One Lovely Blog Award

I´ve been nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award by my awesome friend Shay-lon over at Staying healthy isn´t a crime (btw: great blog title, isn´t it?). Thank you sooooo much Shay-lon!!! 🙂

Please visit her truly amazing blog – Shay-lon writes wonderfully about many things considering health and fitness, shares her knowledge with us and generally is such a lovely person!! I´m very proud to call her my friend! 🙂

Her latest hobby seems to be awarding me for every possible Blog Award or Challenge, and I´ll be very busy the next weeks to get them all done 😉


The Rules for the One Lovely Blog Award:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to them (done!)
  • Share 7-15 facts about yourself (going to!)
  • Nominate 9-15 bloggers you admire and contact them to let them know (likewise)

Facts about me:

  • I´ve studied art history and archeology.
  • I belong to a very small minority of people who learned latin a n d ancient greek at school.
  • So far I haven´t painted in oil yet (only in acrylic) because it´s much more smellier and expensive.
  • I´m neither a vegetarian nor a vegan but eat any kind of meat very rarely anyway.
  • I´d love to have a tattoo but utterly fail at deciding on the design and therefore very likely will never get one.
  • I still prefer to go to the real cinema every once in a while instead of home-cinema.
  • I like wearing hats but am still missing a nice Indiana Jones-like Fedora.
  • Any fresh croissant in a 50 mile radius isn´t safe from me.
  • I once coloured my hair red in an attempt to look like Kate Winslet in “Titanic” but ended up looking like a popular german cartoon character called “Pumuckl”. Quite needless to say that I ran to the drugstore next morning and coloured it right back 😉
  • I like watching documentaries – to learn something while you´re watching TV is just awesome.
  • I like reading books about mountaineering but never “climbed” higher than 800m.


My nominees for the award:

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

22 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Imagine my surprise when I saw my name as a nominee for this award! When I first started my blog, I wrote that I would not accept any awards, even though it is quite an honor. I have not recently updated that statement, but maybe its time. I’m just glad that you comment on my posts whenever you see something you like- which seems to be every time lately. Hope I can keep that up. Oh, and I love the birds post you just did. Thanks again and congrats to you. My wife is the same as you with croissants. And she prefers documentaries or films based on a true story. maybe that’s why I like you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for your lovely comment, Emilio!!! 🙂
      And you´re very welcome! Of course, there´s no pressure in accepting the award – I completely understand when people chose not to do them, but I always feel it´s fun 🙂
      Haha! Yes, my comments have increased lately, due to me not blogging as much as before. Now I have more time to read the blogs I like and even comment from time to time! Yours is truly awesome, I like your photography and sense of humour very much 😀
      I already suspected your wife to be amazing, but now that I know of our shared passion for croissants and documentaries, I just know it to be true 😉 Have a great day! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations, well deserved! Thank you for nominating me, sunshine! I have three nominations due, very embarrassing because I always accept them… but these months were too intense and I don’t see myself writing any post until the end of October ( most of my current posts were written long ago and scheduled…) But thank you again, I really appreciate your thinking of me. One day I will put up an extra blog with all the nominations in it. xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Inese!! 🙂 And you´re very welcome 😀 It´s the same over here with the nominations! 🙂 Love to do them but rarely find the time 😉
      What an awesome idea: a blog only dedicated to nominations! You must definitely do that!! 🙂 Have a very beautiful and inspiring week!!! xxxxx ❤
      P.S. Finished my painting about the birds we both so much love last weekend and am going to post it soon 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow…thank you dear and congratulations to you 🙂
    Like these facts about you…about the tattoo, I finally got one, a small one, my wedding-ring 🙂


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