Book Launch Blog Hop for Jacqui’s Latest: Survival of the Fittest


I´m so excited to host Jacqui from over at WordDreams as she launches her latest book Survival of the Fittest!

I´ve been following Jacqui for quite some time now and her blog is just amazing and I always look forward to read her awesome book reviews and writing tips! So, do yourself a favor and hop over to her blog!

And here´s what you need to know about her latest prehistoric fiction novel, Survival of the Fittest, Book 1 in the Crossroads series:





Chased by a ruthless and powerful enemy, Xhosa flees with her People, leaving behind a certain life in her African homeland to search for an unknown future. She leads her People on a grueling journey through unknown and dangerous lands but an escape path laid out years before by her father as a final desperate means to survival. She is joined by other homeless tribes–from Indonesia, China, South Africa, East Africa, and the Levant—all similarly forced by timeless events to find new lives. As they struggle to overcome treachery, lies, danger, tragedy, hidden secrets, and Nature herself, Xhosa must face the reality that this enemy doesn’t want her People’s land. He wants to destroy her.


Book information:


Title and author: Survival of the Fittest

Series: Book 1 in the Crossroads series, part of the Man vs. Nature saga

Genre: Prehistoric fiction

Cover by: Damonza 

Available at: Kindle US Kindle UK Kindle CA Kindle AU


And here´s also a bit of Q&A:

What one characteristic would you say allowed Xhosa to survive in a world populated with Sabertooth Cats, violent volcanoes, and predatory species who liked to eat man?

 Really, with our thin skin, dull teeth, and tiny claws (aka fingernails), Lucy had no right to survive against the thick-skinned mammoth or tearing claws of the great cats of that time. But we did. The biggest reason: Even then, Lucy was a problem solver. She faced crises and came up with solutions. Where most animals spent their time eating and sleeping, Xhosa had time left over. This, she used to solve problems.

 To me, that thoughtful approach to living, one no other animal exhibits, is why we came to rule the planet.

 It’s worth noting that most paleoanthropologists think Homo erectus was fairly violent. His life was challenging and physical and he always met that world head on. Where early species of man might have survived by hiding or fleeing, Xhosa fought. And it worked. She was the longest living species ever (including our current species) of man.



Author bio:

Jacqui Murray is the author of the popular Building a Midshipman, the story of her daughter’s journey from high school to United States Naval Academy, the Rowe-Delamagente thrillers, and the Man vs. Nature saga. She is also the author/editor of over a hundred books on integrating tech into education, adjunct professor of technology in education, blog webmaster, an Amazon Vine Voice,  a columnist for TeachHUB and NEA Today, and a freelance journalist on tech ed topics. Look for her next prehistoric fiction, Quest for Home, Summer 2019. You can find her tech ed books at her publisher’s website, Structured Learning


JMurray--early for TF interview

Social Media contacts:


Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

34 thoughts on “Book Launch Blog Hop for Jacqui’s Latest: Survival of the Fittest

  1. The summary beautifully invites us to explore the book… Seems like a very interesting publication. I’m pretty sure Jacqui did a great job as always. Thanks for sharing Sarah. You are so good at spreading kindness. Can’t wait to promote your own book dear friend.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. She is a wonderful person indeed. And your book seems really interesting Jacqui. Congrats! I know it is not your first book but every book published is a great achievement. Wishing you lots of success.

        Liked by 1 person

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