A Storm´s Coming…

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Clouds over Tempelhofer Feld, looking west (July 2016)


As is often the case in summer, I´ve been on a short round on my bike at the former airport “Tempelhofer Feld” a couple of weeks ago when suddenly the clouds that started gathering in the west, rapidly came nearer.

I made a few pictures and went home as fast as possible. Literally two minutes after I shut the door behind me, rain started to pound down!

I´m showing you these pictures because in my mind clouds can be wonderful pieces of art created by nature and I never can stop marvelling at their beauty (or look for hidden creatures and pictures 😉 ). Also my friend Su – a fantastic photographer! – over at Zimmerbitch encouraged me to share my pics 😉

(So, if anyone´s to blame, it´s her! 😉 )

The whole scenario on the field reminded me of a poem I just read by one of my favourite poets, Robert Frost.

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Tempelhofer Feld, looking north (August 2016)


Storm Fear by Robert Frost

When the wind works against us in the dark,
And pelts with snow
The lower chamber window on the east,
And whispers with a sort of stifled bark,
The beast,
‘Come out! Come out!’–
It costs no inward struggle not to go,
Ah, no!
I count our strength,
Two and a child,
Those of us not asleep subdued to mark
How the cold creeps as the fire dies at length,–
How drifts are piled,
Dooryard and road ungraded,
Till even the comforting barn grows far away,
And my heart owns a doubt
Whether ’tis in us to arise with day

And save ourselves unaided.


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Do you know any storm or rain related poems you´d like to share?


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Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

59 thoughts on “A Storm´s Coming…

    1. No worries! And thank you so much for taking the time and liking so many of my posts and for your lovely comment! 🙂 I really appreciate it very much! Wish you a very beautiful and peaceful weekend too! Sarah 🙂 xxx

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    1. Thank you very much, Rebecca!! 🙂 I had the same thought when I saw the pics at home 😉 Please feel free to use them as inspiration for one of your beautiful paintings!! I would so love to see that! 🙂

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  1. Wonderful post (The Frost poem was a nice touch) and great photographs. Feel kind of guilty though since the first thing I thought of when seeing the title was the end of The Terminator.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Inese!! 🙂 I really was lucky – both with the pictures and with the getting home before the storm started 😉 It was quite frightening and pretty intense. Have a beautiful week, my friend! 🙂 xxxxxx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, L.T.!! 🙂
      He´s one of the best, isnt´he? 😀 I was so glad when I finally knew enough english to read his poems in the original – soooo much better than in the german translation 😉

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      1. Thank you so much, Genie! That really means a lot to me 😀
        Everybody visiting your beautiful blog can see how much art means to you! Everything – your words and the wonderful pictures you chose – speak of it and are so full of beauty! It is always such a pleasure to see and read your posts 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much!!! 🙂 It was indeed a bit scary to stand there, but also a bit mesmerizing as well. I was also fascinated by those rays of sunshine fighting their way through 🙂 Have a lovely weekend! xxx

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  2. These are beautiful photos Sarah, and I’ll happily take “the blame” for encouraging you to share them. The first shot particularly really captures the feeling we get when a storm is coming. Fear, exhilaration, wonder: I feel these in the image. And the Frost poem is perfect! Happy weekend.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you soooo much, Su!!! 🙂 I´ve been a bit worried as it is not my “usual” field of photography but everybody seems to like them 😀 Yippieh! 🙂
      Awesome! Those are exactly the things I felt when I was taking the pictures!
      I have a vers soft spot for Robert Frost, even know a couple of his poems by heart 😉
      You too have a beautiful weekend! xxx ❤
      P.S. Followed your links to those great photographers and am just sooo in love with their works!! Thank you so much again! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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