Pulled From The Archives: In Love With Polar Bears


Here comes another post pulled from my archives!

It contains of a surprise birthday gift I made for my mum two years ago: a painting of her favorite animals – polar bears.

Back then I used to post my progressing paintings bit by bit, but I didn´t do it with this one because I didn´t want to risk that my mum found out what was going on. 😉


This is what I wrote on 1 Nov 2015:


In Love with Polar Bears!!!


Whilst working on my Degas-Painting, I was additionaly working on another painting in secret for my mum´s birthday. Because I couldn´t risk “being caught” by her, I didn´t post this painting from the first steps on, as I usually do.

My mum is madly in love with polar bears (well, who isn´t – apart from the seals, of course 😉 ), so naturally I wanted to give it a try, and paint these beautiful animals for her.

I´m happy to annouce that she loves it – no small feat considering that this is my first try on these animals and that she is a professional porcelain painter, who used to work for the KPM (that´s the “Königliche Porzellan Manufaktur” – the “Royal Porcelain Manufacture” in Berlin). I sincerely hope, you like it, too!:)


In Love With Polar Bears (2015; acrylic on canvas, 40x30cm)



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

84 thoughts on “Pulled From The Archives: In Love With Polar Bears

  1. Beautiful artwork! So much details and emotions. Exactly how art should be. I can feel the care and the love you have put into this lovely piece. Great work! And thanks for giving me the idea to give an old post new life.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is your first try, Sarah? What a stunning and beautiful work of art. And now we know your talent runs in the family. I love polar bears, too, and this is just precious. I’m glad you re-posted it. Sending much love and many hugs! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Sarah
    How are you doing?
    What is not to love about this creation! The polar bears are adorable and your depiction of them is heart warming to say the least. This painting is brimming with so much emotion:)You are so incredibly talented!:-)
    How is your mom doing now? I hope she is better,
    Many hugs to both of you:-)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Divya! So wonderful to hear from you! 😀
      I hope you are well and busy baking wonderful things! 😉
      Thanks so much for your lovely comment! It made me glow with joy! 😀
      My mum´s a bit better, now, thank you so much for asking!
      Sending you many hugs and love! xoxo ❤ 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! 😀 Thank you very much, Chris! Yes, better not be a seal when you´re around a polar bear 😉 I´ve watched a BBC documentary a couple of years ago where the host of the show stood inside an untested glass cube – the bear nearly crushed it and they had to drive it away. It was quite an unsettling sight – these animals are so very strong, no wonder they´re called the biggest predators on land!


    1. Thank you so much, Christy!! 😀 Polar bears are such wonderful and fascinating animals, I can spend literally hours watching them (on TV 😉 ). Their fur is just amazing and scientifically very interesting as well. 😀
      Hope you´re well and wish you a beautiful weekend! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Kerry! How lovely that Teddy painted a watercolour for your mum – it’s gifts like that that show love and appreciation the most I think, and not how much you spent on jewels and the like. 😊 Have a wonderful day! 😍

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  4. I loved this the first time – it is wonderful to get to see it again. Pulling things out from the archives is an excellent idea!
    And this is yet another chance to wish your mom positive thoughts as she continues to recover and recuperate!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I’m mainly pulling posts from my archives because I find it quite difficult to be creative at the moment but also think that it’s a lovely opportunity to show these early pieces to a broader audience now. 😄
      Wish you a very lovely week my friend! And thank you for all your positive thoughts! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have often wondered my earlier posts: now that I have made so many friends on WP, I would have loved for them to see some of the things I wrote before. You have triggered an idea in my head, and am thinking maybe we should all do this ….

        Sending you HUGS!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m so glad to have inspired you to do this early post sharing too! It’s fantastic really and I look so much forward to read all yours! Sending you lots of HUGE HUGS back!!! 😄❤


  5. Wow! 😀 Sarah, this is amazing – a wonderful painting! I’m awe-struck! There are such tenderness and love, the picture awash with emotions of joy, contentment and care. Sarah, I can now see where your incredible skill comes from, considering your mother worked for KPM. Very impressive, indeed! A beautiful and treasured present and so glad you decided to share with us again. hugs xxxx❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, dear Annika! I’ve just made some photos of my mum’s painted porcelain and am going to share them soon here. Working for the KPM she mostly specialized in flowers and they are just beautiful!
      Have a wonderful day my friend! xxx ❤

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  6. With a mother who paints in that caliber, I can understand why you would want it to be extra perfect but the love that pours from this painting is priceless. It’s just beautiful. I’m glad you shared it again as I don’t think I’ve seen it before.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Marlene! You don’t how much this means to me. 😄 Yes, there are many of my paintings that haven’t been seen by most I my friends here as I posted them in the very early days. Going to share them over the next weeks! 😉
      Have a beautiful week! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m glad to hear you are sharing. My mother was a perfect seamstress. I am not but I enjoy a little sewing. Just had to set my bar a little lower and enjoy what I do make. Measuring myself by my own yardstick not someone else’s.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Trying to get my mind to accept my new protheses. Still don’t like the look, it feels weird, not able to eat with it yet…As I understand from my father-in-law, it will take weeks and weeks to get comfortable with it…so, trying to be patient. Sigh.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sorry for the late reply but somehow your comment landed in spam which I only just thought of checking. I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve such trouble with your protheses, I can only imagine how weird it must feel. Hope you’ll soon get more comfortable wearing it. Xxx

        Liked by 1 person

      3. No worries, I know you’re thinking of me, since I do too about you 😉 People who had to go through this, told me it will take time (weeks, months)…so another lesson in patience…
        Enjoy your Sunday, dear Sarah. Big hug, XxX

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  7. The painting glorifies motherhood in the true sense of the word Sarah…the expressions are celestial! It is a perfect gift for a mom. You are such a loving daughter dear friend. Stay blessed!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! I also love marmots and already made a little drawing of a pair, so maybe a painting is going to be the next step. 😉 Did you know that February 2nd is Marmot Day? I plan to post some photos then. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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