Ships, Moons and More

Asteroid Impacts (april 2015, acrylic on canvas; 20×20 cm)


Stardust (may 2015, acrylic on canvas; 20×20 cm)


Death of the Endurance (march 2015, acrylic on canvas; 40×40 cm)


Polar Explorer (feb. 2014, acrylic on canvas; 20×20 cm)



Abandonment  (jan. 2015, acrylic on canvas; 50×40 cm)



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

34 thoughts on “Ships, Moons and More

    1. Thank you very much, Patty!! 🙂 Wow! I´ve never been asked that before (there´s always a first, I guess 😉 )! Of course, you may use it, I would be honoured 🙂 If you could just mention somewhere on the page or link back where it´s from I´m more than fine with it 😀 I´m so excited about it!!! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Just read your comment over there…thanks again 🙂
        And let me tell you again…your work is worthy to be exposed, not only in secret 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. No, it´s me to thank you!!! 🙂
        What a wonderful compliment – you absolutely made my day by saying that!!! 😀 Now I´ll go around grinning from one ear to the other 😉 Wish you a beautiful day, too!!! xxx

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Whoo-Hoo! Splendid – “Death of the Endurance” is still one of my favourite pictures! I´m so happy you like them all – you´ve clearly made my day! I´m grinning from ear to ear! 😀 Cheers! Sarah xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

    1. WoW! Thank you so much! De Chirico represents early surrealism, does he not? I´m not very familiar with his work, but what I´ve seen so far I really liked a lot:) I have to admit that I was in a rather somber mood when I painted Abandonment…
      Oh, and please don´t stop relating everything to Surrealism – I think that´s awesome!;)


      1. Yes, I´m german:) Unfortunately I haven´t had the opportunity to visit Cologne so far, but I´m sure it must have been great! I´ll make sure to read through your posts about Max Ernst in the following days – I´m sure it will open my eyes:) Have to get some sleep now (for me it´s 1:26 am) 😉 Good night!


    1. Great!! Can´t wait to read them:) I´m still need to decide on which of your lovely poems to work as inspiration…there are just too many pictures in my head quarreling for attention! But the good thing is, I´m feeling rather gloomy (well, of course that´s not good in general terms, but it does sometimes help to get the creativeness flowing, don´t you think?)

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      1. Don’t be gloomy my friend. Then I also feel that such feelings bring out the best in us sometimes, so let the creative juices pour out! Let the pictures come out through your fingers. Brighten up! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you so much my friend – I´ll try (just not too much though, so the juices keep pouring;) Your lovely comments do really brighten up my mood – even succeded in making that frown go away:)

        Liked by 1 person

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