Things I Bought Today


Not long ago, when I posted about my Summer Companions, my dear friend Sarah (no, I´m not talking of myself in the third person…yet 😉 ) from over at Travels with Choppy very perceptively mentioned in response to my comment that I take my camera nearly always with me except when I shop for groceries, how strange it is that we usually don´t take pictures of ourselves shopping for groceries although we spent quite a lot of time doing it.

The instant I read this, I knew it was true, and that I should do something about it.

I don´t know how it is handled in other countries, but here in Germany it´s not actually allowed to take photographs inside any kind of shop, so I refrained from doing it.

But nobody could mind if I were to draw my purchases in the quiet of my own home, right?

So that´t what I did!

Here are some of the things I bought today:


Some of the groceries I bought this week: Maple syrup, olive oil, Kalamata olives, canned tomatoes and pasta (micron ink and water color on paper, October 2017)


And since it´s very, very important to me, the basis of my daily breakfast deserves a whole page on its own:


My all time favorite for breakfast – rolled oats (micron ink and water color on paper, October 2017)


What did you buy this week? What kind of groceries are your must-have?

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

75 thoughts on “Things I Bought Today

  1. I love the surprises you have in store for the readers of your superb blog! I never know what to expect, but I know I’m gonna love it. Such a talented soul you are, Sarah! Have a fantastic week. xoxo

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  2. What fun drawings!!!
    We don’t take photographs in stores here in Singapore either. I’ve always wondered why. Do you know? I’ve speculated that maybe they don’t want competitors to “steal” their ideas, but it always seemed so unlikely to me.

    My fridge is too small for a weekly shop, so I have to do several small shops during the week to replenish fresh fruit & vegetables. My favourite meal of the day is breakfast, so we have a variety of hot cereals (steel cut oats, oatmeal) and cold cereals (muesli, granola), and eggs, of course!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much!!! 😄
      I think it has to do something with that whole idea of competition and “stealing” but I admit I haven’t researched it thoroughly.

      My fridge is quite small too so I know what you mean 😉 Especially wish for a bigger freezer compartment!
      Glad to have found another breakfast enthusiast! 😄

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      1. You know, we got a dedicated freezer this year, and it has changed our lives. We love being able to freeze so many things now. Unfortunately, it has since become extremely packed with goodies!!!!

        What are your brekkie favourites?

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      2. LOL! I bet it would be same for me if I had a bigger freezer! 😀 I secretely dream of an accessible refrigerating chamber like in a restaurant 😉
        My breakfast favorites are oats with fresh fruit especially banana and blueberries, some dried fruits like apricot or dates and a variety of nuts. I don’t really like prefabricated mueslis so I´m kind of forced to mix them myself 😉 More time consuming but less sugary and better in taste any time 😀 Having said that, I simply love a good croissant for breakfast but try to keep it at bay 😉

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      3. Your breakfast choices are my kind of brekkies! I, too, love a good croissant, especially the almond sort, for a special treat. I also love French toast and pancakes!

        I’ve often toyed with mixing my own muesli. I probably should since I already have most of the ingredients lying around!

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      4. Ah, French toast – now you have me drooling! 😀 Totally love it but am often too lazy to do. It´s a special treat for cold winter mornings. 🙂
        As longs as the ingredients for your muesli are dry, you can easily mix them and store together in a box. Only the fresh fruit and the milk will have to go in last.

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  3. Great grocery shopping you have had 🙂 Love the drawings. The oats are a good breakfast food indeed – good for cholesterol and sugar control. I always add the oat bran to my yogurts and other foods. xxxx

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    1. Thank you so much, Inese! 😄 I have to admit that I also bought some fresh fruit and vegetables that day 😉 Didn’t draw them though because the page was too small and I wanted to get it all done before the day was gone! 😂
      Glad you’re also an oat bran lover! 😄xxxxxxxx

