More Summer Companions: Shoes


Last week I forgot something very important on my list of summer companions – shoes!!!

Luckily two of my wonderful friends here – Osyth from Half Baked in Paradise and Ann from Muddling Through My Middle Age – mentioned them in their lovely comments in my last post and so I decided to quickly sketch the pairs I´m wearing most of the time.

These are:

1.) My flip-flops:

My flip-flops… perfect for the beach but also nice in the park (micron ink and water color on paper; Aug. 2017)


2.) My comfy sandals (this time I added a photo of the drawing before I colored it – which one do you prefer?):


My sandals… in black and white (micron ink on paper; Aug. 2017)
My sandals… in colour 😉 (micron ink and water colour on paper; Aug. 2017)


3.) And last but not least: my moroccan slippers I wear at home:


My “Maroccan” Slippers… I know, I know: spelling mistake – sorry!! That´s because the adjective “moroccan” is spelled “marokkanisch” in German and I have to confess to sometimes get a bit confused…(micron ink and water color on paper; Aug. 2017)


What kind of shoes do you wear in summer? Comfy Birkenstocks? Eye-catching high-heels? Flip-flopping flip-flops?



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

82 thoughts on “More Summer Companions: Shoes

    1. Exactly! And it´s always fun to look out for bags, and more often than not I find myself on the verge of asking people where they got theirs if I like it. 😀
      The strange thing is, I´ve got so many and rarely ever use them but stick to my all-time favorite, a back-pack. Really need to wear the others around more often! 😀

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      1. I have a love-hate relationship with bags. I start out with little ones, and they get really full so I buy a bigger one, and a bigger one. Until I go crazy trying to find things in a huge, heavy bag. And I start again with a little one. 🙂 At the moment I have a messenger bag I made and I love it. I’m scared of loving it to death though, because it was so fiddly to make I don’t think I could do it again. 🙂

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    1. Thank you so much, Su! 😀 And don´t worry, you had other things on your mind at the time… 🙂
      Shoes are all women´s soft spot, it seems, just like bags… 😀 Which reminds me: I need to draw some bags!! 😉 xxxxxxx

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  1. Oh Sarah! I love these. I am late to the conversation, but I practically live in my Chaco flip flops all summer. Ahh, my toes are already missing being free. I notice this as I sit here in my waterproof boots 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much, Melissa! 😀
      And don´t worry, it´s always a good time to talk about shoes 😉
      And I know what you mean – around here it´s already too cold for wearing flip-flops too 😦 Now I´m wearing some sneakers before it gets even too cold for that and then it´s back to my boots! 🙂 But I´m planning to draw all of those too, so that´s a good thing 😉


  2. These are delightful!! So eye-catching and the last pair is my favourite with such a beautiful blue! 😀 During the summer I’ve been wearing a pair of light grey flats with polka dot white all over – so comfy and cool; also I wore them to Florida last summer and they remind me of that fantastic holiday. Heavier winter boots soon…grrr…

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    1. Thanks so much, Annika! 😄 I love polka dots! I’m sure your comfy flats look very lovely and it’s wonderful that they remind you of your fantastic holidays!
      I don’t really look forward to wearing my winter boots either… And they don’t look so fancy as my summer shoes so sketching them won’t be as fun 😂
      Have a lovely week!

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  3. I love that all your footwear look so comfy, but also very pretty!
    As it is hot all year round in Singapore, I guess our footwear is summer-isa all the time. I mostly wear sneakers these days; I used to be a Birkie girl, but for some reason, my knees started to hurt. Ever since switching to Ked-ish sneakers, I’ve been fine.

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    1. Thank you very much! I´m really lucky with these shoes 😀
      I can´t imagine living in a place where it´s summer all the time but would absolutely love to try it!! No need to change all the clothes in your wardrobes twice a year (from winter to summer and back again), having air caress my skin and not made dry by heating…. aww, I dream! 😀
      I think wearing sneakers is a good solution for your knee problems, I´ve got the same problems from time to time.


  4. We, women must have pretty shoes! What fantastic drawings, Sarah!! Did you hand decorate your Funky Fish flip-flops — I loved the designs on the inner heel areas — are those sugar skulls?

    I love my Doc Marten slip-ons and sandals…. not as pretty as your collection but very comfy and sturdy. What a fun way to memorialize summer! ❤ 👡

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    1. Thanks so much, Rose! 😀 And you´re spot on! Those are indeed sugar skulls 😉 I couldn’t resist buying them, they are way too cute 😉
      I love my Doc Marten boots so much and can easily understand your passion for yours! Those soles are just indestructible and mine are now about 15 years old!! (And since I take good care of them, they don´t even look like it!)
      Have a beautiful day, poetess! xoxo 🙂


  5. I love all your pretty shoes, Sara, and your drawings of them.
    I’m a big flip-flop fan; I have 6 pairs. Here in the Southern US, some even wear flip-flops in the winter. It’s our “go to” shoes for men and women both. I have a couple of pairs of leather sandals when I need something a little more dressy, and 4 pairs of Bobs flats…one has cats on them. 😊

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      1. Sarah, in Bob’s shoes, I wear a full size smaller that I regularly do. I’ve bought quite a few pairs over the years, and this has always been so. They are just a bit snug when you first put them on, then stretch out quickly. They have Memory Foam in them now, making them extremely comfy. 💜

