A Floating Tree


Due to some minor health issues in August I haven´t done much blogging or painting – some of you might have noticed. 😉

But thankfully I´m on my way back and even did  a little water colour painting inspired by a book that I have borrowed from the library at the beginning of this month.

I have to admit at this point that I only took it because I fell instantly in love with the cover – I do that quite a lot. 😉 But luckily it proofed to be just as good on the inside as on the outside!

“The Bedlam Stacks” is a very well and beautifully written novel by Natasha Pulley. It´s set in a steampunky Victorian paralell universe, and the hero, Merrick Tremayne, is a leg injured, botanical expert and battered veteran from the East India Company´s opium trade, who travels to Peru in order to retrieve cuttings from the rare trees that are the only source for quinine.


The Bedlam Stacks
The Bedlam Stacks by Natasha Pulley


I have to add that I don´t much like book reviews, especially when they´re lenghty and give far too much away. I prefer to read the blurb on the back and then the first couple of lines at the beginnng of the book. If neither of them hook me, it goes back to its place on the shelve, pronto!

Which is why I won´t add any more information about it here except that I can only recommend it if you´re in need for some respite from our modern world – which I did.


And of course, I´ll share with you the painting that was inspired by it:


floating bonsai
Floating Bonsai (watercolor on paper; Sept. 2018)


What book(s) are you currently reading? Is it any good? Would you also feel inspired to make a piece of art because of it, like a painting, photo, movie or soundtrack? Let me know in the comments!


Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

63 thoughts on “A Floating Tree

  1. Wonderful painting, Sarah! 🙂 I’m currently reading In the Shadow of Lies (WWII mystery) by Mary Adler. It’s quite an eyeopener when it comes to discrimination of every sort before,during and after the war. Also, just finished reading an ARC for Miriam Hurdle’s first poetry book soon to be published. It’s a beautiful poetic memoir. Hope you are well and enjoying a lovely October. xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Bette! 😀 I´ve just finished reading a book partly set during WWII too, “Manhattan Beach” by Jennifer Egan, and will look out for the one you’ve mentioned by Mary Adler.
      Hope you enjoy a beautiful October too, and Happy Reading! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for the note on “Manhattan Beach.” Will definitely take a look. Historical fiction is one of my favorites and this time period is one my parents lived through as young adults. Happy reading and creating… 🙂

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  2. Welcome back, Sarah! Hope you’re feeling better …. so sorry to hear that you have been under the weather!

    The book I spent most time with this week is Stephen Fry’s Ode Less Travelled, which is a prescriptive but also very entertaining book about going back to the basics with writing poetry. But it doesn’t have a beautiful cover like yours!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Ju-Lyn! It´s great to be back here! 😀

      Oh, I love Stephen Fry, he´s such great artist! Is there anything that man can´t do? 😉 And thank you for pointing out his “Ode Less Travelled”, I haven´t came across it yet but will look out for a copy in my local library! And in his case I know the cover isn’t essential, the writing matters more. 😉


  3. Your bonsai is beautiful and your way of painting so personal and distinctive. I would easily recognize your paintings and watercolor in a gallery. You have the signature of a real artist. I am currently reading a book that Darren has given me: Lancashire, Where Women Die of Love. I enjoy discovering the villages and culture of the UK. I am inspired by the writing of Charles Nevin which gives me especially the desire to visit Lancaster. Of course, as you can guess, this is also motivated by the fact that there is someone we know who I really appreciate who lives there. Berlin is also on my list of places I would like to discover. I’ll let you guess why. Take great care of yourself my friend.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh! Thank you so much, Dominique! You don´t know what that means to me! It´s every artist´s dream to develop a recognizable style, something unique and their own.
      That book´s title sounds intriguing! Will see if I can get a copy of it in my library. I´ve been interested in English culture and landscape for a long time now, part of my family lives near London. Have you ever been there? It´s one of my favorite cities! So much beautiful architecture and history in one place!
      And it would be so wonderful if you came to visit me in Berlin, I know that you would love it here! It´s very lively and multicultural. 🙂 And I could show you all the hidden places I love that are not mentioned in the guides. 😉
      Have a beautiful weekend mon amie! xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I visited London once. It was 16 years ago during my honeymoon! I loved it. I intend to return soon. I should plan at the same time a brief stay in Berlin. This is part of my medium-term projects, within the next 3 years. In the meantime, you are always welcome to Montreal, dear friend. It would be my pleasure to show you around my city and the surrounding areas. We both have now good reasons to put our pennies aside! xoxo

