The Changing Seasons – January 2019


It´s time again for the wonderful challenge The Changing Seasons hosted by my dear friend Su from Zimmerbitch!


Curly Sue


January started with me keeping my promise to make my mum´s new perm. We actually wanted to do this in late October but had to change plans because she didn´t feel so well.


Multicolored curlers (Jan. 2019) 


It´s quite an ordeal really – about 4 hours of putting in the curlers, then adding the chemicals, letting them do their magic, and finally undo all the curlers again. All in all it takes about 7 hours.


A glimpse in the mirror (Jan. 2019)


My mum used to go to a very skilled hair dresser but ever since Wonder Woman (that´s what she called her) went in early retirement, I ended up doing the job after she tried out a new one and wasn´t happy at all with the result. This we do now about once or twice a year.

I´ve become quite good at putting in the curlers, even broke my own record last time by half an hour, but just can´t stand the horrendous smell of the chemicals, so I always take my leave before she puts those on herself. How she bears it remains a mystery to me, but I guess that´s the price women are willing to pay in exchange for beauty… 😉

Next time I´ll hopefully add a pic of her with her new hairdo. 😀


The Llama and the Fox



Having already started with my little crocheted Llama Amigurumi in December, it only took a few more days to get finished.


Crocheted Amigurumi Llama (Jan. 2019)
The Llama even got a little tail (Jan. 2019)


I also made a new fox, this time for myself, which is now keeping me company, happily dozing on my desk.


Amigurumi fox (Jan- 2019)


Little fox fast asleep (Jan. 2019)


The fox and the llama (Jan. 2019)


Birds of Prey


Even though it´s a bit cold for that, I went to the Zoo twice this month, which was heavenly deserted of tourists at this time of year! But only two pics for now, as I plan to write a separate post about it soon.


Beautiful silvery winter reed, Berlin Zoo (Jan. 2019)


A snow owl in hiding – whenever I catch a glimpse of a snow owl, I admit to immediately think of my favorite owl book character Hedwig. 🙂 (Jan. 2019)


On a day I decided to stay home because of the ugly weather (cold and nasty sleet), I was actually rewarded for my idleness by a surprise visitor, a kestrel.


Quick shot out of my window (Jan. 2019)


I literally had only time to grab my camera and shoot before it took off again. Even though I had no time for any kind of settings, I was happy to see that I literally caught it in time for take-off.

It´s slightly out of focus because I had to crop it in order to make you see the kestrel in more detail.


Gotcha! Kestrel taking off (Jan. 2019)


Books and Cookies


My reading spree hasn’t quite stopped yet – winter is just perfect for snuggling up in bed and reading a book! – and out of the seven that I managed to read in January, these two stood out:

When I picked up the latest novel – or rather novella – by Stephen King, „Elevation“, at my local library I was both thrilled and slightly disappointed: thrilled because it´s a new one and looked like no one had read it before me, and disappointed because it was such a slim volume.


Stephen King´s latest and a cup of tea and home baked peanut butter cookies (Jan. 2019)

As expected, I finished reading the 132 pages in one sitting. 😉 Short as it may be, it´s also another example of King´s brilliant story-telling.

I only began reading Nora Roberts last year, though I didn’t even know then that it was her, because she writes the „In Death“ series under her pseudonym J.D. Robb. When I found out, I was slightly embarrassed as I´m not much a reader of romance and always associated her with those kind of novels. But even though romance does make an appearance in that series, her tough ass-kicking main character Lt. Eve Dallas mainly does exactly that – kicking villain´s asses. 😉 Having always had a soft spot for strong female character, I can´t help but admit, that I really love these books. It also helps that Dallas has a weakness for coffee and chocolate, something I can only too well understand. 😉 Also her side-kick, Detective Delia Peabody, is a very fun character to read, because she shares my love for colorful clothes and is a ferocious knitter. 😉


Nora Robert´s “Year One” and more tea and cookies 😉 (Jan. 2019)


So when I saw her latest novel in the library, „Year One“, I wasn’t as biased against her work as I used to be and, reading the summary on the back, noticed that this was another no-romance book of hers, but an end-of-the world story, so it happily joined the dozen or so other books already assembled in my basket.

It´s the first in her new Series „Chronicles of the One“ and it was so good that I can´t wait to read the next one!!


