When Fashion and Nature Collide – Our First Anniversary!

Here comes another reblog from „When Fashion and Nature Collide“ – a monthly collaboration of three of my blogging friends who have been creating these fabulous capsules for a year now and who are celebrating their first anniversary.

Darren from over at The Arty Plantsman started with contributing his marvelous photos of stunning flowers, that inspire Dominique to come up with a wonderful outfit and Lisa to create one of her beautiful pieces of art.
However, he’s been taking a more active role now too, taking pictures of Dominique when he visited her in Montreal last year, and even modeling – both of which he has real talent for! And I look forward to see more of it, when he visits her again this year. 😉

His true specialty however lies in a different field – he’s an incredibly talented and exceptional artist! His delicate and extremely accurate paintings of flowers and plants never fail to simply amaze me – I have to admit: I wish I could paint like that!

And it gets even better than that – three of his botanical pieces have now been selected for the Society of Botanical Artists exhibition at London’s Mall Galleries from June 5th 2019!!
It’s the first time he has ever formally submitted his work for an exhibition, and I feel safe to predict, it won’t be his last!

And now I will let you enjoy this post, and hope you’ll visit Darren’s blog too!

The Arty Plantsman

Collage, concept and model – Dominique Nancy of 3C Style. Artwork by Lisa Lawrence of Lismore paper. Photos of 3C Style by Annie Gaudreau

I could not resist using the above collage. Firstly because it delights me, secondly because it speaks volumes about the joy of this project and thirdly because it was constructed by my two partners in crime, who I love dearly. Yes, WFNC has now been going for a full year and we thought that this month would therefore be good for a retrospective look at each of our own highlights of the year.

WFNC started as a four-person project but our friend Roda had to pull out to concentrate on her apiary business. The current team consists of Dominique Nancy of 3C Style in Canada, Lisa Lawrence of Lismore Paper in the USA, and myself in the UK. Messages are continually flying through the transatlantic ether…

View original post 1,213 more words

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

28 thoughts on “When Fashion and Nature Collide – Our First Anniversary!

  1. Just now checked Darren’s blog and it’s wonderful with beautiful pictures of his awesome collection of plants. And I am already following Lisa and Dominique. Definitely we are going to enjoy a lot of creativity here.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re welcome, Diana! I really have the most of fun sharing these blogs with my friends here. 😀 Should have started this sooner! But better late than never. 😉
      Have a lovely day! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much Sarah for your support and friendship. What a lovely tribute to Darren’s work and our team collaboration. Lisa and I are both so excited about Darren’s exhibition in London. We unfortunately can’t be there with him but at least we will see him one week before the big event. Thank you so much for introducing us to new bloggers Sarah. Hugs.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It really is my pleasure, Dominique! 😀
      I can only imagine how excited Darren must feel just by the thought of the exhibition, it’s a huge thing!
      Have a fabulous Sunday, dear friend! Hugs&love! xoxo ❤

      Liked by 2 people

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