“I say let the world go to hell, I should always have my tea.” – Fjodor Dostojevski

My dear friend Su has come up with the fabulous idea to host a virtual tea party each month, indulging us with her wonderful photos of delicious food, beautiful china and great tea.

These days I have to admit that I think quite a lot about food.

It’s almost an obsession.

As soon as I’m awake and stumble into the kitchen to get my daily dose of oats for breakfast, I’m pondering what I will have for lunch and/or dinner, what I can snack in between, what yummy baked goodies might be served on Sundays… well, you get the drive. 😉

Luckily so far I manage to not eat everything what pops into my mind or I might have to go shopping for new clothes which under the circumstances I’m not too keen on.

But it’s always there, right at the back of my mind, which is why I literally can’t wait for it to be The Virtual Tea Party again, so that I have a good excuse to bake something (for you of course, I as the perfect hostess won’t take a bite, no, I won’t even nibble at any cake whatsoever!! Perish the thought!)

Carrot cake and carrot cake muffins with cream cheese frosting and a nice cup of Darjeeling (September 2020)

So today I’m going to serve you one of my all-time favorites, a cake that’s perfect in all seasons, summer or winter, spring or autumn:

The Carrot Cake! (Yes, the use of capital letters is deliberate.)

Who doesn’t love a good carrot cake, all spicy, soft, fluffy and moist at the same time? Okay, the cream cheese frosting can be argued (in my case I love it), which is why I’m going to serve it to you extra if you prefer it as well.

But otherwise I hope you’ll all help yourself to a piece of cake while I pour you tea or coffee.

And don’t get irritated by my little dragon, I promise he couldn’t hurt a fly and will only take a good look and a sniff at your cake. 😉

Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread and pumpkin pie.” – Jim Davis

Better be quick, my little baby dragon might change its mind after all. 😉

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

48 thoughts on ““I say let the world go to hell, I should always have my tea.” – Fjodor Dostojevski

  1. I am so glad I am not the only one constantly thinking of what I can make/bake next, and eagerly waiting for Su to post her Tea Party. It is all so comforting, convivial & delicious!

    Love your quotes – absolutely embrace them both!

    And of course, carrot cake & cream cheese …. sigh …. bliss …. and I love that you have made a loaf & minis. You are my kind of baker & tea companion!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love doing tea and haven’t done a tea party in years. My last husband’s favorite cake was carrot cake and that’s when I was first introduced to it. I love it too but not much of a fan of the sweet frosting. I will pick carrot cake more often than not. I think I need to have a tea party soon. Love your little dragon. My kids had many of them too for a long time. Too many moves later and things got left behind. Now I want my daughter to bring home a piece of carrot cake when she goes grocery tonight. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hope you got some carrot cake, Marlene! No frosting it is then. 😄
      Carrot cake seems to be the favourite of many and I’m glad your last husband introduced you to it! I can’t remember when I had my first piece and whether it was me who just tried it or someone else’s ‘fault’ 😁
      Zucchini cake is just as yummy by the way. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Carrot cake is my absolute favorite type of cake in the world. Can you send a piece over with your dragon (as airmail seems to suspended still?) In return I’ll send some sweet treats back! Mail by dragon, let’s make this a thing! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Mail by dragon is a marvellous idea!! 😀 But maybe we should wait until he’s grown a bit before we begin – the dragon should be a bit bigger than the cake he carries. 😂


  4. Dear friend, I love everything about this. Carrot cake is probably my absolute all-time favourite (unless it’s Christmas and there is a really really moist dark fruit cake on offer), and cream cheese frosting really is the “icing on the cake”!
    I love your beautiful crockery and am very happy to share afternoon tea with your beautiful little dragon.
    And of course best of all, I have your company.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww – thanks so much, Su! My little baby dragon and I are thrilled to have you as our guest – would you mind giving him a good scratch behind his ears while I serve cake and tea? The poor lad has difficulty to reach it with his short legs. 😉💕💕

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      1. Oh, Sarah, you tempt me! Okay then, two small pieces please, one with a little cream on top! That way I can enjoy it for longer. I see it’s bone china today, lovely, only the best for us!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe! Mine too, Shari! 😉
      And thanks so much!! It’s surprisingly lots of fun to arrange everything for the photo shoot, like painting in a way what with composition. The only downside is that I have to wait eating until I get the right shot!! LOL!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. When my older son started Cub Scouts, I was asked to bake a cake for a troop event. I made a plain Jane chocolate cake but found out when we arrived that it was meant to be a cake decorating competition. Cakes were frosted to look like a camp out in the woods, a canoe ride down a river, a hike in the mountains. The table looked like a bakery conventions. When I saw my mistake, I told the kids to eat their cake – no point waiting to be disappointed that we weren’t going to win. So imagine my amazement that my cake DID win – the judges decided that a plate of crumbs was the best decorated cake of all – too good to wait for judging.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. That’s a Hollywood kind of cake story, Shari!! How amazing and how well deserved too because that’s exactly the best cake – the one that’s meant to be eaten immediately instead of just to be admired. 😀 The jury was spot on!


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