Dancing In The Moonlight – 30 Days 30 Songs

Day 21 of my new blog challenge –

Share Your Music! 30 Days 30 Songs!

Please feel free to join in any time you want – casual players welcome!


Toploader (Image courtesy BBC)


When this song came out, nothing could stop me from dancing in the moonlight (and also sans moonlight!) – hope you’ll join me ’cause I simply can not sit still listening to this song! 😀



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

52 thoughts on “Dancing In The Moonlight – 30 Days 30 Songs

    1. Not surprisingly it’s a real challenge in every sense of the word, Inese! This little blogger finds it quite hard to blog every single day – lol! 😄😉
      But it’s lovely getting to know people a bit better by their music choices so I’m having a great time! 😄
      Happy Solstice weekend to you too! xxxxxxxxxxx

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I had to do a search because the video was unavailable, but glad i did it. That’s a beautiful happy song. I remember vaguely hearing it but had no idea who was the band. Have a wonderful weekend Sarah.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You weren’t the only one who had to do this, Dominique. Apparently no one could access the video on my blog. Hope the next ones will play without any problems, as I really don’t know why it didn’t work.
      Glas you enjoyed the song though! Have a beautiful weekend too! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It was not a big problem, but like you I am wondering why. It’s the Saint-Jean Baptiste celebration weekend over here. Lots of music bands and singers are performing in the parks. You would love it. Enjoy your weekend too!


    1. So glad it doesn’t make you sick anymore! I know the feeling though, those people working the radio stations really should know how often to play a song without making people sick of hearing it.

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    1. Aargh! That’s too bad about the video! I experienced it a couple of times on your blog as well but thought it was just me and didn’t say anything. But since I could find them on Youtube on my own, I didn’t really mind. Maybe there’s a conspiracy going on, trying to prevent us from swapping our favorite songs? 😂

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      1. Copyright laws are so variable I guess 😠
        I tried looking for some indication of whether the videos I chose would play in other countries, but so far I haven’t found it. I’m glad people are finding recordings they can play. Gotta love the internet!

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    1. Actually I don’t know how I’m doing it either, Jacqui! 😂 Just one week left though and then I can relax again. 😉
      Don’t worry about not commenting on every post, I know how much time that takes and am guilty of neglecting so many blogs at the moment. I’m just happy when you enjoy the songs! 😀


  2. Yes, I’ve had to google a couple of videos too. Also my comments on posts have ended up in the spam folder too. Like Brian, I’ve enjoyed the videos immensely when I’ve googled them. That’s a fun song, Sarah. I’ve heard it sung by other artists before or on movie soundtracks. I’m doing a lot of both singing and dancing because of your posts, Sarah.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I had to do the same with a couple of your videos as well and thought it was my lousy internet connection who is to blame! 😀 First time though I hear that you’re all having the same problem here, will have a look if I can do something to change it.
      I’m doing a lot of singing and dancing myself lately thanks to you and all the others who are joining us! 😀 Not a bad thing to do, in my book, even if it’s a tad hot around here. 😉

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      1. I actually know it’s a cover but thanks for adding the link to the original as well as it is something I wanted to do with all cover versions I put in this challenge anyway. 😀 Happy weekend, Manja!

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    1. That’s weird about the video not playing for any of you… I have the same problems too when visiting other blogs but thought it was just me. Will have to do some research and hope I can solve the problem!
      Glad you like the song though, Manja! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s too bad about the video! I have the same problem sometimes when visiting other blogs as well, but thought my lousy internet connection was to blame for this…
      Glad you enjoyed the song though, Brian! 🙂

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