Childhood Dreams


Racker Kopie
Squirt from Finding Dory (water color on paper; May 2018)


Today´s prompt for the May 2018 Art Challenge: Smile Makers! is “Turtles” which immediately made me think of those huge turtles living on the Galapagos Islands.

So I thought I might paint a water color of these giants but then noticed that I would also have to paint a person to give it a scale by which you could compare it. However that seemed too much trouble for me at the moment, and since this challenge´s motto is smile makers, I kind of doubted that a gigantic turtle that could crash a 5 year old easily beneath itself, if it were so inclined, not very amusing.

So instead I opted for the cutest turtle ever, which as it happens is really tiny: Squirt, who made his appearance in “Finding Dory”, the sequel to “Finding Nemo”, both of which I absolutely loved.

And this brings me also to this post´s title – childhood dreams. When I was a kid I had about a dozen dreams of what I would become when I grew up. For instance an astronaut, a ballerina or a queen.

I admit that all of them were a tad unrealistic – I get carsick really fast so sitting in a space shuttle didn´t seem to be very desirable once I´ve learned that they don´t come with artificial gravity like the ships in Star Wars or Star Trek do.

So the next dream – a ballerina – was tackled but because my father found the training hours were far too pricey I was put into a gymnastics class instead, which luckily was also fun but alas! it lacked a lovely tutu and the shoes.

And what, do you wonder, became of my dream of being a queen one day? Well, HRH Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge beat me to it. 😉

But there was another childhood dream of mine, a really big one –

I dreamed to work one day for a very famous Mouse and earn my living by drawing and painting cartoons. Numerous sketchpads were filled with Micky Mouse, Goofy and Donald Duck drawings in those years, only to be later replaced by Arielle the Mermaid, Pocahontas and many others.

Like all the other dreams this one obviously didn´t come true, at least not in the sense that I´m earning money with drawing and painting. But at least I get to have lots of fun doing it and so, in a sense, this childhood dream is still very much alive.


What were your childhood dreams?



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

58 thoughts on “Childhood Dreams

  1. Thank you for sharing your childhood dreams. As someone who still feels I have yet to grow up, I am a strong supporter of Dreaming!

    When I first saw your drawing on your dashboard, I thought this little fellow very much reminded me of Squirt – and indeed, the cheeky smile is his! So, even if you are not part of the Disney team officially, you are certainly bringing the characters to life!

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    1. Thank you so much, Ju-Lyn!! I also feel sometimes that I still have to grow up! Lol! 😄
      And I’m so glad my little Squirt reminded you of the original one! 😄 xxx

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    1. Thank you so much, Darren! And also for making me see that sometimes getting our childhood dreams fulfilled isn’t always as wonderful as we might think it is. Although I have to say that I’m very sad that this turned to be the case for you. Luckily you’ve found your passion for drawing and painting!! 😊💕


  2. Well, you certainly made me smile, Sarah. I love this adorable little painting. 🙂 If only we got to wear tutus in gymnastics class, huh? Little girls should be able to wear tutus to soccer practice too, imho. *Sigh* I wavered between wanting magical powers and being a homesteader in the mountains who lived off the land. Both came a bit true. 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much, Diana! And I’m so glad this made you smile. 😊 Oh yes, girls should be allowed to wear tutus to soccer practice too!! Everywhere they like actually. 😉
      How lovely that both your dreams came true in a way – creating fantastical worlds is definitely a super magical power!! ❤

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    1. Thank you! I can very much relate to your childhood dreams – both are just awesome! 🙂 And flying would be so cool. Maybe you could go for a pilot´s license one day, that´s still one of my dreams. 😉

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  3. Sooooooooo cute! Love it!
    Ah, I heard something last week ‘ your childhood dreams are the building blocks of your future’. Me became not a ballerina either due to different circumstances, and not a psychologist for children. However altered the dream a bit and now realizing it 🙂
    I tell you, dear Sarah, go for that ‘payed’ paint/sketch/artist dream, you are talented enough!
    Big hugs and a wonderful creative new week, XxX

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    1. Thanks so much, dear Patty! Yes, most of us have to alter our dreams a bit, don’t we? Glad you’re realising yours now! You too have a wonderful new week! Big hug! Xxx

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  4. I love your cute little turtle! I wanted to be a flight attendant – why? Recently I had the chance to interview but decided I did not have the stamina. Working at an airport is close enough…🛩️🛫

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    1. Thank you so much, Kerry! My mum also wanted to be a flight attendant but she was too small and so the Lufthansa said no. It’s a tough job and as I understand the constant exposure to higher levels of radiation up in the air aren’t that nice of a side effect.

