the best chance of healing. That would go for anyone but a woman who is an artist …. you can’t afford to damage yourself further nor to risk partial healing that will result in things going further awry down the road. I have had number three daughter staying for far to short a time – just Thursday- Sunday night. It was SO lovely to see her, so hard to see her off again last night. The last post I wrote (called ‘It’s such a secret place … the land of tears’) has The Little Prince at it’s heart. It is, undoubtedly one of my most favourite books and one that nestles in my own heart in so many ways. Take good care and don’t worry about not responding. Get well. And most of all, be happy xxxxxxxx

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      5. That´s exactly what I just did 😉 That, and the not-taking-enough-care-of-myself part 😉
        Thanks so much for your lovely comment, Osyth! 🙂
        You know what they say: A short stay is better than no stay 😉 But when it comes to loved ones, it never can be long enough, I believe 😉
        Oh! I really have to read that post soon! And how lovely that it is also one of your favorite books as well!
        Have a lovely sunny day, my dear friend! 🙂 xxxxxx

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    1. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, Annika! She is all that and more! 😄 It’s always the best of fun being creative when she’s around! And thank you for liking my photograph too!! 😄 Have a very lovely day and a wonderful week ahead! 😄

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