Blog Hop for Jacqui´s Latest: Born in a Treacherous Time


I´m so excited to host Jacqui from over at WordDreams as she launches her latest book Born in a Treacherous Time.

I´ve been following Jacqui for quite some time now and her blog is just amazing and I always look forward to her wonderful writing tips or book reviews!

And here´s what you need to know about her latest book:




Lucy and her band of early humans struggle to survive in the harsh reality of a world where nature rules, survival is a daily challenge, and a violent band threatens to destroy everything Lucy thinks she understands.

If you like Man vs. Wild, you’ll love this book. If you ever wondered how earliest man survived but couldn’t get through the academic discussions, this book is for you. It will bring that world to life in a way never seen before.



This is a spin-off of To Hunt a Sub’s Lucy (the ancient female who mentored Kali Delamagente, the female protagonist).



Kirkus Review:

“Murray’s lean prose is steeped in the characters’ brutal worldview, which lends a delightful otherness to the narration …The book’s plot is similar in key ways to other works in the genre, particularly Jean M. Auel’s The Clan of the Cave Bear. However, Murray weaves a taut, compelling narrative, building her story on timeless human concerns of survival, acceptance, and fear of the unknown. Even if readers have a general sense of where the plot is going, they’ll still find the specific twists and revelations to be highly entertaining throughout.

A well-executed tale of early man.”


And here´s also a bit of Q&A:

Why did you change genres from thrillers to historic fiction? 

I have always thought I should stick to one genre but now, after trying for 25 years NOT to write this book, I now understand you don’t always get a choice! No matter how many times I ordered Lucy to leave me alone, she wouldn’t. She promised if I’d write her story, she’d leave me in peace.

 It worked. She no longer bothers me.


Author bio:

Jacqui Murray is the author of the popular Building a Midshipman, the story of her daughter’s journey from high school to United States Naval Academy, the Rowe-Delamagente thrillers, and the Man vs. Wild seriesShe is also the author of over a hundred books on integrating technology into education, adjunct professor of technology in education, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice,  a columnist for TeachHUB, monthly contributor to Today’s Author, and a freelance journalist on tech ed topics. You can find her books at her publisher’s website, Structured Learning.

Social Media contacts:


Book information:

Title and author: Born in a Treacherous Time

Series: Book 1 in the Man vs. Nature series

Genre: Prehistoric fiction

Cover by: Damonza 

Available at: Kindle 

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

40 thoughts on “Blog Hop for Jacqui´s Latest: Born in a Treacherous Time

  1. It sounds like another book that I have to put on my To-Read list. Still have to read Annika’s book and finish Lancashire, Where Women Die of Love, which Darren gave to me. But can´t wait to read Jacqui’s book. I do enjoy prehistoric fiction. Thanks for sharing Sarah. xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Hello Jacqui. Yes, you are right. I should opt for the electronic versions as they are more eco-friendly, but I enjoy reading a book in hand as I often write notes and thoughts in it (when it’s my own). Your book is available through Amazon, right?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovey to see Jacqui and her latest book visiting your blog, Sarah!! 😀 I remember her first thoughts about the book on her blog and then wow, here it is! She always delivers and it sounds brilliant! Good luck, Jacqui!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. You are right out here in front, Sarah, leading what is sure to be an ebullient parade promoting Jacqui’s new book, Born in Treacherous Times. I absolutely love the premise of this story and I know how much research she did in writing this book. Already a double win for me and anyone who reads the book.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Prehistoric fiction is one of my weak spots, Shari, so it was natural for me to do what I can to help Jacqui promote her wonderful book. She´s an excellent researcher, isn’t she? And I love when books not only entertain their readers but also teach them something about history, or prehistory in this case. 😉

      Liked by 3 people

  4. It sounds an amazing read. I shall add it to my list. I will also share your post to FaceBook when I am on my main computer (can’t share to my Half-Baked Page from this iPad). I am sure there are many who will enjoy it and I wish Jacqui the greatest success with her new ‘baby’ xxxxxxxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow! That´s wonderful that you want to share it on your FB page, Fiona! Jacqui will be so pleased! And I´m so glad you´ll add it to your list. 🙂 I have a weak spot for prehistoric fiction ever since I read my first Ayla-book by Jean M. Auel. xxxxxxxxxx

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      1. I am digging around for the origins of art, Sarah. My Lucy from 1.8 million years ago didn’t have the brain for that sort of symbolism but I think the folks in my next book do. The problem is: Why did someone draw the first picture? Hmmm…. That keeps me awake at night.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Oh that’s something I’m thinking about so often too! Most archaeologists and prehistorians believe that some sort of believe-system or shamanism is at the root for it. I personally believe is that art could only arise because people worked out better systems to provide food thus more time was at their hands especially during winter. Terry Pratchett called humans Homo sapiens narrans – we love to tell stories. And doing so with pictures was apart from oral tradition the only means to make them permanent since no writing was invented at the time.

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      3. So, Sarah, maybe with agriculture, or the end of hunter-gatherers? I like the tie-in to shamanism. An artist friend also tied the start of art into the start of religion. Thanks for your thoughts.

        Liked by 2 people

      4. The beginning of agriculture definitely had a huge impact I think. And I look forward to see how you pick this up in your next book in the series. 😉

        Liked by 2 people

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