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  5. Squirt is so adorable, Sarah, and I loved that movie! I enjoyed reading about your childhood dreams, too. My dream was to be a singer. I started singing in choirs in school, and in high school and early college, I did some solos. One solo was of Silent Night, a jazzy version. I was also fortunate to tour the east coast with my choir teacher’s church choir, singing the main gospel solo. I sang that same song at a convention of 2000 people. 🙂 In my senior talent show, I won 1st place in the singing category. Anyway, singing was my passion – back then. 🎵
    Soon after, I changed paths and that dream became fond memories of my moments in the spotlight – not to brag at all though, just wonderful times and memories. I’ve always loved to write, but my passion grew over the years, and now, it’s a hobby I put most of my energy into. Not famous, but I enjoy my little corner on WP.
    Regarding Mickey Mouse, he and Disneyland will always be my favorite, as I grew up around the corner from the park and have a million great childhood memories that trickled into adulthood memories, too, with my own family. My daughter and I recently went to the Walt Disney Museum in San Francisco and it was truly amazing. Walt Disney was a talented artist from a young age; he had a vision and unrelenting perseverance, and what he accomplished back then was incredible. You would love it if you ever get to S.F. Wonderful post, Sarah, and sorry for the novel. 🙂 Happy weekend! ❤🎤🎥📽

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    1. Hi Lauren and thanks so much for liking my little Squirt! 😄 And never apologize for lengthy comments – I think those are the best!! It’s so amazing to read about you childhood dream that actually came true! I also sang in a choir and participated in several school shows and it was a brilliant time. Never won a prize though. 😉
      And that must have been so awesome to grow up next to Disneyland! There s one here in Europe too but we never went, and also I think the original might be much better. It’s so lovely to know that you also love it! And should I ever get the chance to visit San Francisco I definitely will visit the museum! Maybe you could act as my guide then. 😉
      Have a wonderful weekend dear friend! Much love! 😄💖🐁

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      1. If you ever plan a trip to S.F. let me know. I’m only 20-25 minutes away and it would be great to meet you. 🙂 And I would love to be your guide!
        Speaking of Disneyland, I’ve never been to Disney World in Orlando, FL. either. Maybe someday, but like you said, I’m partial to the original, and even that park has changed so much since its inception, and it’s still changing.
        It’s great to hear you did some singing, too. It doesn’t matter about a prize. You still have those wonderful memories.
        I’m glad my novels are okay, too. It’s so easy to get carried away. Enjoy your weekend, too, and sending hugs! 💕✨🎼

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      2. I will! But it might take a while. 😉 And of course, should you ever visit Berlin one day it would be so great to meet you too and show you around. 😊 💞🌹

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  6. What a great post, Sarah, your little turtle is so cute. I also loved both of those films. My childhood dreams were to be a soldier and a vet. The first I binned when I found out, back then, that women didn’t fight, or that was my parents just trying to put me off LOL. The second, I have always loved animals but then realised I am not too good with needles and I’m a little squeamish with blood and stuff, so that would have been no good. Although, many years later, I did have an interview for the RSPCA, but that didn’t work out. I’m quite happy that I don’t do either of those jobs now. I am so glad your dreams are still alive in the drawing and painting you do. Have a great weekend 🙂 xxx

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    1. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, Gill!
      Wow! You had some awesome childhood dreams! I bet your parents were really great when you didn’t became a soldier! 😉 I also was once tempted to become a vet, but I simply can´t watch animals in pain, and even worse, if there wouldn’t be something to help against that. Also it´s a really tough job sometimes, with heavy lifting etc. So we both can be happy not to do this particular job right now. 😉
      Wish you an awesome and wonderful weekend! xxx 🙂

