Guinea Pigs

A friend of mine just loooves guinea pigs – and was lucky to get a couple for christmas:) Now she´s shown me some pictures and I simply couldn´t resist and did a few quick sketches – hope you like them:)







Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

8 thoughts on “Guinea Pigs

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment Chris! 🙂 It´s wonderful that your mind fills in the blanks – this is exactly what it´s supposed to do according to several art theorists! This way a connection is established between the artwork and the observer. I´m so glad it worked out so well with these drawings:) Cheers, Sarah

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      1. Hi Sarah:
        I’m a big believer in seeing what the mind can fill in or do with things, though I’ve minimal art training. A couple of months ago, I heard how Scott Adams does this in his comic Dilbert. Whether in drawing, writing or comics, there is much to be gained. I agree about it establishing a connection. Have a great day. Cheers, Chris

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      2. Hi Chris, I haven´t heard it before, but now that you´ve said it, I realize how true it is when it comes to writing! The greatest novels, plays or short stories are mostly quite minimalistic – it´s the reader who puts into it whatever he or she might think worth to add to the story, like how the character looks like, what he feels etc. There are of course novels where it´s the other way round and they are just as marvellous;) So glad that you´ve brought this to my attention! Oh, and Scott Adams is great!:) Cheers, Sarah

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