The Queen of Rock – 30 Days 30 Songs

Day 13 of my new blog challenge –

Share Your Music! 30 Days 30 Songs!

If you’d like to join me, you can do this on any day you want, or also every day.

A pingback to my posts would be lovely, so that I can keep track of your favorite songs as well.


I have a feeling that many great rock bands wouldn’t have got  anywhere near where they are now, if it weren’t for that one band that is a milestone in rock music history – Queen.

Like with U2 and The Beatles it’s hard for me to pick just one song because I really love them all.

But since we’re talking rock… 😉

Sidenote: I’ve been stomping my feet and nodding my head off whilst writing this post. 😉


Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

31 thoughts on “The Queen of Rock – 30 Days 30 Songs

  1. Love Queen; love this song. I saw them perform in Auckland in 1985, and although it wasn’t the best concert I’ve ever been to (Freddie Mercury was sooo drunk), they were still amazing and I’m so glad I went as it turned out to be the only gig they ever played in this country.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh wow! I can totally see how – even though he was so drunk – it still must have been amazing! This band wrote rock history and in a way you’ve been part of that! 😀

      Liked by 2 people

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