Seven Days Photo Challenge – Day 1


My wonderful friend Dominique over at 3C Style has tagged me in the Seven Days Photo Challenge!

Thanks so much, Dominique – I just love taking pictures! 🙂

The rules are:

Seven days. Seven black and white photos of your life. No people. No explanations. Challenge someone new each day.

Because of my love for Sepia, I can´t promise to only share B/W pics but since it´s monochrome either way, I hope you won´t mind. 😉 And I might even add the color version of some shots – I know: what a rebel, eh? 😂

And instead of challenging someone new each day, I want all of you who are interested in this challenge to take it up and join us having fun!


Ferris wheel b:w


Ferris wheel



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

50 thoughts on “Seven Days Photo Challenge – Day 1

    1. Thank you so much, Ju-Lyn! Isn’t it awesome that we can play around with filters and such to create different atmospheres in our photos? I can do this for hours! 😄


    1. Thanks so much, Jacqui! I totally agree on B&W making this shot more dramatic – it looks quite dull in color – lol! 😉
      Only 2 days until your book is out, right? Can´t wait! 🙂


    1. Thanks a lot, Iris! It’s wonderful how these wheels give joy to both adults and children alike, isn’t it? Have a Happy Monday dear friend! 😄❤🐨

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  1. I did this challenge on FaceBook a while ago and LOVED it! I also LOVE this first entry of yours. I am travelling at the moment but I may just take up the baton on my blog because this is what you do …. inspire, my dear girl – you inspire! xxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Fiona! And please do take up the baton!! I remember your Fb entries – they were brilliant!!! Love! Xxxxxxxxxx


  2. I love ferris wheel and your pics are always so beautiful -both in B&W and color. Looking at them take me and many others I am sure on a pleasant ride. Thanks my fellow rebel friend for accepting the challenge.

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    1. Thank you very much, Shari! I was actually lying on the ground to make this pic which is my favourite position to take shots but only in the summer and when there’s a lawn under me. 😉

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  3. Awesome shots, Sarah! I’ve taken similar from our county fair, which is coming up next month. 🙂 I can’t ride roller coasters anymore, but I still get on that Ferris wheel – mind over matter. 🙂 Happy Monday, my friend! ❤🎇🌷

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    1. Thank you so much, Lauren! I don’t ride the roller coasters anymore either – the Ferris wheel is much more to my liking these days. 😉 But what I like most about county fairs is the laughing children and eating lots of cotton candy! 😄
      Happy Monday to you too dear friend! Hugs! 😄💕

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    1. Thanks so much, Jill! I admit that I don’t actually plan to get on it this year but I loved riding the Ferris wheel when I was younger. Happy Monday! 😄❤

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