Homebaked peanut butter cookies can sometimes steal the show 😉 (Jan. 2019)


And here are the guidelines for The Changing Seasons if you’re interested in participating:

The Changing Seasons Version One (photographic):

  • Each month, post 5-20 photos in a gallery that you feel represent your month
  • Don’t use photos from your archive. Only new shots.
  • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so that others can find them

The Changing Seasons Version Two (you choose the format):

  • Each month, post a photo, recipe, painting, drawing, video, whatever that you feel says something about your month
  • Don’t use archive stuff. Only new material!
  • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so others can find them.

If you do a ping-back to Su´s original monthly post, she can update it with links to yours.

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

77 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons – January 2019

    1. Hehe! Don´t they just? I wouldn’t want to put them on my head to be honest, but I would love to have the curls!! 😀
      Thanks so much! I really never thought of reading Nora Roberts before but it seems she got a bit bored by her usual chic lit. 😉 Okay, still lots of chics in it, but no-bullshit ones. 😉 Here´s to peanut butter cookies on a cold day, wish I could share them with you! 😀 ❤


    1. Thanks so much, Inese! I thought it was time for the Fox to team up with a different animal than the hare. 😉 And llamas are so cute, I just couldn’t resist. 😄 Have a wonderful week! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It´s rather obvious to know that. 😉 Still love this shot of you and all the other ones you made of Pat(?) and his foxes!! 😀 Are you planning to visit them again soon? xxxxxxxx

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  1. Your crocheted animals are darling, Sarah! Especially the llama. And your mother is so lucky to have you help with her home perms. I’m like you, the curling part isn’t so bad, but those chemicals are a whole other story. I haven’t permed my hair in years and doubt I will ever do it again. But “big hair” was the thing when I was young and in my eighties, so believe me, your mom and I really do have a lot in common!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, Ann! If it weren’t for the smell I would have done my own curls by now, but will have to be happy with my hair as it is instead. 😉 My mum started having the perms in the eighties too and never changed her style. 😉


    1. Thanks so much, Jill! As strenuous as it can be, and more on her part than on mine, it´s always a lovely thing to do because I get to enjoy her joy at her new hairdo and that´s worth all the hard work. 🙂

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  2. Your mother is so lucky to have you doing her perm but I don’t think I could sit still that long. I always cut my mother’s hair but hers was naturally curly. I missed that gene. ;( The more I did perms the faster I got at that. I love the little fox especially but he looks sweet with his llama buddy. How on earth did you see that bird much less recognize it? I didn’t know Nora Roberts wrote anything but chic-lit. What a surprise but not into end of the world stories. I read Jo Furniss’ book “All the Little Children” and was riveted but very stressed throughout. I had to finish it though. Glad you are getting through so many books.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Marlene!
      It´s the same for me – no sitting still for that long and getting faster with each new perm. 😉
      I actually thought first that it was an ordinary pigeon or a magpie because I didn’t had my glasses on. When I did, I saw that I was wrong and instantly grabbed for my camera! There was literally no time for zoom or anything so I just hoped I was lucky – and I was!! 😀
      Will have a look at Jo Furniss´ “All the little children” – I´m always on the lookout for new book recommendations, thank you.
      Have a very lovely week, Marlene!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your month of January was well filled and full of creativity. I love your collection of amigurumi animals. The fox and llama have a lot of personality and I imagine them installed on your desk near your computer where they can watch you work and inspire you. What a joy to see you so productive! Your mother is very lucky to have a daughter as devoted as you. I recognize in your gestures to her all the generosity and goodness that characterizes you. You are truly an extraordinary person that deserves to get to know better, both on human and artistic levels. Much love and hugs!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely words, dear friend – your comments always make my day!! 😀
      I started on a new amigurumi this month – an elephant. I know your mum had a particular fondness for them, right?
      Doing my mum´s hair is very little in return for what she has all done for me. And it´s a real joy to see her enjoying her new hairdo each time! 🙂
      Have a very lovely week, Dominique! Hugs&love! xoxo ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You have a great memory Sarah. My mum did have a fondness for elephant. I understand the pleasure you feel in seeing your mother happy and satisfied with her hair. It is a real pleasure to bring happiness to the people we love and to the people around us. Have a wonderful week, too. Much love and hugs!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I knew you would understand, Dominique, you´re one of those special people full of heart and love. 🙂 Have a fantastic day! Hugs&love! xoxoxo ❤

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot, Liz! I only glimpsed the kestrel out of the corner of my eye and just grabbed my camera in the hope it would stay as long as it took me to get it ready – which very luckily it did!

