Impeccable Models

I guess this is a slightly different kind of reblogging…:)


A couple of weeks ago I came across a wonderful blog called ““A Gerbil´s World” – and asked Timon and Pumbaa permission for using their beautiful pictures to practice drawing. Luckily it was granted and they were simply impeccable models – they didn´t move when asked to hold a position and didn´t throw a fit when I failed to come up with their favourite snacks;)


Here are the results – I hope you like them;)









Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

27 thoughts on “Impeccable Models

    1. Thank you very much! I love them too – both the characters and the gerbils of course!;) And thank you so much for liking so many posts and following my blog! I´ve just read some of your poetry and I love it! It´s very strong and creates lots dark and beautiful pictures in my head – I´ll be looking forward to read more from you! Have a great day! Sarah:)

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      1. I am so elated by your comment. Thanks for following my blog. I am really glad you liked my posts and I hope to keep writing some good stuff, you’ve really inspired me with those kind words! Thanks Sarah! Have a good day ahead! 🙂

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      2. You´ve got a wonderful talent and I can´t wait to read more from you! It´s seldom for me that people can provoke such strong emotions in me with their words – I´m more the visual kind I guess. But your poetry just makes pictures pop up into my head which is wonderful. I wonder if I could paint or draw something suitable in relation to it… Wish you a wonderful weekend! Sarah:)

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      3. Oh dear! This literally makes me blush!😍😊
        To tell you the truth, it is the picture that accompanies my poems, which makes me think and brings out those words. It’s the reverse for me!
        I’d love to see your drawing for something written by me or say write on something you’ve drawn! Wow, it excites me!!
        Have a wonderful weekend Sarah! Lots of love and best wishes! Syeda 🙂

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      4. Awesome!! We should really collaborate then! I would feel so honoured if one of my paintings or drawings would inspire you, or would love to come up with something for a poem you´ve already written! My, now I´m the one blushing!:) This really is EXCITING!! Wish you lots of inspiration for your weekend;) Lots of love and best wishes to you too Syeda! Sarah xoxo

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      5. The secrets of Sarah and Syeda! 😂😂
        Have a wonderful weekend dear! Stay happy and blessed! Lucky me to have struck upon such lovely and inspiring people like you! 🙂

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