We´re Done

After having worked for days on end, the bunnies filled their bellies with tons of lettuce and are now enjoying a well-deserved rest!


well deserved rest
resting bunnies


P.S. I´m lying in bed as well, but unfortunately with another cold 😦

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

63 thoughts on “We´re Done

    1. Merci beaucoup, Léa! 🙂 I´m definitely better than I was then, thank you. Just some annoying little coughs from time to time, but I´m sure it will pass:)
      Wish you (soon) a lovely weekend in France! Any nice trips planned? Sarah xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Merci Sarah. I’m glad you are feeling better. Don’t let that cough go unchecked to long. 🙂
        Have a wonderful weekend yourself. Some friends and I are off to a big art festival and I hope there is a blog post or two there? 😉 Léa xoxo

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you so much Sarah. I had planned to attend this art festival last year but was unable so I am very excited about it and one of the people I am going with is an artist his girlfriend an art historian so it will be GREAT!!! 🙂 xoxo

        Liked by 1 person

      3. It was a bit smaller than I thought but a wonderful day and I hope everyone enjoys the photos. I hope to have it for next week’s post. However, a few of the artists asked to email me a word or two… 🙂

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      4. Oh dear, now I hope you are not disappointed… 🙂 One of the delights it was not outdoors but in a few studios, galleries but also in people’s gardens and even in their homes! Imagine! 🙂 xoxo

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      5. I promise, I won´t be 🙂
        That´s interesting, it sounds very much like a similar art festival we have over here in Berlin. It´s called “48 Stunden (/hours) Neukölln (/district)”. It´s alwayds so much fun to go and visit their homes and ateliers 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Absolutely! That first garden was lovely and I hope some of the photos do it justice? Berlin, it must be a fascinating place to visit. Perhaps one day… The only time I was in Germany doesn’t really count as it was a plane stopover. 🙂

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      1. No, not really 😦 I´ve been to the doctor today and he says it´s not just a cold but sinusitis! Now I´ve to take antibiotics 😦 Well, I hope they´ll help me 🙂 Have a lovely day! xoxo

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      2. Oh my gosh I’m sorry 😦 get well soon I hope you feel better and have had a great day 😘💖💖

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