I’m abandoned (or) Am I abandoning all?


I´ve met a wonderful new friend here just a couple of days ago – SyedaFR –  and she writes the most beautiful poetry I´ve ever read!


After liking each other´s posts like crazy;) we´ve come up with the idea to create something new: I said that I would love to paint or draw something in relation to one of her poems as they just flooded my imagination with pictures, and she said that she would love to write something in response to one of my pieces – she optioned for the painting “Abandonement” seen below – and she was first!:)


Here comes her beautiful, beautiful poem:


Walking alone on the once known track,
I feel today like a lost bird, where feelings lack.

In the darkness I move or in broad daylight,
I see all but no human in vision or sight.

They are all breathing and moving herds,
Who feel with minds, souls like caged birds.

No one to see my tears or feel my pain,
Who look at me, wishing to add onto their gain.

A body of a woman, is all what they see,
But what about the bruised side of me.

They will use and then leave me in abandonment,
For them I am not a life, but I will not lament.

I will come back here, powerful and strong,
I will walk again in here, while I sing my song.

Farewell, till then, O streets inhabited by heartless,
I am not born to live here, for I cannot be a pawn in chess!



Quelle: I’m abandoned (or) Am I abandoning all?



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

21 thoughts on “I’m abandoned (or) Am I abandoning all?

    1. Thank you so, so much Syeda, you don´t know how much this means to me! (My eyes are starting to brim over with happy, happy tears…) 🙂 I´ve finished my drawing for you and I´m going to post it together with your magnificent poem right now! I really hope you like it… Lots and lots of love, Sarah:)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It is one amazing piece you’ve created Sarah! Loved it! Totallllllly!!!! You are amazing girl. Lots and lots of love and hugs dear! Stay happy and blessed always! We are rocking now! 👍👍

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Oh no problem Sarah! The lesser the better, I feel sometimes with social media! I guess it will be ‘Good Morning’ soon for you! 🙂 Stay happy and blessed dear Friend!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so very much Chris!! I am glad you like it!! I just love architecture but I have to admit it can be quite tricky to paint or draw it (perspectionwise).
      And I´m still totally stunned at Syeda´s talent to come up with such a beautiful poem so quickly! Cheers, Sarah:)

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Architecture is obviously one of my favorite things to photograph. I would imagine that trying to show it well in paintings or drawings could be a challenge. I admire your ability to do it so well in this piece. Cheers!

        Liked by 3 people

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