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    1. Thanks a lot, Ju-Lyn! It´s a lot of fun making these amigurumi, I bet you and your daughters would love it too. 😉
      Have a beautiful week! ❤


      1. That sounds wonderful! And yes, it’s really a magical moment when you sew all the different pieces together. Love it every time. 😄


  4. What a fantastic shot of the kestrel, Sarah! As for the llama and the fox – adorable. I used to cut and dye my mum’s hair (often twice if the color was off). What a lovely connection to your mum and I bet she appreciates you. K x

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks so much, Kerry! It´s indeed a lovely way to connect with my mum, even though it´s quite a challenge. But afterwards she´s so happy with her new curls, it´s totally worth the effort. 😀 I bet your mum was so happy too about it. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Sarah. I read the other comments and so sorry that you have been ill. Hope you are recovered now? I didn’t quite manage 7 hours on a hair project but my mum was appreciative like yours. ❤

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      2. Hi Kerry, I’m feeling much better now and am heartily tucking in to lots of yummy food again. 😉 It’s weird how getting older also seems to mean that you take longer to recover…
        Have a beautiful day and an awesome weekend to look forward to! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  5. There is just so much to love about this post Sarah. Your llama and fox are so adorable; it is extraordinary how much personality you have given them.
    I love that you are able (and willing) to do your mum’s perm. I also hate the chemical smell and would have neither the skill or the patience to put rollers in — especially not as evenly as you have done. Your photos of this are soooo good.
    I’m looking at your plate of cookies and thinking we could have a reading-club-for-two with home-baking. Then I thought we’d also need a walking-or-swimming-club-for-two to make up for all the cookies, shortbread, Mrs Oberon’s Cockahoop Honey Cake (version #2), etc that we would eat.
    Wishing you a happy and creative month ahead my dear friend.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much, Su! And I´m so sorry for not getting back earlier. I wasn’t feeling very well (stomach bug) and just couldn´t face sitting in front of the computer. Thankfully I´m better now. 🙂
      I have so much fun doing these amigurumi and already started on a new one (an elephant this time). I´ll probably end up having a little zoo of my own at the end of the year! 😀
      Doing my mum´s perm is quite a marathon and the last hour I had to put on The Ramones for a little energy kick! 😀 That helped!
      And I´m totally in for that reading-club-for-two with home-baking!!! And good thinking on adding the other two clubs too. 😉 I´m going to bake an Alsace Tarte Flambee and a banana bread today – have to make up for that calorie loss in the last days. 😉 xxxxxxxx


  6. i like the llama and the fow you made, very cute !! … But you should find a skilled hairdresser for your mother because it takes very long at home and in 7 hours you could rest or work out, or do so many nicer things with her or your friends or family !!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! I’m afraid my mum doesn’t trust anyone but me anymore with her hair otherwise I would look out for someone to do it. 😉 Also it’s not so bad as I might have made it sound: we chat and catch up with each other which is always nice. 😄

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  7. Sarah, this was such a fun and informative post, I hardly know where to start commenting. I agree that you’re super kind to do your mum’s perm, though I know how much you love her. Still, what a lengthy ordeal. I love the fuzzy mirror shot of your mum and you – it looks a bit as if she’s a Victorian royal and you’re her lady in waiting behind her. You’re quite an accomplished photographer so all your pics are terrific, but my absolute favorite is the one of the silvery weeds. As for the fox and llama, they are adorable, and whoever gets to share their home is a very lucky person. So it reminded me of your chess set – have you been able to work on it again? I can’t wait to see the set completed.

    You far out read me – I’m a very slow reader, currently enchanted by A God in Ruins by Kate Atkinson, a brilliant book by a brilliant English writer. It’s very long and I had to re-read the first 60 pages in order to orient myself with the characters.

