Hopping Into Puddles


I’m spontaneously joining my dear friend Tracy from over at Reflections of An Untidy Mind for her Friday song!

Because today it’s Global Climate Strike I thought at first that I should opt for a song that’s more revolutionary, like “Sunday, Bloody Sunday” by U2 (which is one of my favorites).

But there’s so much gloom in the world already, and also so much fear. Fear of our future, of our children’s future, of our environment and the world in general. Too much fear, I feel, and so I chose a song that has never failed to ignite that spark of hope in me, that most important and precious glimmer that keeps me going and makes me believe that all is not lost, and that there is beauty in the world, and many good people who are fighting for it.

This song is incredibly beautiful, absolutely hypnotic and I admit I can listen to it for hours.

I hope you’ll like it too, and that it will give you that same spark and sense of positive energy it brings to me.

And if you’re wondering why I titled this post “Hopping Into Puddles” – well, that’s what the song’s title means. And what was more fun than hopping into puddles when we were kids? Exactly, not much. 🙂



Sigur Rós is an Icelandic avant-rock band from Reykjavík, and an absolutely brilliant one if you ask me. 😉

If you’re interested, here’s the Icelandic version of the lyrics:

Brosandi Hendumst í hringi Höldumst í hendur Allur heimurinn óskýr Nema þú stendur Rennblautur Allur rennvotur Engin gúmmístígvél Hlaupandi inn í okkur Vill springa út úr skel Vindurinn Og útilykt af hárinu þínu Ég anda eins fast og ég get Með nefinu mínu Hoppípolla I engum stígvélum Allur rennvotur (rennblautur) I engum stígvélumOg ég fæ blóðnasir En ég stend alltaf upp [Hopelandic] Og ég fæ blóðnasir Og ég stend alltaf upp [Hopelandic

And for those of you who don’t speak Icelandic either, the English Translation 😉 :


Spinning ’round and ’round

Holding hands

The whole world a blur

But you are standing


Completely drenched

No rubber boots

Running in us

Want to erupt from a shell

The wind

And outdoor smell of your hair

I breathe as hard as I can

With my nose

Hopping in puddles

Completely drenched


With no boots on

And I get nosebleed

But I always get up [Hopelandic]

And I get nosebleed

But I always get up [Hopelandic]

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

36 thoughts on “Hopping Into Puddles

  1. WOW! This is a powerful post Sarah. Your introduction is touching —I have the same fear as you regarding our planet and the future for our children. I choose to be positive but there are days I admit that I get really mad at all the stupidity and selfishness. Great song choice. Love it! Thanks for introducing it to me. I hadn’t heard of this band before, but I will look it up. The lead singer has such a wonderful voice.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Dominique! Like you I try to stay positive as much as possible but there are days where it’s quite hard to maintain it. But I think it’s important to not get paralyzed by our fears but try everything that is on our power and lead a life that doesn’t harm the planet in the long and short run.
      So glad you liked the music too! Yes, the singer has an amazing voice! I’m a soprano but I can’t sing as high as he can. 😂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome, Shari! They’re really special in the way that they try to find new ways to make music without sounding horrible at the same time which I’m sure could be easily done. 😉

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  2. I like my husband’s geological perspective on our current crisis. The earth will survive and many species, including humans. There have been eons of colder and much warmer weather on planet earth. The dinosaurs became extinct and mammals survived.
    That said, I think we are making ourselves miserable with pollution and materialism. Only a major crisis will make us mend our ways. Great post, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There’s a certain attraction to think in geological terms for sure, but I think we simply need to take responsibility and do all we can to conserve the beauty and nature of the world for future human generations as well. Otherwise I think that the planet would definitely improve if humankind were to become extinct at one point if we don’t start taking action… 😦

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      1. I completely agree with your last sentence, Sarah. Perhaps not having children makes us wish there were far less of us and many more tigers, elephants and all the creatures of the sea.

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  3. Thank you for sharing the beautiful song, Sarah! And I agree, there is far too much fear and gloom in the world already. Addressing climate change will take clear thinking, working together, and most of all hope that it can be done. If we lose that, then we lose everything!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re very welcome, Ann, and I’m glad you like the song and what I wanted to express by choosing it. 🙂 People can do amazing things if they just set their minds to it, let’s hope that this is the time when we finally all pull together and work as a team!

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    1. I’m so glad you like it, Marlene! Having heard Greta Thunberg’s speech yesterday and seeing that my government is finally taking steps to address global warming and pollution, I feel a little bit more hopeful today that indeed we can if we just want to. Al Gore also gave me hope by saying that he things the current president’s attitude – total denial – will in the end provoke more people to do something about it, than if he would ascend. If it works than I’m all for his stupidity. 😉

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I know a lot of “intelligent” people who don’t get it. Makes me so sad. As for the orange man, he’s the poster child for ignorance. Oh my goodness, I can hardly wait till the nightmare is over. I saw Greta on the news this morning again. This is really costing her a lot, emotionally. Please let them listen.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I thought so too about Greta, it really costs her a lot. You can practically see all those emotions bubbling and I don’t blame her as I feel the same – how can people have let it come so far and deny taking responsibility?

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  4. Thank you for introducing me to this great song. I also found the way they used the horn instruments so interesting. It looked like they were singing across the bell of the horn instead of blowing into the mouthpiece.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re very welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed this song! 😄 And I think that’s exactly what they did with the horn – amazing, right?! They love experimenting with different musical instruments which is something I admire a lot. 😊

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  5. A beautiful song, Sarah. I hadn’t heard of this band before, but I can see why you love it. A bit of joy, courage, and happiness is just what the world needs amidst all the bad news. ❤ Sometimes I think reminders of the happiness and peace we are capable of is the best news.

    Liked by 3 people

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