Silent Sunday


Indian restaurant before the lunch rush (Berlin 2018)


Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

66 thoughts on “Silent Sunday

  1. Yes, I confirm what one of your follower mentioned: when the elephant trunk is up it means luck. My mother used to collect elephant statues and there were many in the house. All of them showed the elephant with its trunk up! Very nice shot Sarah. Do you like Indian food? It’s one of my favourite meal. Yes, I do like spicy food. Have a great week mon amie. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Dominique! And how lovely your mother collected elephant statues! Despite their mighty appearance they’re such gentle and sometimes even fragile creatures when it comes to matters of their heart and soul.
      I do like Indian food though as I get older my stomach unfortunately can’t tolerate too hot and spicy dishes anymore. My homemade curries tend to be very tame.😉 xoxo 🐘

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      1. Thankfully, my stomach has no problem with spicy food. I love it. But a good meal does not have to be necessarily spicy. I’m sure your curries taste delicious. About my mother collection: When she died, I found myself with a big problem though. I was given an elephant piece of jewelry made with Ivory and precious stones. Something that was given to her in the 70s and that I never saw her wearing. This is totally against my values and I don’t know what to do with the piece, one of the few things I have that belonged to my mother. Still it holds no good vibe for me. I was thinking I might give it to a cause or I could use it to talk about the protection of the elephants… I’m open to suggestions.

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      2. Bonjour Dominique! I’m so sorry to haven’t replied earlier to your message, I was having some health issues and spent two days at the hospital. Back home now which is good. 😊 Will write you an email as soon as I feel up to it. Lots of love! xoxo

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      3. I’m sorry to hear you’re sick and I hope you’ll get better soon. Take first care of yourself Sarah. All the rest must wait. Some time ago a friend gave me a wise advice: First put the oxygen mask on yourself before helping others around you. This advice that you gave me dear Sarah, I tell you in my turn in all friendship. Please do think of yourself first. Big hug. And sending lots of love your way. xoxo

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    1. They are that, aren´t they? I always give them a pat when I come along. 😉 It´s an Indian restaurant, though the cuisine has been much adapted to european tastes and stomachs, who can´t always handle all those spices very well. 😉

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  2. Love your photo Sarah, the angle makes your eye follow the street. I love B&W photography, it makes even the drabbest street look dramatic..Love the elephants too!! 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend my friend 🙂 xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks a lot, Gill! B&W is just great for this kind of photography, isn´t it? I really have so much fun editing my photos to b&w and see how much better they look than in colour! 😀 Have a fabulous weekend too, my friend! Hugs! xxx 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful anniversary photographs dear Sarah. And this one, also 🙂
    You really have an ‘eye’ for photography. But that’s no surprise to me.
    Big hugs! XxX

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, Patty! I’m a bit surprised myself how well these photos turn out, and it’s a lot of fun too!
      Isn’t it lovely that it has finally cooled down a bit? And it even rained!! Just a bit though.😉
      Have a lovely day! Big hug! Xxx

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    1. It’s a fantastic place to do just that, Jacqui, especially since these ones won’t sneak your food away with their lovely trunks.😉


    1. Thank you, Iris! If you like Indian food you’d love this place too. 😉 I always try to get the place near the elephants. 😄
      Have a wonderful and creative week, my friend! Hugs&love! 😄💕🐘

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