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  4. You are so talented, love your drawings. I have to start my day with cereal and my current favourite is bran flakes and banana. This week I bought milk, bread, bananas, avocado dip, carrots and chocolate milk, made from pistachio milk (which is delicious and recently discovered) xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Gill! 😀 You always make me smile! 😀
      Love the combination of bran flakes with banana! And that chocolate milk made from pistachio milk sounds awesome! There´s a wonderful Italian paste made from white chocolate and pistachios that tastes so good. When I´m lucky a friend brings me some from Sicily, otherwise I do it myself which is surprisingly easy. I´m sure you would love it too!
      Have a very lovely weekend! xx

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  5. Strange thing; love olive oil, don’t like olives.
    Hope all is well, dear Sarah. Is it also a bit Summer again in Berlin?
    Reading blogs during my lunch-break, but will soon hop outside again 🙂
    Big hug! XxX

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I used to dislike them when I was younger but developed a taste for them in my twenties. Same goes for cheese 😄
      It’s indeed quite summerly here in Berlin and I enjoy the warmth.
      Have a lovely evening dear! Xxx

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  6. Oh Sarah, your groceries look so much more interesting than mine, lol. I hate grocery shopping, I can’t even tell you how much. I usually do it after being at school all day. I shop two different places, so it just depends on how tired I am. Sometimes, I break it into two days. I do like olives. I also like dried cranberries and nuts. I do like oatmeal, but I have to get up too early to make anything so it is usually granola bar and fruit. I caught a glimpse of an article on Maple syrup the other day saying how healthy it is, supposedly even healthier than blueberries. Who knew, right? I’ll have to check that out. Thank you for showing the beauty of grocery shopping in your lovely sketches! I hope you have a fantastic week! 😀

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    1. Thanks so much for your lovely comment, Lana! 😄
      To be honest, I don’t enjoy grocery shopping much myself especially because I always end up in the wrong line checking out 😉
      And thank you for mentioning the health benefits of maple syrup! I never knew and am going to have a look at it too. Who would have thought that my indulgence is actually a good one! 😄
      Have a very beautiful week! Hugs! 😄💕

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      1. Oh those grocery store lines, I don’t think there is ever a “right” one, lol! I need to read more about maple syrup now, too. I know honey is good even though it is really a lot of sugar. I really love honey, also 😀 Hope your week is going well too. Hugs! 😀

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  7. Sarah, as always a joy to see your drawings…the food looks so different and much more vibrant and colourful than when placed on the kitchen counter after a shop! Yummy, maple syrup is so tasty but not something I tend to buy. 😀 From barely being able to stand yogurt as a child and teenager I now fear I’m addicted to it…that’s a staple in my fridge, always with my cereal and sometimes as a snack with banana, honey and cinnamon during the day! Also, I panic if I’m running low on lemon & ginger tea – so always make sure to buy that. Happy weekend and shopping!

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    1. Thank you so much, Annika! Your words always make me smile 😀
      I have to admit to be a maple syrup addict 😉 There´s a wonderful walnut-maple syrup pie that I make from time to time (and writing about it now makes me realize that it´s been far too long since I made one!).
      Oh, yogurt is a far better thing to be addicted to than maple syrup so don´t worry! So healthy and yummy! I often eat it too, mixed with some cereals or fruit it´s the perfect snack. 🙂
      Hehe! Love that you panic if you´re running low on your favorite tea – it´s the same for me with those rolled oats 😉
      Wish you a very lovely week ahead! 🙂 ❤

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  8. I love your drawings! And it may sound odd, but my two staples are tomatoes and cheese. I always have both in the house, and eat them in a variety of ways. Fresh fruit, too, but not once specific kinds…just whatever is in season.

