Early Morning Walk

(Fontanepromenade with view of the Garnisonskirche, Berlin Kreuzberg)

Usually I’m anything but an early bird. But after having started taking photographs, I more and more came to realise that waking up early and dragging my rather unenthusiastic and sleepdeprived body (and mind) outside, does have its benefits as there are far less people around obstructing the view on buildings and places. 😉 

(Fontanepromenade looking north)
Naturally it’s much easier for me to do that in summer than during the winter, and so the amount of images taken early in the morning will definitely be a very small one. Funny enough it’s not so much the cold that keeps me from pursuing this new found hobby but the lack of natural light. If the sun is shining I couldn’t care less how freezing cold it is outside, I go out there and discover my city (ok, let’s be honest with myself: I draw the line at -10° C/14°F 😉). But sadly those days are really rare here in Berlin. 

I also started editing my photos with snapseed which I downloaded a couple of weeks ago  (you may have noticed my poinsettia picture at Christmas had also been edited). Normally I’m a purist when it comes to photographs that is to say I like to leave them exactly as they were when I shot them.

This however doesn’t keep me from admiring photos that have been highly edited if the result is stunningly beautiful. 😄 

With my new editing software though I discovered the pleasure of reinventing my photos, to make 2 pieces of art instead of just one, to transport the picture to a different level of storytelling if you like. Because that’s one of the things every picture, be it a painting, drawing or a photograph, does in my mind – tell us a story.

(Fontanepromenade after editing with snapseed)
I also discovered that when editing my photos I tend to give them a gothic kind of feel, somehow imagining it to be the cover of a gothic/horror novel, thriller or detective story. 😅 

(Garnisonskirche after editing with snapseed)
So here I give you not only the photos of my early morning walk but also their highly edited twins. Please let me know what you think of them and if you also have to reign your editing horses in sometimes! 😉

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

52 thoughts on “Early Morning Walk

  1. I loved the color photographs with the mist and sun rays. I like the beauty in the church right in the middle of nature! Simply beautiful, Sarah!
    The editing adds drama, I think and a different “feel” or atmosphere to the pictures. Which do you like best, Sarah dear? hugs and kisses ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Robin! It’s one of my favourite churches here in Berlin – and we have many! I’m actually considering to make a little series about them… it would definitely keep me busy! 😉
      And thank you for asking me which I like best! I think I like them all for different reasons: the first for its warmth and mist like you said, and the edited ones for their mysterious feeling. But the black-and-white one from the Fontanepromenade is my little favourite 😉 I was stunned by myself how well it came out 😉
      Huge hugs! XOXOXO 💜


    1. Thank you so much, Terry!! 🙂 It´s so lovely to hear from you again, but please don´t overexert yourself! My blog doesn’t go anywhere 🙂 But I appreciate it very, very much that you dropped by 🙂 And now back to bed! 😉 Have a lovely and happy Sunday, dear friend! xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I like the edits and originals… but the church shot is the one that I like original mostly…
    I also think it is cool to see your editing bent. I wonder if you will change in a few years – or a couple. I feel like I am so different in my art and preferences from just a few years ago – that surprises me….

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I am with you on the temperature and also with you on keeping photos original.
    However, that Gothic feel you gave those wonderful pictures…yep, love those too!
    ps..check your mail and now I think of it…a photo by your hand would be also a great option…again, check your mail 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. First of all; lovely images. I like both the originals and your edits. You know that I am a big fan of editing to enhance or create mood and I think you’ve used Snapseed really well here. The images tell a very different story after editing. Yay for early morning walks. xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Su! 😄 In fact it was you who motivated me to give it a try since I’m so awed by your pics all the time! 😄 Love the whole learning by doing process of it 😉 Wish you a wonderful summer weekend, any swimming in the ocean planned by chance? And how’s your knee? I hope it has improved! xxxxxxxx


  5. I like both versions, myself. I think it’s hard to know where to draw the line between leaving a photo exactly where it is, and making it into something different. Both have their attractions!

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    1. Thank you, Ann!! 😄 I’m with you on it being a difficult thing, it’s similar to the problem of drawing or painting an image to death if you can’t stop before that crucial moment I think. Luckily I can keep the original image as well whereas a painting would be lost forever…

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Editing really does change the entire feel isn’t it? I love the one with the haze of sunshine:)
    It does take immense will power to venture out on winter mornings & capture such wonderful pictures. Kudos to you Sarah❤😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Divya! 😄
      It really is incredible what editing can do, even to pictures that aren’t that good from the beginning 😉
      And it’s definitely more fun than venturing out on cold mornings 😉
      Wish you an immensely wonderful weekend dear! 😄😚❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much! 😄
      I completely understand if you don’t edit because it really takes so much time and why bother when the pics are already as beautiful as the ones I just admired on your latest posts? xxx

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    1. Thank you very much for your comment, Laura! 😄 I’m also deeply interested in the process of creation by other artists. Sometimes it’s even more interesting than the art itself 😉
      Have a wonderful week! 😄

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  7. I’m not saying I don’t like the edited versions because they both have (like Elvis Costello in his prime) their attractions. (Little joke there for anyone who remembers the 70’s) It’s just I much prefer the originals for some reason. Fine work though Sarah on both counts 🙂
    My horses tend to fall at the first fence so my editing is a loooooong, draaaaawn out process 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Phil! 😄 Although I have to admit not to be ver familiar with Elvis Costello (I know, I know: mea maxima culpa! 😉), I think I know what you mean. Maybe you could provide me with a similar metaphor from the 80s or 90s?
      And to be honest, if I were not still so enthralled with the editing software, I’d probably not have done it with these pics 😉
      Do your horses find their way over the fence by sneaking around it? 😉

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      1. Elvis Costello (a once famous singer here in the UK) had a backing group called the Attractions. I’ll update the joke next time I comment, presuming you provide a future piece worth commenting on 😉 My horses feign tiredness and get driven home in a comfy horse box with lots of fresh hay/straw. That’s how they sneak around it 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Okay, now I get it 😉 And thanks for not putting me under pressure relating to my next post 😉
        And let me just say that I totally relate to your horses, they sound like they know how to live comfortable 😄 But I need to insist on an extra bag of oats! 😉

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  8. I’m on the fence here … I love the original images but the edited versions, particularly the fontanepromenade are fantastic. I think I would be dangerous if I had anything more advanced than the standard iPhoto software that came with Mr Mac …. I honestly would! Xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Osyth! 😄
      Haha! I completely understand that but I think it would be worth a try if you lay your hands on another editing software 😃 It’s a lot of fun actually and after you’re through with trying out every silly feature (and believe me I did!) it can make even awful pictures look nice sometimes 😉 xxxxxx

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