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Oh, how wonderful! That must have been a beautiful honeymoon! And Berlin really is just a stone´s throw away from London, 1 1/2 hours or so. 😀 Please let me know in advance, so I can plan something special for you and am not traveling myself! 😉 And we do indeed have excellent reasons to put our pennies aside. 😉 xoxo ❤

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  4. Good to hear you are feeling better and hope you stay that way. 🙂 That is a pretty book cover. I like the painting you were inspired to do. I have such a huge list of unfinished books already I don’t think I can add anymore for quite some time. Have a wonderfilled weekend, Sarah.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Marlene! I´ve to admit to have a very soft spot for pretty book covers, it´s like seeing a beautiful door that can only lead to a wonderful and mysterious land far, far away, that I can enter by just turning to the first page. And don´t worry about not adding this book to your list – mine reaches to the moon and back, and then loops around the earth a couple of times too. 😉
      Have a glorious and wonderfilled weekend too!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. What a soul you have, Sarah. My soul bows to your soul. Truly, your art speaks from the beauty inside you. I LOVE your tree. Also, you remind me how important a book cover is – all authors need to realize that know matter how good their book is, if the cover doesn’t bring in a reader, it goes unread. Smart comments about a short brilliant blurb too – much more valuable than an explanation of the book that goes on and on.
    I’m just finishing the book PERLA that a friend recommended. The writing is lyrical and sublime, but the subject is difficult. The “disappeared” in Argentina. The book goes from past to present. An artistic cover would be dark with sparks of light inside to show the hope and joy that escaped the horror and injustice.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Pam! You truly made my day! ❤
      I have to admit that I´m a huge tree lover, so painting them is like painting a dear friend. It might sound odd but I could paint them each and every day! Maybe like Monet even the same one!! 😀
      Anyway, you´re so right about the importance of an attractive book cover. No matter how brilliant a book might be, it will stay unnoticed by the audience if its brilliancy isn´t reflected somehow on the outside.
      And thank you for telling me about PERLA! It´s been a while now but I´ve read a similar book too, despite the darkness of the topic I feel the need to know more about these people and what has happened to them. Maybe it´s because one of my Spanish teachers was from South America and introduced us to texts that centered about it.
      And I like your idea for the book cover much more than what it actually looks like (what with the red flowers 😉 )!
      Have a wonderful and creative weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So glad you’re feeling better. I know how it is to have to retreat for a while (I’m recovering from a concussion). But in the quiet we find our deeper/deepest self sometimes, and then that helps when we reappear.

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      2. Thank you, Pam! And yes, retreating for a while is very healing. I haven´t mentioned it, but I´m recovering from the same thing, a concussion and vertigo. We both need to take good care of ourselves!
        Wishing you a beautiful Sunday! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Wow. That’s three of us bloggers that I know of who are recovering from concussions. It’s been good to relate our effects to each other (’cause I thought I was just crazy…!). To our healing brains…. xo

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  6. I love your floating bonsai and understand why the book cover drew you in. I am enjoying a television program based on Gillian Flynn’s Sharp Objects – fantastic and makes me want to read the book to savor it more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much!! Do you meditate regularly? I’ve tried it several times and found it very relaxing though a bit difficult at times when too worried for example. Once I almost fell asleep doing it! 😄

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  7. Just finished reading Barracoon, a story about the last known black American slave. It’s written by Zora Neale Hurston and wasn’t published for almost a century for many reasons. It was a great nonfiction read, but I don’t feel inspired to create something because of it.

    Liked by 2 people

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