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  7. I love your turtle! It reminds me of a painting my husband and I once saw when we were vacationing on Sanibel Island (our favorite get-away place). It was hanging in a restaurant and listed for sale, but was very expensive and very large, so we hesitated to buy it. What we liked best was the turtle’s expression. Your turtle is different, but he expression is so similar!
    And yes, I understand that not all childhood dreams come true exactly the way we had hoped. But that doesn’t mean that our adult version isn’t just as good….When I was young, I wanted to live on a farm, with tons of dogs and horses. That still hasn’t happened, but I did have a horse of my own for twenty years, and I have shared my home with several dogs, and I walk tons of shelter dogs each and every week. So, in a modified way, my dream has come true. I think the same is true for you…at least I hope so!

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    1. Thank you so much, Ann! I feel so honored that my little water color reminded you of that painting you and your husband fell in love with. Now I wished I could see what it looked like! 😀
      I think most childhood dreams don´t come true, and maybe that´s even for the better. Or at least we have to tell this ourselves in order to get simply on with life. And even though you´re not living on a farm, you sort of made your dream come true too, just in a smaller scale.
      As for me, there are sooooooo many artists, and only so few get the chance to earn their living with doing what they love. But the most important thing is that I absolutely love doing what I do, and getting famous and rich is so not what I think about when I paint! 🙂

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      1. Exactly! Sometimes we have to be creative simply for the sake of creativity! I’ll never make a living as a writer either, but I do feel pride in my blog. As I hope you do in your art!

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      2. That’s exactly it, Ann! And yes, I do also feel pride in my blog – I’m kind of amazed every day that it’s still on going! 😄

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  8. I did not see the movie that squirt was in but will look for it. Your version is just too cute for words. I loved reading all the comments too. I’m with Jill. I really wanted to be the grown up. 🙂 One dream come true. 🙂 My plan was to be a teacher and tried so hard to find a way to go to college. It wasn’t in the stars for me so I bought lots of books and taught my children along side their teachers. Dreams have different ways to be manifest. 😉 Life is good and especially with happy little turtles around.

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    1. Thank you so much, Marlene! And I´m totally sure that you will love the movie!
      I had a little talk with my mom about childhood dreams just after I finished writing this post, and like you and Jill she also “only” wished to be the grown up version of herself as soon as possible. To be honest, this totally amazed me and I wonder if it has something to do with growing up in a very different time and age.
      And I think it´s wonderful that you taught your children alongside their teachers! So many parents don´t do this, although it´s such an important part in their development.
      And I can only agree about life being good when there are happy little turtles around. 😉
      Have a wonderfilled day!

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  9. What a lovely post! I definitely think your dream is very much alive (and you know, it could happen one day!) And I’m not quite “living the dream” of being a writer just yet lol, but I definitely think I’m in the same boat of still doing what I love. Such a wonderful post- and I really love your art again! Finding Nemo is wonderful and that turtle is *so cute*!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much!!! 😄💕 And you’re definitely in the same boat and when your first novel is ready to be published I’m one of those already standing in line to get my own copy! 😉 Have an awesome weekend dear friend! 😊💞

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    1. Thank you so much, Jacqui! I admit that would be so lovely to do and if you should ever try to venture into the children’s book business you know where to find me. 😉 Maybe something prehistoric about sabletooth tigers. 😉

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  10. Aw; Squirt is so cute. You have captured such a lovely cheeky expression. My childhood dream was to be an archaeologist. I don’t think dancing or being a princess ever figured. I was such a tomboy! I am wondering how I knew about archaeology though; I was a kid before Indiana Jones!! xx

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    1. Thanks so much, Su! And I think it’s perfectly allright to have dreamed of becoming an archeologist even before the days of Indiana Jones. 😉 The funny thing is that I actually am one (at least in the sense that I’ve studied the damn stuff even if I will never get employed as one!) and it also was one of my childhood dreams!! Xxxxx

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      1. 😀 I did one archaeology/physical anthropology paper at university and seriously considered changing my major. I can’t remember now why I didn’t.