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  9. Great sketches… especially the wonderful German quality! 😉 All very good and healthy food products, Sarah, olives, olive oil … lovely with salads, right? Ah, with pasta as well 😃 👍 Bon apetit! Thank you for brekkie foods… really wholesome and tasty… I enjoy my muesli with fresh fruits… 🍐 🍏 🍑 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your lovely visit and comment, Iris! 😀 I´m a big fan of olive oil, especially the good one – it´s incredibly healthy 😀 Apart from the occasional cake I try to eat as wholesome and tasty as possible – you are what you eat, right? 😉
      And I love fresh fruit to my muesli too, especially banana and blueberries! I always mix fresh and dried fruit and nuts with my oats, and if I feel naughty, I grate some dark chocolate over it too, like today 😉 Much love! ❤

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  10. How little disappointed to hear that no camera allowed in any stores. I think some stores in US also post no camera signs. I have not paid attention to grocery stores. I do not recall seeing one but I could be wrong. I recently took few pictures inside a couple of grocery stores. Google map even suggested me to do so too. I am curious to understand the reason why this is in Germany.

    Nice sketches of the grocery items! I like the Kalamata Olive jar you drew. The olives inside look quite real.

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    1. Thank you very much for your lovely comment! 😀
      I´m not sure why they don´t want it, just that it is at least frown upon and in the worst case they make you delete the pics, I´ve seen it once happen. It´s got to do something with competition and pricing, I think.

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  11. Awww your watercolors are precious! Breakfast is the most important meal! I went grocery shopping yesterday and got milk, some peppers (not hot ones though), broccoli, and yogurt. Milk is a must-have in my fridge. Enjoy your rolled oats, sweetheart ❤

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    1. Thank you sooo much, Christy! Your comments always make me smile 😀
      And I agree, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, if it´s good you´re good to go for several hours of work without needing a break.:)
      And I agree, milk is an absolute must-have for me too! How else would I indulge myself with my oats 😉 That and fresh fruit 🙂
      Have a lovely weekend, my dear friend! 🙂 ❤ xoxo

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      1. I agree about our comments being reason to smile! I have no idea how we ended up connecting through our blogs (there are soooo many blogs out there!) but I’m so glad we have crossed paths. Keep sharing your cheer and creativity, Sarah ❤ Happy weekend to you too xxoo

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      2. Aww – me too, Christy! 😀 I tend to think of it as some kind of magnetized needles in a haystack that find each other no matter how many straws (or blogs 😉 ) are out there 😀
        Have. a very lovely week ahead! xoxo ❤

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  12. These are just beautiful Sarah! I love the way you make the everyday so special in your drawings.
    I’ve shopped way more than usual this week; partly because I’ve been quite disorganised and had to make multiple trips to the supermarket, and partly because I’m part of a group that cooks meals for the City mission to feed homeless people. I bought minced beef, onions, garlic, tinned tomatoes and kidney beans, rice, carrots and green beans and lots of mandarins because they were such a good price and are so healthy. Also, I’m not great at making desserts, so fresh fruit is a better option for everyone 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much, Su! 😀 I think it´s the everyday things in our life that need to get highlighted more often in order to really appreciate them, at least it´s how it works for me. 😉
      Oh, wow! That´s a wonderful thing you do! I´m sure it will be all incredibly delicious and you´ll probably end up cooking there full-time 😉
      The ingredients on your list sound super to me, the perfect food really: a full stomach and lots of vitamins, protein and carbs. And I think it´s absolutely awesome of you to really cook there instead of “just” donating money. That´s so much more personal and wonderful way of giving back. You´re one marvelous woman! 😀 xxxxxxx

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      1. Thank you. I totally agree with you about focusing on the little, everyday things as a way of being grateful for them.
        I’m not sure I can take much praise for my cooking. There is a huge group of women who do this. There’s a monthly roster, and every day is usually covered by at least one person. It is incredibly satisfying to make something. For me (as you know) sharing food is very much a way of showing love. I really like having people to cook for now that the boy-child has moved out and the Big T is away so much for work. 🙂

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      2. Hehe. So has my mum! It’s not as bad as her mother’s sweet tooth though. My grandmother, even in her 80s, could break into a run and jostle anyone out of the way if there was a cream cake or meringue on offer.

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    1. Thank you! 😀 I thought it wonderful to get that idea from you, so I simply had to include you in the post 😉
      Mmh, yummy! I love squash, turkey and scallops… can I come over for dinner? 😉 😀
      Have a very lovely weekend! 😀

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