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      2. I just had a quick look at amazon but in Germany they sell only unicolored ones!! And shipping from the US would be far too pricey… Ah, well, maybe some day…
        But thanks for letting me know that it´s better to buy them one size smaller! 🙂 ❤

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  6. All great shoes, Sarah! I especially like the Moroccan slippers. I have a pair of “house sandals” I wore most of the summer and sneakers I used to walk my dog in. Most of my everyday shoes I wear to school are the comfort type as I’m on my feet now many hours a day. Here’s to comfortable shoes 😀

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  7. Thanks for the mention of my blog! And I loved your sketches especially of the flip-flops (although they were all quite good.) As much as I love the sandals and shoes I wear in the summer, I actually have a very hard time finding sandals that fit. My feet are an odd shape, (think water-skis) and most of the straps are too wide so that my feet move around too much in the sandals. But I loved those slippers at the end of your post, and think I could wear something like that!

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    1. You´re welcome, Ann 😀 And thank you!
      Finding shoes that fit perfectly is quite a task, and totally underestimated by most men I think 😉
      The slippers you like are really comfy but their soles are way to thin to wear outside though.
      Have a lovely day and wonderful week ahead!


  8. Hi Sarah, I liked seeing the three pairs of shoes that are getting you around in summer 🙂 For me, it’s my green slippers at home and my white sneakers when heading outdoors. Oooh I have a multi-colored pair of sandals for special occasions. Love your sketches ❤

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    1. Thanks a lot, Christy! 😀 It´s been so much fun sketching them and noticing all the little details I hadn’t before – makes me appreciate my foot-wear even more from now on 😉 And I look forward to sketch my winter boots now! 😀
      Have a lovely day! xoxo ❤

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  9. All so pretty! I love them all. As you know I am to be found mostly in Birkos in summer but I also wear little floral ballet pumps and very occasionally wedge espadrilles with ribbons that wind up the leg. In the house I wear soft Indian silk slippers (also beaded) and when no-on is looking (particularly my husband or daughters) I have been known to put a pair of lurid orange Crocs on in the garden!!! I so love your drawings. Just so love them. Have a lovely weekend and may your feet be always content for it is our feet that walk us through the adventure of life xxxxxxx

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    1. Thank you so much, Fiona! It was you who gave me the idea 😉
      Oh, how I would love to draw those floral ballet pumps and the espadrilles! 🙂 The beaded Indian slippers sound just as magical and out of 1001 Nights as my moroccan slippers 😉
      Hehe! Sneaking of in orange crocs when no one is looking – it´s hilarious but my aunt does just the same!! 😀
      And you´re so right: our feet need to be content and kept happy as they carry us around every single day! Hope putting on silly colored nail varnish counts too 😉
      Have a wonderful weekend! Hope the rain will soon come to an end! Much love! xxxxxxxx

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      1. I’m glad I did. I love shoes. I also love varnished toe nails and I am certain the toes like it all the more if the colours are crazy! The crocs are my guilty pleasure … all hail your Aunt for being a kindred 😀 The rain has left us for now and the mountains are draped with muslin clouds – eerily beautiful (it would suit Count Harecula 😉) Have a lovely weekend and whatever you do, enjoy it 😊 SO much love to you xxxxxxxxxxx

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      2. I think I will have to borrow those mountains draped with muslin clouds for the Count´s hiding place then 😉 It sounds just perfect for him! 😀
        Have a beautiful late summer day! 🙂 xxxxxxxxxx ❤

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      3. I’m working (honestly I am working) to the sound of Kindergarten and elementary school children back after the long summer holiday. It is SO delightful! I am sure The Count would find myriad suitable niches for his hideaway. There are plenty of fitting chateaux for him to choose from 😉 Enjoy a wonderful day, you too! xxxxxxx

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      4. And here it´s missing because they´re all back in school today! 😉 But they will be back in the afternoon and then I will smile listening to them playing in the backyards 😀 I can never understand how people can feel molested by these kind of sounds, I think they´re wonderful!
        The mountain hideaway idea sound more compelling by the minute! 😉 I´m sure he would be thrilled by the idea of beautiful French chateau – as would I!! 😉 xxxxxxxxxxxx

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      5. When we came to see this place (I plan to write about it later today) and when we took the keys the agent kept saying that it was good timing because the school was on holiday. He seemed slightly bewildered when I said that I find the sound of children playing happily quite lovely. I guess they had had others who don’t share our delight! Isn’t it wonderful to have imagination that is boundless and so one can live in a chateau if one so chooses … in our dreams! xxxx

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      6. Haha! I can imagine his bewildered look when you said that! And I bet he was clapping himself on the shoulder after you left! 😀
        Here´s to all of us who love the sound of playing children! 🙂 xxxxxxxxx

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    1. Thank you, Marlene! 😀
      I have to admit, for comfort I definitely prefer sandals or sneakers too, also their insoles are much better and more to my liking than flip-flops. Walking bare feet is supposed to be very healthy but here in the city it would be disastrous – too many glass shards and dog poo… Although I sometimes see people doing that and always wonder how they manage and how long they have to scrub their feet when getting home 😉

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