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  11. So sweet, Sarah. Yes, you surely had fun… well, nice to read about your dreams, hmm not too late to realise some of them! 😉 Great little painting, thanks for sharing. 👍 Have a wonderful day! ☀️ 🐨 😃

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    1. Thanks so much, Iris! I’m so glad you enjoyed my little painting. It definitely is never too late to fulfil some of our dreams. 😉 Have a beautiful day dear friend! Hugs! 😄💕🐢🐨

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  12. Aw, so cute. Nice work Sarah. I love how you interpreted this prompt. I’ve never seen a sea turtle (tortoise?) but turtles sun themselves along the water here on sunny days. My landlady also had a pet turtle in the yard in El Salvador. Cheers!

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    1. Thanks so much, Chris! I sometimes see little turtles in public ponds in our parks, left there by their owners for reasons unknown to me. Luckily they seem to get along quite well on their own. It’s fun watching them eat a leaf of lettuce for about half an hour! 😂 Cheers!

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  13. I cannot help but smile back at your smiling turtle. You have fulfilled your childhood dream by doing art for fun and NOT for money. My childhood dream was to become an electronic engineer, but I became a teacher instead. Here is my conclusion: Often people do not realize their dream which for one reason or another could have spelled disappointment or even disaster, but they carry on with some other activity, which turns to be very rewarding and satisfying. Have a great day, Sarah!

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    1. I’m so glad my turtle made you smile, Peter! And I agree with your conclusion about the rewarding and satisfying effects of carrying on with other activities than the ones we once dreamed of pursuing when we were little.
      Have a wonderful day!

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  14. Your Squirt is adorable. Everyone should have unrealistic childhood dreams and yours were full of charm. I worry about those children whose dreams are for something to eat and a safe place to sleep. Too many don’t grow up to see their dreams come true.

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    1. Thanks so much, Shari! And you’re perfectly right of course about those many children who can only dream of food and safe shelter and I feel very blessed for having had the opportunity to dream the dreams I had. And I hope with all my heart that there will come a time when all children can dream of things that are not connected to mere survival.


    1. Thanks a lot, Tracy! You definitely have to watch Finding Dory! I think it’s actually better than the first one, especially since I adore Dory!! 😄

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    1. Haha! That’s an unusual childhood dream for sure – but at least your dream came true!! 😄
      Thanks so much for loving my little Squirt! Have a wonderful day, Jill! 😊💕

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  15. I wanted to dance on Broadway. My parents sacrificed so much to pay for the lessons and I almost achieved my dream. But I decided to go in a different direction when I was 19 years old. I’ve wondered at times what my life would have looked like if I had chosen to move forward with my training.

    I’m happy where I am today, so it was a good choice. Thanks for bringing this question up and sharing about your experiences. ~ Blessings, KK

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    1. Thank you very much for your lovely comment, Kathleen! Wow! Dancing on Broadway – I still can see the attraction of that dream. And even though you’ve chosen to follow a different path in your life those dreams and the dancing lessons are forever a part of you. Professional dancing is such a tough thing though, the competition is enormous and then there comes a time when one has to give it up eventually. With that in mind I’m actually quite happy I didn’t became a ballerina! 😄

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  16. Turtles are adorable, fact! And your depiction of the cutest of all, little Squirt is wonderful. Childhood dreams? So many …. I would be a cowgirl riding the range in Wyoming or Montana or I would be a princess with a palace in a city and a country castle and SO many horses (you may begin to see a connection with the equine here) or I would be an explorer searching for new species in Patagonia or somewhere exotic that I knew nothing about or I would live in a house so high in the mountains that I could see the world when the clouds lifted and I would be the wisest of women as I read my way through all the books in my library. All the dreams are still current, of course … does one ever outlive the child within? Xxxxxxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, Fiona! Wow! Your childhood dreams sound awesome! Especially with all those horses. 😉 And I can totally picture you as an explorer, you’ve got the perfect attitude towards life! Wouldn’t it be awesome to discover new species? I guess one would have to go into the deep blue to accomplish that. 😊
      And my inner child is definitely still up and about. 😉 xxxxxxxx

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      1. I can think of nothing more incredible than to discover a whole new species …. I think there may still be some buried deep in the most impenetrable parts of the rain forests but most must be in the depths of the ocean and you won’t find me diving any day soon! All hail our inner child – the most precious gift we have! Xxxxxxxx

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