Broken Face



Finally my eyesight has improved and I don´t need to go out with my sunglasses anymore – well, at least not when it´s cloudy. 🙂

That means I´m back to my sketchpad and pencil – yippieeeeh! 🙂

Having experienced how it is like to be blind as a bat, I did a drawing of this broken face, a plaster cast from an antique statue with the upper part of the head long gone.

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

27 thoughts on “Broken Face

  1. Your drawing brought to mind a line from an old song that I think was borrowed from another source. I can’t remember it verbatim, but it’s something like: there are none so blind as those who will not see. Good work, Sarah. 🙂

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    1. Thank you very much, Cathy!! 🙂
      Your line resonates in me, and I might have heard it somewhere also, but can´t remember it. A bit like from “Amazing Grace”, but that´s not it. But it´s wonderful that my drawing made you think of it – I love it when this happens 🙂 Have a lovely day! xoxo

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  2. Thank you, Patty! 🙂
    I could do that, but as I have already posted it, I guess it´s kind of too late 😉 But you´re right, I´ll try to soften the shadowing next time 🙂 Thank you for the reasonable criticism 🙂 Good night! xoxo

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