Seven Days Photo Challenge – Day 7


My wonderful friend Dominique over at 3C Style has tagged me in the Seven Days Photo Challenge!

Thanks so much, Dominique – I just love taking pictures! 🙂

The rules are:

Seven days. Seven black and white photos of your life. No people. No explanations. Challenge someone new each day.

Because of my love for Sepia, I can´t promise to only share B/W pics but since it´s monochrome either way, I hope you won´t mind. 😉 And I might even add the color version of some shots – I know: what a rebel, eh? 😂

And instead of challenging someone new each day, I want all of you who are interested in this challenge to take it up and join us having fun!







Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

28 thoughts on “Seven Days Photo Challenge – Day 7

    1. Thank you so much, Lauren! I’m so glad you like it. I made this pic on the Museum Island one of my favourite places in Berlin and was lucky to only had one tourist walking there instead of dozens. 😁
      Have a lovely day too! Much love! xxx

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      1. There was something profound about that one tourist, too, which I forgot to mention. That’s always the tough part in taking photos where crowds are. Much love back! 😊💗

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    1. Thanks so much, Dominique! it’s part of the Museum Island here in Berlin, colonades that provide shelter from the elements for the visitors when they go from one museum to another. It’s one of my favourite places here. 😄

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