    I’ve spent most of the last two weeks volunteering at my temple, painting props for the annual gala – read, giant fundraiser. It’s not creative work, but it’s kind of fun. Then I hope to complete the final two murals for the chilren’s library. This last is my personal contribution to the temple, and I’ve gotten to design it myself. Of course, I really need to get busy with querying agents for my books. Sigh…I love to write, don’t much like the query process. It’s a bit like using marshmallows as sewing needles – hard to get thread through the goo.

    Be well, Sarah.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Shari, thank you so much for your wonderful comment! And I´m so sorry for getting back so late – I´d contracted a nasty stomach bug, and didn’t feel up to sitting at my desk. I´m better now and thank God!

      I told my mum about your perception of her as Victorian Royal and me being her lady in waiting in that mirror shot – she totally loved that!! 😀 And it really does feel a bit like that. 😉 Although I made her listen to The Ramones for the last hour or so because I needed an energy kick! Not very ladylike I fear. 😉

      That chess set is still waiting for completion – I started on the king (a stag) and just couldn’t get it right. 😦 So now I´m kind of letting it simmer and hope that my hands will be a bit more clever next time I try.

      I haven’t heard about A God in Ruins yet but it goes straight to my TBR since you say it´s brilliant – thank you!

      Ah, I´d so much love to see those murals!!! If not in person than at least via photos, okay? And how wonderful that you get to design them yourself – such a great honor!

      Hope you´re well! xxx

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Sarah, it has been years since I have seen curlers like your Mum was using 🙂 Love the crocheted Llama. Used to do crocheting many years ago when it was the in thing to do. Might have to give it a go and also this challenge from Su.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks a lot, Suzanne! Those curlers were the thing in the eighties, weren’t they? My mum never changed her style since then. 😉
      Hope you´ll get back to the crocheting, it´s such fun! Especially with the amigurumi that are perfect to gift to friends and family. And it would be so lovely if you decide to join The Changing Seasons!!


  9. I love these little changing seasons updates, Sarah. They’re like quiet peeks into ordinary but such special days. You will have to share a picture of your mom’s perm. I remember those days! And your fox and kestrel are lovely, as are your silver reeds and snowy owl. Stay warm and read – that sounds like a perfect pastime for a winter’s day. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Diana! And I´m sorry for getting back so late (stomach bug).
      I made a pic of my mum´s perm last week and am going to share it soon. 😉 She started having them in the eighties and never changed her style. 😉 Hope all is well and wish you a beautiful week! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Loved everything about this post, Sarah! Fox and Llama are adorable… Two new books added to my TBR and those peanut butter cookies look oh so tempting. Enjoyed seeing your Mum donning perm curlers–I do love curls. My ‘Magician’ hair stylist perms mine about every four months. 🙂 Sharing your post and challenge… As for me, I’m still working on formatting and other necessary duties to get MY MAINE, Haiku through the Seasons ready to publish. It’s a long process and there is always so much to learn when you’re an Indie. ❤ Have a fantastic February, my talented friend. xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Bette, and sorry for the late reply (stomach bug!)!
      Curls are wonderful and I wish I could stand the chemicals and have them myself. But at least I get to enjoy them every time I see my mum. Your magician does a great job with yours!! 😀
      Wishing you lots of energy to get the formatting with My Maine done!!
      Have a wonderful February too, dear friend! xoxo ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s surprisingly easy and relaxing too. Just have a look on YouTube for some videos. And it’s also nice to have lots of gifts ready for any occasion – just 11 months until it’s Christmas again!! 😂

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  11. I love your fox and llama, they are so cute! The snow owl is gorgeous and what a shot of the kestrel. It doesn’t get any better than cookies and books. I remember the days when I sat in the chair getting a perm. I bet your moms hair looks nice 💗

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks so much, Lisa! It’s such fun making these little amigurumi and I think I might have quite a collection by the end of the year! 😂
      And you’re right – doesn’t get much better than books and cookies. 😉💞

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! 😄 I will have to think about selling them, as soon as you start mass production there’s not much fun anymore to be had in this kind of thing. Otherwise it would be nice to buy more wool for more Amigurumi when I start to sell them. 😉

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  12. There is always so much to see and admire on your posts, Sarah. I love those cute little woollen critters, they make excellent gifts. Something homemade is always better than store bought things. Have a great day and best wishes! Peter

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